Friday, June 15, 2012

Up and at 'em

The vegan pancakes I froze last week came in handy for breakfast this morning, topped with natural peanut butter, a drizzle of honey and chopped banana on the side.
Since I was up early, I decided I would take a walk at 8 am instead of 10 am which is when Zack and I went yesterday.  We both thought we would pass out from the heat!
I must say, it was still hot, but so much more bearable.
My girlfriend, Melissa, tells me that I make Kuwait look good when I post pictures like this.
My June calendar says:
So that's what I do when I walk.  There's always something beautiful to behold.
Have a wonderful Friday!


hooksandyarns said...

Your pictures do always look so nice. Hope you have a good day. :)

angeliki said...

Hi Tammy!
Nice pictures! Good for you that went earlier for a walk this day!
Enjoy the rest of your Friday,

Yarni Gras! said...

i love the chickens! BTW, I posted the little jar covers you inspired me to make so come see them. I've done about a dozen so far....thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

Walking in 100, you need to be careful. I don't know how you do it. I can barely stand there with the hose in that kind of heat. We have been quite Kuwait like here. And quite the Grapes of Wrath dust bowl, especially with all the road construction and no rain. Oh, well, I will survive. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

You rock.....I whine if it's over 70! I SO admire you for getting outside no matter the temps. And the photos are really interesting....lots of green and roosters. You are seeing some interesting things along your path, which surely helps make the time go faster!
Did you eat that breakfast prior to the walk to afterwards? It looks yummo!
Ah, Blogger is letting me comment! Yippee!
Hugs my friend,

Diane said...

Hope you enjoyed your walk Tammy. That's the beauty of photography, isn't it, looking for the good stuff in each day. The chickens are cute! Daine

Meredith said...

Your pictures are beautiful and I love that you look for beauty everywhere you go. Happy Weekend,

glor said...

I agree, you do make Kuwait look good in your photos. Very pretty one. We're having the most magnificent days now following a week of rain. Its perfect tempertures and sun. Wish summer could stay like this. I don't do well at time in the heat, where you are is very high. Keep cool and enjoy the weekend. Looking forward to seeing you time off crafting! Blessings.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Great photos you show. Those 'Roadrunner Chicken' remind me of Indonesia... They have long legs for racing. Funny to observe little differences between continents.
Love to you,

Anonymous said...

stunning pictures! wish we had some sun here in England! its been stormy weather all day and rather cold with it! its summer time apparently but i think some one forgot to tell our weather that!
Pancakes and banana for breakfast now that is a treat.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. Micawber said...

Yes, there is always something beautiful to behold. I particularly like the long grass with the plumy seed-heads.

Hearts Turned said...

You DO have an eye for the beautiful of the earth, dear Tammy...and I'm so glad you share it with us!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, my friend!


Catherine said...

Mmmmm.... Those pancakes and bananas look yummy! And those elephants below are so cute. I shall try to send you some of our cooler weather - it sounds too hot there!

Keep cool my friend!

xo Catherine

Susan said...

Hope you have a good Saturday, too, Tammy. Do you walk daily? Susan

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

I find walking early in the morning is the best in summer, when it gets too hot later in the day.
I enjoyed seeing where you went.

Happy weekend

Peli said...

ive never been to kuwait but it does look beautiful through your photos sure it really is!!! and those pancakes....oh!!!i wish i could help you eat them...hehehe...

Tanna said...

Dear Tammy, I am just catching up from a week that jumped off into the crazies! Your walking posts are so inspiring. I NEED to get started walking again myself. You are doing so well!

I would never have guessed those cookies were made with chickpeas!! blessings ~tanna

Sam I Am...... said...

Your pictures ARE beautiful and so is Kuwait. It's all in the eyes of the beholder as they say. What are those fruits hanging from the tree? I still have to try those pancakes and I loved the chicken pictures! Too cute!

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