After two days of being home and enjoying my time, I finally ventured out this morning for groceries. Big mistake. It is hot! It is dusty! And I've had a honkin headache ever since.

This sweet little red and white crocheted basket came home with me. And I'm still trying to use up all those crocheted chains I made. I may be going too far with the recycling though. The brown part of the flowers on this card are from the liners in a box of chocolates a friend gave me. What can I say? Waste not, want not.

Even when it is hot outside, no matter the time of year, I still like to make soup. I posted the recipe for this Chickpea, Tomato and Pasta soup before. It is one of my favorites.

For dinner we had tuna on Wasa crispbread and a nice tomato salad with coriander. Simple, easy, yet nutritious. Of course, when I came home from grocery shopping, the kids wanted to know why there was no chips or candy or ice cream. My husband is the one who usually buys that stuff.

My 14 year old had a burst of creative energy so grabbed a rock from the balcony and painted it. I bought red and black frames so that he could do some of his twirly swirly artwork for me but he hasn't even started that yet. Maybe bribery will work.

I'm feeling the need to crochet. Tried this rose pattern from
Elizabeth Cat's blog, it just didn't poof up as much as her's.

I'm visiting a friend tomorrow morning so need to go bake something. Then I'll sit and crochet. Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday wherever you are, whatever you are doing.
Best wishes always, Tammy