Friday, January 31, 2025

Messages from the Market

 A trip to Friday Market this morning.
Though our son is a thrift shopper, he found the whole scene to be a bit overwhelming.
Neither of my boys are interested in accumulating a lot of possessions, plus, there's limited spaced in a suitcase when traveling internationally.
In the clothing section, there's always t-shirts with messages I can agree with.
And the very first shirt we saw said:
Came out a little blurry but the message is clear ...

... have a nice day.


Lux G. said...

I like exploring the market when I'm traveling, but it gets annoying when the vendors try to really force you to buy.

Betsy said...

That seems overwhelming to me too. :-) I'm trying to go through our things and do some decluttering. Moving Mom after 47 years in her house, and she never got rid of anything, taught me that I don't want to put our kids through that.
That suitcase while traveling really reels me in from buying. Although I usually still buy yarn. It squishes pretty small. Ha!
Enjoy your time with your precious boy my friend.
Blessings and hugs,

Michelle said...

That is overwhelming for me also. Interesting to browse, but just too much!

Wanda said...

This has been the year of my "decluttering"! But I still have a ways to go. Little by little. Closet by closet, and now I'm giving my children and grandchildren things I want them to have. There is a song that's intitled "Find me Faithful". One of the lines says "When I'm gone and my children are sifting though my things, will they find me faithful" Will my life be a testimony by the things left behind. That's what I want.

Quinn said...

I get overwhelmed at Home Depot. But I couldn't resist visiting such a colorful market as yours - at least for a little while.

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