Saturday, January 25, 2025

Every Day

 Blogging - check
Walking - check
If I feel fatigued, I can always take a seat.
As you can see, people dump their stuff anywhere and everywhere.
Just about every day I find something interesting on the ground.
Setting sun.
Day is done.

9:24 p.m. as I'm posting.
Time to read for a bit and then off to bed.

Take care,


Wanda said...

I had to laugh at the couch sitting in the middle of the way. Yesterday it was a puzzle you could take home, not so sure you want the couch...haha. That's for your email. The green grass and cat are a stunning shot. Sending love and hugs for a good weekend. Enjoy your book and bedtime. Rest is always good.

Betsy said...

I'm always so surpised when you show us a photo of the things and places that people dump there. It boggles my mind. Such a pretty place and then they trash it up. I'll never understand that mindset. Bless you for being willing to clean up and take care of the kitty's too.

Happy@Home said...

The little bunny is a cute find. I am intrigued by that couch. It looks like it's sitting in the middle of a parking lot. Have a nice weekend.

Quinn said...

Trash dumping is so sad. And maddening.

Lotusblommans vardag said...

Wow, what luxury! A sofa waiting for you.

But joking aside, how can people just put a sofa in the middle of the street? Plus everything else you seem to find almost every day... It's the same in some places here too. Milk cartons, crafts and all sorts of things lying in the ditches. I think they're things thrown out of cars...
Luckily, we have a deposit on soda cans here in Sweden. You can earn a lot of money on that.

I usually carry a plastic bag with me and discreetly throw them in if I find any cans.

Have a great day!

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