She is another "sister of my heart". I don't have biological sisters. Renee, Gwen (my cousin) and Melissa (Monday's birthday girl) are my heart sisters who keep me grounded, inspire and motivate me, lend an ear or a shoulder. I can always count on them.
I've yet to frame the sampler. It sits in a basket in my bedroom so I can see it every day. Thanks Renee! I love ya.
We actually have had a few little rain showers today -- just enough to say we had rain. Hope everyone is having a most wonderful Wednesday! Best wishes always, Tammy
Good morning Tammy,
It's been raining quite a lot here and we are expecting more all week. Good because we need the rain, but not so good because of our little flooding problem. Anyway...Your sampler is beautiful. What an awesome gift. So nice to have such great friends you can lean on and share with. Have a wonderful day.
Hugs and Kisses,
Hi Tammy,
That sampler is beautiful and I'm sure very dear to you. I loved what you wrote about heart sisters. I think that is just lovely. Your friends are all so blessed to have you in their lives.
Hi Tammy, that sampler is gorgeous! What a great sister of the heart you have! I used to cross-stitch many years ago. I loved it! Enjoy your treasure!
Hi Tammy,
what a beautiful sampler Renee cross-stitched for you. She did such a good job. Happy Wednesday:)
No rain here Tammy.... Just snow & cold & snow & cold & on & on & on!! Oh Boy, do I need a shot of Spring!! I am Winter Weary....
Hello Tammy, I have a biological brother and I love him (but don't see him very often) but sometimes it may be better to have heart-sisters. You can choose them - and I think you chose well ;o) Your friend has a very warm hearted smile, and the cross-stitched sampler is wonderful! I wish you a happy White Wednesday! I'm also participating (with some snow, because here it was not raining, but a little bit snowing, and white houses in my living-area ;o))
Hugs, Traude
What a beautiful gift and a beautiful friendship. It's great that you have your dear friends.
My norm is to be close with only a couple of friends and only occasioanlly because I'm more the loner type and happy that way, but I do have three sisters and I adore them.
It's raining here as well, most of the snow is gone, but our rain is in the form of ICE - freezing rain, so trecherous roads and walkways today.
Hope you have a wonderful remainder of the week,
Tammy thanks for visiting me lucky girl to have a supplier of those..cannot wait to see what you make..
Your blog always inspires me....I love how you lay out your posts...always so caring...Hugs my freind.
Oh Tammy what a beautiful gift made by your heart-sister...we actually have a day without rain...
Lovely message today, Tammy.... Hugs! Sheryll
That is a beautiful sampler your friend made. It's wonderful to have such great friends in your life.
I love stichery of all kinds and your sampler is sweet! What a great friend to make something so lovely for you!
OMG!!! I am so flattered to be the subject of your post today. Even though we are half a world away from each other, you have to know that I think about you and Melissa every single day (especially when I am walking through the hills!!!) I have told you this before, and it still remains true - you and Melissa are my soul sisters; sisters my mom never told me I had. My 3 year stay in Kuwait was completely worth it for me, as it gave you you as a life long friend.
Thanks for such a wonderful post today. I am so flattered to know you think of me and smile!!
Love always,
What a sweet sampler and especially because it was made by a friend. My sister made me a small one years ago and I have it hanging in my living room. Thanks for sharing.
I love that you call them heart sisters. I don't have any siblings, but I do have heart sisters!
Thanks for sharing.
Tammy - I know your friend was blessed by this lovely post. And also, you are blessed with several very special friends.
I also left you a comment on your last post - please read it to.
Have a Beautifully Blessed 2010...
Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)
I lost my only beloved sister almost 40 years ago and am so thankful for my heart sister in faith. I think a sampler is one of the finest gifts for a friend that one can receive. blessings
Hi, Tammy,
I love your post about friends and friendship! You and your friend are beautiful with those bright smiles! The sampler she made for you is wonderful, and I know you enjoy looking at it each day and remembering your sweet friend. I am glad you got some rain. I know firsthand how great it is to have some rain in the desert. Hope you continue to have a good week! Sending lots of love your way! Vicki
What a sweet sampler. It's wonderful that you have someone that you are that close to and it's obvious that she feels the same from her beautiful gift.
Hey, those pics were taken in San Antonio!
The sampler is just gorgeous! I have no siblings, so I have a couple of heart sisters, too. Family is more than blood though, right? :-)
Have a great Thursday,
Something I know you will treasure forever. What sweet kindred spirits you have. Love the gals in black hats! Bet that was a fun day.
I am off to do a bit of junkin' with my two heart is Dixie of French Lique. The other one doesn't blog...yet ;-)
Glad you got some refreshing rain. Been a little gray round here but today promises sunny skies.
Thursday Blessings~
What a beautiful gift ! Of course the gift of friendship is even better - how wonderful that you have such a dear friend - I'm sure that you must be a wonderful friend to her, too. (P.S. Glad to hear you've had a little rain !)
Hi Tammy! What a great post about friendship. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and leave comments. You are far away from home and we are sure your friends are taking care of you!
It is beautiful and so thoughtful. We had hail last night and very hard rain. Thought it was going to beat the skylights out of my roof! But it's over now and the sun is out. The miracles of nature.
What a beautiful sampler Tammy. I'd love to see it when you get it framed. It's still raining here, so most of our snow is disappearing. Lots of ice chunks though. Have a wonderful day.
What a nice gift you friend gave to you. It is something you can treasure always.
It is raining here also. I think it must be raining all over the world. Maybe this is God's tears for the people of Haiti.
Blessings to you friend,
Tammy, the sampler is absolutely beautiful. What a treasure. You are most blessed with your friends.
We're having sun today, a break in the winter weather.
Wishing you a wonderful, blessed day.
Hi! thanks for stopping by my blog! what a sweet gift you have received! Have a beautiful day! caterina
What a nice sampler from Renee. Sentiments from the heart on it. I love seeing pics of you and your friends, especially when I know them:)
Blessings to you and Renee, if she is reading this.
What a wonderful surprise to hop on here today and see Renee as your subject. I too love the sampler that she did for us and still yet have to get it framed. You guys carry a special place in my heart always. I love the term that you conjured up to describe our friendship. "Heart Sister's". It really does mean alot knowing that I am someone you see as a sister. Makes me feel all fuzzy and special. I say we should adopt Gwen also. There's always room for more:)
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