What the heck happened to April! Days seem to fly even faster as we near the end of the school year. My oldest son takes his finals next Friday and will be finished with his first year of university. Unbelievable!
Yesterday a vendor from the monthly farmer's market sent complimentary products to school for a few of us who follow him on Instagram @caveboygrubs. He makes paleo and vegan foods that are amazingly delicious. This morning for breakfast I had his dairy free coconut yogurt with his best selling granola.
And for lunch, I made a rocket salad with tomato, cucumbers, beets and walnuts, a homemade honey mustard dressing and homemade walnut bread that I topped with the complimentary dill & beet root nut spread. Really, really good!
Last night I crocheted some bowls loosed basely on this
pattern. Funny thing is, after the first one, I thought I had the pattern memorized but they all turned out different sizes. Ha! Oh well, that's okay. I don't need them all to be the same. And they turned out to be nesting bowls even though I didn't follow the pattern for that purpose.

The brown and the red yarn are felting wool which I have never used before. After I took this picture, I did wash the red bowl but can't really tell a difference in how it looks and it certainly didn't shrink. I don't think the water was hot enough and unfortunately, don't always have control over the water temperature here, no matter what setting I use on the washing machine.
Our weather has been hot and somewhat dusty over the past several days. Still so happy to see that I do have some blooms on the balcony when I go out there to water. I need to remember to keep the door closed when Jingles is out there early morning and at night as I've seen a very large lizard running around.

On a sad note, last Friday night, my boss rushed back to Canada as he learned that his brother had a brain bleed that required immediate surgery. He didn't know the details at the time, but I've learned now that his brother had just finished a meeting with the Department of Agriculture where he worked and as he scooped up his laptop and papers and wheeled around to exit the room, he stumbled somehow hitting his head on a piece of furniture. His wife was able to speak to him at the hospital and he said he was okay but just had a really bad headache. Unfortunately, he did not make it. They took him off the respirator on Sunday and he passed away surrounded by 30 family members singing Amazing Grace.
I do wonder, was he rushing to another meeting, did he need to be somewhere else quickly? Such a tragic and freak accident. He was only in his late 50s.
We are having a quiet weekend at home. No plans, no running around, no responsibilities. Just the way I like it after a busy week.
Have a fabulous Friday