Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Found on the Ground

 Walking with eyes wide open and aware of my surroundings means I probably see things that others don't.  Just about every day I come home with something found on the ground.
Granted, not everyone is interested in dragging or carrying home what someone else considers to be trash, but believe me, I've found plenty that should have never been thrown out in the first place.
This is just a sampling of some of the smaller items I've come across.  Some of them wind up in my journal; others are upcycled in some way, some positioned elsewhere for others to find, and then there are those that are actually deposited in the nearest trash can.
Stars and hearts are a common theme.

On my return home from my walk this evening I actually found money on the ground 
.750 fils which is the equivalent of almost $2.50.

Always keep your eyes open.
Keep watching.
Because whatever you can see 
can inspire you.
(Grace Coddington)


Betsy said...

It's amazing what you notice when you look around. My kids always wondered how I knew things before they had even told me. Mom's magic! :-)

Betsy said...

You do find some interesting treasures. I think they're all great, especially the Q for Queen! :-) Good for you in keeping your eyes open.
Blessings and hugs,

Quinn said...

I'm intrigued by the item in the upper left corner of your second collage. At first I thought it was a fiber carder or a slicker brush, but you probably wouldn't be holding it that way if it was :)

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