Thursday, January 30, 2025

Expected and Unexpected Visitors

 Our youngest son arrived from the States at 1:00 a.m. this morning; his first trip back in 7 years.  Unfortunately, the visa process took much, much longer than expected -- over 2 hours, and was very, very frustrating.  Good thing today was off for the religious observance of  Israa & Miraj because we all needed a good sleep-in after the airport ordeal.

When I pulled back the bedroom curtain this morning, I was met with a surprise visitor snoozing away.
A north wind blows on that side of the building so I imagine it was pretty cold out there for awhile; didn't want to open the door and scare him off so I just observed from behind our tinted windows -- he can't see in, but we can see out.
Poor thing stayed there the entire day, switching chairs sometimes, and even climbed down into one of the elephant planters, which just happens to be something we carried home when two of them were put out for garbage collection.
Not sure where this guy came from but since we are on the second floor, he had to navigate and jump across several ledges of other homes to get to ours.
As you can see, Miss Rosie was none too happy about an intruder in her space.

But she has already cosied up to our expected visitor and we will all be spending quality time together over the next few weeks.

A very thankful Thursday.
Best wishes,


Maya Kuzman said...

Enjoy the time with your son, Tammy! 7 years is a very long time!

Wanda said...

How nice your son could visit. I love the pictures of the visitor, as we have been getting one too. The last time it rained, I peeked out on the balcony and a big grey cat was sleeping in the patio chair. It has to climb up the tree and then jump through the railing. This is the second time it's happened, but I can never get a picture. You were able to capture the whole day....I very nice looking cat!

Betsy said...

I'm so glad that your son is home with you and your husband. There's nothing like having your kids home with you is there? I miss my boys every day.
Your unexpected visitor is so handsome. I wish he could stay with you, but it doesn't look like Rosie is very happy at all. He just looks like he want's to come in and cuddle.
Blessings and hugs,

linda said...

He looks quite cosy there too snuggled up to your lovely cushion. Enjoy some precious time with your son the time will go far too quickly. X

Quinn said...

If your son came from Colorado, I'll bet he's happy to be out of a parka! I hope he'll have a long visit. And what an intrepid kitty! I'm glad Rosie warmed up to him.

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