With our weekend being Friday and Saturday, Sunday was actually the first official day of Spring Break. We talked about a short getaway, and I do love to travel, but sometimes it is nice to just stay at home.
Staycations are an opportunity to connect with friends during the week without being rushed,
and still have time at home to do all the things I want to do.
Yesterday morning I enjoyed a simple, but delicious South Indian breakfast with my friend, Samantha. This branch of the Udupi restaurants isn't the nicest one, but you can't beat the price of an Indian breakfast.
Afterwards, we headed over to a secondhand bookstore that I had heard about but never been to. Apparently it is Samantha's secret getaway to relax and read in peace and quiet for at least a couple of hours every week.
The book store has a very inconspicious entry but the interior is absolutely delightful. Quotes are found in the stairwell that leads down to the basement which is filled to the brim with books.
Such a lovely, cozy, inviting atmosphere.
And of course, I came away with three wonderful little books.
I've already read A Short Guide to a Happy Life -- it really is short, but speaks a simple truth. I believe living a simple life and practicing daily random acts of kindness will most certainly result in a happy life.
Have a wonderful day!