Everyone knows Las Vegas, the one in Nevada.
So when I say I went to Las Vegas, I always have to say New Mexico, which most people have never heard of.
The city was originally developed as the Mexican port of entry on the Santa Fe Trail. It is divided into two parts; Old Town, founded by Spanish Settlers in 1835, and New Town which was developed when the railroad arrived in 1879. It is a lovely mix of adobe and Victorian homes.
My girlfriend and former hairdresser here in Kuwait, moved there a couple of years ago and bought a gorgeous Victorian house built by a Syrian family in the late 1800's.
For a small town of about 14,000, Las Vegas, NM has a lot to offer.
It is the home of Highlands University established in 1893; Luna Community College (not pictured) ...
and the Montezuma Castle which houses one of the 14 Armand Hammer World Colleges found worldwide.
The Plaza is where all community activities and concerts are held.
Across from there is The Plaza Hotel, built in 1882, known as the Belle of the Southwest at one point. It has been purchased by an individual and is currently being completely refurbished.
We ventured into Plaza Antiques where there is a resident cat.
I could not pass up this lovely beaded bag that says Jerusalem as that is where my husband's family is from.
Kathy is very much into the historic preservation of the town and for the past few years has organized a tour of historic homes (now called Places With a Past). We took a driving tour of the places on this year's tour that was to take place on August 2nd (the very day I was returning to Kuwait).
Las Vegas was originally named Nuestra SeƱora de los Dolores de Las Vegas Grandes (Spanish: “Our Lady of the Sorrows of the Great Meadows”). We stopped to visit the Nuestra Senora de Delores Catholic Church which was started in 1851 and completed in 1870.

The showpiece of the church is the massive pipe organ that was brought piece by piece by train from Kansas in 1885.
The Historic El Fidel Hotel was built in the 1920's and has a beautiful lobby and restaurant where local art is sold and the food is always good.
Kathy has her own resident cat named Charlie. He showed up one day last year to find his forever home with her. He is a handsome little fellow with a big personality.

She also has some very friendly neighbors.
If you ever find yourself in Las Vegas, NM, you must stop at the Spic for fresh tortillas. (This picture is from last year when my husband was with us; I didn't take a picture of the Spic this year but I did drop in to get some of the tortillas. Oh my, they are the best.)
Kathy believes that the town is going to boom once again. The Hotel Castenada, built in 1898, is currently being restored by the owner of La Posada Hotel in Winslow, Arizona. Homes across town are slowly being restored to their original glory days. It is wonderful to see so much of the past being preserved.
Have a great weekend!