Thursday, January 9, 2025

Destruction Everywhere

 No pretty pictures today; just images that are indicative of where my thoughts are at the moment.
Saturday morning, 8:00 a.m., I heard many sirens and vehicles racing by and when I looked out our tv room window, I saw a big plume of black smoke.  It wasn't until later that I was able to figure out where it came from but I still don't know what started the fire.
I walked by there this afternoon, but didn't want to get too close as there were workers there doing cleanup.
This is a car parked next door at the neighbor's house.  I noticed that behind the burnt building that there were many other burned out vehicles.  It's a wonder there was only black smoke from all that and no explosions.

Of course, this has me thinking about the fires in Los Angles now and the total devastation so many are facing.  
Just as when I see any sort of rubble and destruction, I think of Palestine, specifically Gaza, where nearly 90% of the infrastructure has been decimated in the past 15 months.  Add to that the bombing of Lebanon, Syria -- and just earlier today, the US and UK were bombing Yemen, yet again.

Everything that is wrong in this world can be traced back to corporate greed, warmongers and the lust for power and control of land and resources.  Mainstream media and politicians are masters of manipulation,  propaganda and gaslighting.

If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.


Delighted Hands said...

The house/appt building is awful! Yes, even in California, the innocent suffer from the decisions of the 'top guys'!

Betsy said...

I'm sorry about your neighborhood fire Tammy. My goodness, LA is awful. I cry when I see the photos of the destruction and I just saw another one started not too long ago. War is terrible on all fronts. I feel for everyone. This is not what God intended at all.

Veronica Lee said...

It’s heartbreaking to see all this destruction, whether it’s from fires or wars. Your words really hit home, and it's a wake-up call to stay aware and push for change. Stay safe and take care.

pelinpembesi said...

I'm sorry about your neighborhood fire ... Stay safe Tammy..

Mary said...

How awful, hoping that nobody was injured. The whole world seems to be on fire! Life is certainly different and we are all concerned about so many things.
Stay safe dear.

SusanLotus said...

I am so sad and frankly despairing at how crazy the world has become. We who live on such a beautiful planet should only have one goal: to care for it and live in peace side by side.

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