Find some quiet, private time. Allow yourself to slow down and relax. Find nature, meditate, or do nothing. Take a mental break. You'll gain the benefits of a quiet mind.
Tom Giaquinto
Sometimes you just need to breathe and be in the moment.
Bird watching does that for me.
And it's the only time I use my Canon which has a fantastic zoom.
Unfortunately, I never remember to look at or even post all the pictures I take. I enjoy the moment and then go about my business and the pictures are forgotten.
I haven't posted since Friday (due to the fact that I'm packing and organizing for our trip to the States), so thought this would be an excellent opportunity to take a little break and share some of those photos with you. That way you can do a little armchair birdwatching.
Mynas (below) are sometimes considered pests but I love listening to their amazing birdsong. They have quite the repertoire which gives them the amazing ability to mimic language and sounds.
This past week our temperature soared to about 125 degrees. My poor scented geranium bit the dust some time back, but this little dove on the left didn't mind as it made the perfect perch. Common purslane is growing freely in the same pot and makes a nice snack for the birds.
It's close to midnight here so time for me to call it a night.
Hope you find some time for you own mental break today.
Best wishes,