Hello everyone!
I hope all is well in your corner of the world.
We have just had the most awesome weekend weather-wise. And did our very best to make the most of it.
Even though I've had a painful heel spur that has hindered my walking of late, I still pushed myself to get out there (4 times to be exact). I didn't want to waste a moment being indoors. As you know, once things start heating up around here, there's no turning back, and being outdoors will be more torture than pleasure.
My girlfriend tells me that I make Kuwait look good by the pictures that I take. There's lots of litter and garbage in certain areas and piles of rubble in some places, but I don't want that to be my focus. Do I want something done about it, yes. But when I walk, my aim is to find those little spots of beauty. Some people only see the negative but I want to focus on the positive.

Even Jingles has been stopping to smell the flowers.
And basking in the sunshine.
Yesterday, hubby and I went out for lunch.
Then made a quick trip to the plant souk.
And today I went out for Indian food with a friend who is visiting from New Mexico.
Such a wonderful weekend that I hate for it to end. It's so hard right now during the week to sit in an office with no natural light for 7 and a half hours when the weather is this gorgeous.
But the good news is that we have a holiday coming up. Kuwait celebrates its National and Liberation Days on the 25th and 26th of February (which also happens to be my birthday). Some schools have already closed but we are open tomorrow and Monday. Over the past several years, we've chosen to travel during this time because the celebrations can get a little crazy which means we tend to get stuck at home (so as not to get stuck in traffic for hours on end).
We will be traveling to our usual destination. And will be leaving a day early.
So things will be quiet around here yet again. That seems to be the case more often than not lately. Will be back in March.
Best wishes and blessings,