Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Morning Walk

We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice. Not in love with publicity but in love with humanity.
(Martin Luther King, Jr.) 

Had a few errands to run this morning so stopped by the corniche for a nice walk on this beautiful day.
The bluest of blue skies are always a mood booster.
The seaside kitties were enjoying the warmth of the sunshine.
When I came back around the path on my way out, the lucky guy in the top right was carrying a filleted fish in his mouth, a gift from the fishermen.  I tried to get a photo but he was dodging around, looking for a place to hide with his treat.
And this sweet kitten was laying on the very edge of the trash bin when I stopped to talk to him and take his photo. He tried to roll over and then had to quickly catch himself from falling in.  So cute.
Take a moment to just breathe.
And have a good start to your week.


Betsy said...

Such beautiful kitties. Especially that little guy on the trash can. I want to bring him home. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, those words of Martin Luther King are so true. :)
Just as true as those who do good for other people rarely beat their chests and shout to the world "Look how good I am". Many people seem to engage in charity, for example, to make it look as good as possible.
But I think that everything that helps other people is good. But sometimes you wonder what their motives are.

What a nice walk it looked like. Nice cooling sea breeze in the heat. :)
Have a great start on the week, you too.

Lorrie said...

What beautiful blues in the sky and sea. A lovely place to walk. Wishing you a good week.

Quinn said...

Yesterday the sky was almost white all day, but the day before the sun was shining and the sky was an almost unbelievable shade of blue. It makes SUCH a difference!

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