Thursday, December 31, 2020

NYE Top Nine

Hello Friends! 

I set a goal to post every day this month and only missed 2 days, so I'm calling it a win.  My posts most of the year were sporadic, so hopefully this is the incentive I needed to be a better blogger in the new year.

Over on Instagram, I generated and posted my top nine photos of 2020.  Turns out cats, crochet and cross-stitch are very popular.

It's been 5 months since Jingles died and I still get very teary-eyed every single time I say or even just type her name.  Bottom right is Rusty, our outside kitty who unfortunately was chased off by a new tomcat who moved in.  We hadn't seen him in awhile, but he showed up the day after Jingles died looking for food and brought a smile to my face. Sadly I haven't seen him since.  The middle picture is the cross-stitch I worked on in the days after Jingles died as I cried my eyes out.

I bought what I thought was a picture frame from Daiso last week.

Turns out it was actually a memo board and doesn't have a glass front, but it is the exact size I needed for the kitty cross-stitch.
I used double-sided tape to stick it in.
I hope that you are finding joy in whatever you are doing this last day of  2020.

Happy New Years Eve!


Joyce F said...

Love the crochet and cats. I'm not a cross stitch person though I admire projects others have done. Happy New Year from Kansas USA.

Oliva Ohlson said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! Pretty cross stitch of Jingles. Great job on your posting goal for this month. Wishing you a very happy New Year!

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

Sorry for the loss of your beloved pet, they really are members of the family , arent they. Your cross stitch is ab and fits perfectly in the glass-less frame :)
Wishing you and all your family a very happy and peaceful New Year, Jillxx

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Yes it is awfully hard for getting our beloved Angel kitties out of our thoughts. On December 28, our Barty boy was gone for two months. Can't believe this!
Your cross stitch embroidery with a Jingle's look alike turned out so lovely.
Wishing you a Happy New Year as you already moved into 2021...

Lorrie said...

Congratulations on your posting achievement in December. That's a lovely stitching of Jingles. Happy New Year!

Dee said...

That is the perfect tribute to Jingles.

Happy New Year, Tammy. I hope 2021 brings you joy.

Angie said...

Tammy - this collection of your favorite photos captures you very well. (I am so glad there was no trash!) Happy New Year to you!

Betsy said...

Beautiful artwork Tammy. The cross stitch is a beautiful representation of Jingles. I think the frame was meant to be. It fits perfectly. I hope your other kitty turns up again soon and sticks around.
Happy New Year my friend. I hope you find 2021 to be a year of peace, health and love.

Meredith said...

I know you are missing your beautiful Jingles, Tammy. Sending you a hug. Happy New eEar my friend. Stay safe.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Cannot leave a comment on your newer post... Wonder why?!
Trying it here and otherwise I will email you.
Dearest Tammy,
Wishing you and yours the very best for 2021!
Lovely photos and yes, I too woke up to the noisy neighborhood.
Our kitties were all inside and remained calm though!
Pieter did not hear a thing either...
Woke up around 4:00 AM and replied to some messages from two other continents as they all were ahead of us.
Funny to see how the birds can fluff up into a big ball of down, in winter time.
Your Lebanese restaurant for lunch no doubt was an excellent choice.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Okay, figured it out, as it forces us to check the "I'm not a robot"

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