Well, I never did officially link up for Silver Sunday with Beth at Gypsy Fish, but that's okay. You can make your way over there to see all the participants if you are a fan of silver.

I have many silver pieces. I also collect heart shaped items. Maybe it started after second grade when I received this sweet little silver heart-shaped box. We were moving from Laurel Mississippi, where I was born, to Texas. At my going away party, the boy that I liked gave me this little box that came with a sweet little necklace that had a tiny sphere with a pearl inside. I am sure I have that necklace tucked away someplace. I don't have many detailed memories from childhood but this one stuck with me for some reason. The boy's name was Bo Hammerstrom and he was the preacher's son. I recall that he also pushed me behind the Sunday School classroom door and gave me my first kiss.
I hope that you all are having a beautiful and blessed Sunday!
Angels descending, bring from above,
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.
~Fanny J. Crosby
My little children, let us not love in word,
neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
~ I John 3:18
It's difficult to watch the news of what is happening in Haiti. Even though the faces that flash across the screen are nameless, I think about them constantly and say little prayers throughout the day. My heart truly aches when I think of what they are going through. Prayers and blessings, Tammy
What a sweet little memory....
I too watch the horrors in Haiti ....I shed a tear as a wife & mother watching the anguish.
Prayers will work but so will donations to the Red Cross or any other legal place to make a contribution.
Very nice post Tammy....
What a wonderful silver treasure, dearest Tammy - so pretty! (And connected with nice memories ;o))
Your words about the Haiti-victims show me once again what a wonderful woman you are!
Warm hugs from cold Austria, Traude
Heading right over. Besides dyeing more yarn today. I need to have a silver fix.
Such wonderful childhood memories☺
Yes, I too, have been praying for the people of Haiti unceasingly. I cannot imagine such horror...
As for the flimsy yarn, how about using two strands or one strand of worsted weight and one of sport weight when you crochet? Or, one strand of worsted weight and one strand of a crochet thread. Or, one of worsted weight and one of ribbon or string. All of the combinations would give such tectile interest. Of course, not for clothes but the thread, etc. would give more body and substance, especially for projects that need to be reinforced such as a purse or shopping bag or toys or dishcloths.☺
Hi Tammy-
I am so glad I found your blog through Silver Sunday.
Isn't it fun?
I love silver accessories. There is just something about them that makes me feel good. I know that sounds strange. But sorta like comfort food, thats what silver is like to me.
I am feeling the same thing for the Haitians. Know some folks there. Their offices and services were destroyed but they are safe. Nice story about the silver box. I have a few pieces of my GMs silver. Blessings
Blessings to you too Tammy ...and for all those in Haiti. We all join our hearts and prayers together for them. A God filled evening to you.
I too enjoy silver but tarnished silver. Don't really like the bright and shiny stuff. The Haiti situation breaks my heart and I can't even imagine what it's like...the children especially. Have a great day Tammy.
That is really neat that you kept that little box from a childhood sweety.
Amen to your thoughts and prayers for Haiti. There is a couple in my church that adopted two girls from an orphanage in Haiti, where some of the worst destruction is. They have contacts down there yet and thank God all the children are fine but without shelter. It was a privilege today at church to be able to pray for them and take up an offering to send directly down to help them.
Your silver is so pretty. I collect hearts of all kinds, but no silver ones yet. I'll be hunting for one now. All of it very pretty. I especially like your banner. It's new isn't it? I really enjoy reading your blog, I think it's so interesting that you are so far away, yet here with us everyday. I am also in such disbelief over the destruction in Haiti. My prayers are with them all. Lisa
What a sweet little silver keepsake from Bo. Did you keep in touch with Bo Hammerstrom?
My prayers too are going out to the people in Haiti.
Happy Silver Sunday and have a great week.
What a sweet little story! You were blessed to be kissed by the preacher's son. ha! How old were you? Lovely little box. show us the necklace when you find it. love,
Hi Tammy, that is such a great story! I went steady in fourth grade but the boy broke up with me because I would not let him kiss me. And, I had to give back his "going steady" necklace! I only wish I had more items from my childhood but I do have the memories.
Sharon :-)
Tammy i didn't sign up for SIlver Sunday either- I wish I had time for it as I have enjoyed stumbling along the blogs that have participated. Such pretty things out there including yours!
you are right, I think all of us feel bad, they already had so little, all we can do is pray now
Hi Tammy
The situation in Haiti is such a tragedy.. It's hard to watch on the tv... must be unbearable to be living it..
I love this heart shaped box.. it is so sweet and the memories even sweeter,.. take care xx Julie
It sounds like Bo made quite an impression on your young little self. HA! I loved the story and love the fact that you still have the box that he gave you. Again, it is the simple things in this life that are the most wonderful. Your silver things are beautiful, and I giggled to guess where your statue from Bolivia came from. He, he.
I pray for the people of Haiti too. So many sad things going on in this world. It is a shame that it takes a tragedy to make the rest of the world sit up and pay attention.
Hope you are having a wonderful day!!
Hi Tammy, sweet and lovely post. Amazing how certain things stick with us; material or sentimental. Have a blessed week!
How cute that you remember your first little crush and the preacher's son on top of that. Bo sounds like a real sound southern name and like someone from on a soap opera. Can't believe you still have the box. I'm surprised you actually have something from Malena that isn't "borrowed" HA!
Unfortnately, I havent been watching the news too much but still fill saddened by the events that have been going on and pray that those suffering will be taken care of and have the strength to get through this. Thanks for always having such thoughtful and meaningful posts that help us reflect on ourselves and how blessed most of us really are. You are a true gem.
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