I tried to find Yusef to take pictures since I was helping on the field, but he was nowhere to be found.
Unfortunately, Zack's team lost their first game 8-2. This is the pep talk after the game. You win some, you lose some.
Here's a winning muffin recipe for you! Several years ago, a friend shared a honey wheat muffin recipe with me and I added to it to come up with blueberry, banana, cranberry and coconut, chocolate chip and pecans, peanut butter, pumpkin. All from one simple little recipe.
Honey wheat muffins:
1 egg
1/4 canola oil
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup milk
whisk together
Add 1-1/2 cups wheat flour
2 tsps baking powder'
1/4 tsp salt
Grate in a tsp of lemon peel
Add 1-2 TBS fresh lemon juice
and fold in 1/2 cup of blueberries (or more). I have to use frozen because even when we are able to find fresh blueberries in Kuwait, they cost an arm and a leg.
Grease mini muffin pan. Spoon in muffin mix and bake at 350 until done.
They always come out perfect. I like to make the mini muffins because I can bag them up in three's and toss them in with lunches, take to the office for breakfast or midmorning snack, and can give them to friends and coworkers.
Sending sweet wishes your way, Tammy
Your muffins sound so yummy! I am having some major carb cravings just looking at them.
yummy I can smell them from here...thank you for visiting..take care and have a great week-end..
Hi Tammy! Thanks for coming over for a visit! I wish you could have brought some of those yummy muffins with you! LOL! I may have to try those before it gets too hot here to use my oven. Thanks for sharing!
My Desert Cottage
Those look yummy! It's late afternoon and my tummy is rumbling. Wish I had one of those to snack on.
Thanks for sharing the recipe, have to give those a try.
It looks like the boys had a great time, and the recipe looks delicious. I just read your previous post about being thankful and feeling the hurt for the people of Haiti. It was so thoughtful. I've been seeing pictures from there and it's so sad. We do have so much to be thankful for.
Those sound yummy! I really love blueberries, even frozen. Fresh aren't cheap even here. Hope you're sleeping better.
Tammy, thank you for the recipe. You're blogs looking beautiful!!!
Sounds like a perfect day for a ball game. It was dreary today and warmer so the snow is going down. I can see the cement on the driveway. As for water temp for the stamps I always started with warm and let it sit for an hour or more.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Muffin recipe is tried and true in my own kitchen.... they ARE good! Thanks for sharing, Tammy!
As long as Zack is having a good time with baseball, no worries. It was a beautiful day out Friday. Thought I was caught up on your blog but guess not. Love those muffins you make with blueberry being my favorite...hint, hint:)
How nice to know that you had nice weather for opening ceremonies. Enjoy the cool temps now, because we both know it will be getting warm TOO soon. Hope Zack had fun playing, even if they did not win!!
Love the fact that your muffin recipe made it to your blog. I have made that recipe SO many times. I think the pumpkin is my favorite. I am sure many people will be trying them soon!!
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