Saturday, February 15, 2025


 It had been about 5 weeks since I last met with my craft group; and today's meeting was the last until sometime after the month of Ramadan which will be the whole of March this year.
My craft friend Zahra gave me a few early birthday gifts -- a couple from her trip to the Phillipines.  The wallet is woven glossy magazine pages.
 My fave, of course, the granny square phone cover.
Happy Saturday.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday On the Go

 Early morning sweets shopping -- our son wants to take treats back for his friends.
Al fresco dining -- falafel sandwiches for breakfast.
A walk around the old souk where I finally saw some of the new painted murals that I'd read about on Instagram.
The oldest tea cafe in Kuwait.

Fruit and souvenir shopping and then we were done.
A nice morning out.
Chinese food for lunch.
Then our son spent the afternoon and evening with a friend.

In the meantime, I realized I'd not seen Rosie in some time. She usually greets us when we come home and we'd been in and out a lot today.  She was nowhere to be found.  I even walked around the block searching.

Somehow, this very bad kitty got out the front door unnoticed and I eventually found her hiding in our stairwell behind a screen divider.   Now she's sitting with me, purring loudly as if she didn't give me quite a scare.
Bad photo, but it was taken on Wednesday when it rained all day.  My son and I tried out some locally made carbonated drinks and I snapped this photo of Rosie.  (She loves to sit on my laptop.) The other one came in a blue can and instead of cherry, it was made with ginger -- all other ingredients were the same.  We agreed that the ginger version was the best. 

Well friends, I'm late posting because of all the activity today and it's past my bedtime.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Clearing the Camera

 Every flower blooms in its own time.
(Ken Petti)

No pictures on my walk today.  It was overcast all day and truthfully, after a lot of rain, the sandy ground is soaked and trash is everywhere because the garbage bins are never closed properly.  My legs felt tired and my eyes were hurting so I just wanted to get my walk over with as quickly as possible.

Instead, I thought I'd share some pretty flower photos I took last April-May-June -- a reminder of  what I can look forward to in the months to come.
Every petal is a masterpiece.
Blossoms of quiet wonder.
Every bloom tells a story.
Anyone know what this one is?
Flowers are a reminder that even the simplest things can be extraordinary.
Have a beautiful day.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Puddle Reflections

 As predicted, it was a very rainy day.
The street I normally walk down in the afternoon was flooded so had to go a different direction.
Didn't really think there'd be many kitties out after the stormy weather but they were all waiting as usual in their regular spots, even some new ones I don't recall seeing before.
In the past, I would have chosen not to walk because of how messy it is after the rain, but didn't want to mess up my walking streak.
Peace out.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My Morning Meet-up

 An overcast day with a chance of rain for tomorrow.
Tuesday is my regular date with Susanna at Sluggish where Muka-Muka, the resident kitty, is living the good life.
Coffee, craft and a cozy cat.
My crochet, her knitting.  Funny how our colors sorta match.
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Book 5 of 2025

 Currently reading:
Every day on my walks, I find vapes littering my neighborhood.
What a waste of resources to create something so useless.  800 puffs and then it becomes e-waste.

I marvel at this world.
And am totally disgusted by those who treat it with so little regard.
Reduction is the least observed of the three R's of environmentalism ('reduce, reuse, recycle') but it's probably the most important. Reuse and recycling are sensible measures in an over-productive society, but why not neutralise the problem of overproduction at the source? Instead of choosing to act efficiently at the end of a product's life cycle by reusing or recycling it, we should stop said product from being made in the first place by eliminating consumer demand for it. If the rainforests must be burned and the oceans poisoned to cater for the essentials of human life, then so be it and we'll call it an inevitable pity; but for that to happen in the name of games consoles, cell phones and chocolate fountains is a wanton and avoidable shame.
(Robert Wringham)

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Funday

 Breakfast and a walk with my boy this morning.  (We also went to the grocery story and a bookstore but didn't buy anything.)  A walk to the park on my own this afternoon and then another walk together this evening.
Tiny little eggshells have been falling from trees as new life emerges.
Years ago I was on a kick of crocheting little baskets from scrap yarn and on January 26th had placed one in a tree at the park that I completely forgot about.  Checked on it today and it was still there.  The birds won't use it since it's too low but it does remind me of a nest sitting there.
This cat was being chased by birds today as a warning to stay clear of where they were nesting.
Feeling super tired now so will likely turn in early.

Sunday blessings,

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Caturday Afternoon

It was a lovely afternoon for a walk.
Always find it funny when I spot felines and fowl in close proximity to each other.  
Looking down and spied words on the ground.  Picked up a crushed and rusted bottle cap that my son said is from a Calypso drink.  Can't say I've ever had one, but I looked the company up and they advertise their flavored lemonades as "vacation in a bottle".
 Irks me to no end to find a small patch of pretty that's been spoiled by litter.  Even just a little distracts from the view as far as I'm concerned and there are trashcans provided, so of course I picked it up and took it to the nearest, very nearby, trashcan.
Brilliant yellow against a bright blue sky -- a beautiful sight.
Rosie and her tiny little fangs wish you a lovely Caturday.
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