Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Be Cafe

We had a very short spell of cold weather weeks ago, but lately the temperatures have been in the 70's during the day and around 50 at night.  Perfect weather for me as I don't like it much colder than that.
Today my Colorado boy and I walked to Be Cafe, a new vegan restaurant that recently opened up near us.  It only takes about 15 minutes or so to get there, and as you can see, the weather was perfect for walking.
The cafe is in a great location at the back of a hotel just a short walk from the sea. 
Such a lovely, laid back vibe.  And the food is delicious.
The first time I went, I had the tofu wrap.
This time I had the lentil wrap.
My son had a jackfruit wrap but he gobbled it up so fast I didn't have a chance to get a picture.
He thinks I take way too may pictures anyways.
But if I didn't take pictures, then I wouldn't have anything to share with all of you.
And I definitely think this place is worth sharing.
Plus that blue sky is pretty amazing!

Warm Wednesday wishes,


Betsy said...

That place looks like a wonderful and fun new restaurant. I am so jealous of your weather. It’s so cold here. Thank you for taking us along with you and sharing your day.
Blessings, Betsy

Createology said...

I always enjoy your photos and never think you share too many. Great vibe in the new eatery and so close to the beach. Quality time with your Colorado Son...Priceless! <3

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Tammy what a beautiful day-and those temps are my favorite too-just right not too cold and not too hot-the new restaurant looks beautiful and to backed by the sea-perfect for a walk afterwards.
thanks for sharing Kathy

Angie said...

Tammy - what a terrific find! The colors and textures of the restaurant are fantastic. Even the herb garden in the first picture has painting on the containers. The ball jar lights - neat! And any eatery that has outdoor seating is a winner in my heart! So glad you could enjoy it with one of your sons. Be well.

crafty cat corner said...

Love those sofa's.

Gracey is not my name.... said...

What a great looking place...

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
WOW, what a happy and bubbly post with such bright blue sky.
Don't know if BE has a meaning in your language but it sure is a special place with healthy and yummy food.
Well, tell your son that if you never take photos there will not be any memories left in the end...
That's what I'm living with in regard to sharing Pieter's and my travel stories as good as I can.
What a blessing an iPhone is nowadays, we just can snap away and it tells where and when it was taken!
Well, in Florida I didn't take many photos as I look still awful after my dermatologist did freeze my nose tip and left side of the nose. Also I have to use ointment from Monday thru Friday, with weekend days off. I was shocked when I went on line to figure this cost over $ 1,000 but thank goodness for generics so out of pocket now only $ 37.
In February I have to go back and hope it looks okay by then and no surgery or anything is necessary... Hate that as in 2004 I've had a skin cancer cut out on the right side of my nose already.
But we did enjoy the balmy warm weather before it started to go down, even in Sarasota it was around 70˚F and when I drove home we had thick fog and rain in Georgia, passing the border. Back to a very, unusual cold winter weather here! Not easy as I hate cold weather. All week it stays like this. So much for Global Warming - HAHA!
Enjoy your walks and special moments.
Is your son still home tomorrow/today for you?

Teresa Kasner said...

Never too many pictures! I'm glad you took the ones you did.. what a neat place! I hope it's a success. Small eateries are the hardest thing to succeed at, sadly. I'm glad your son is still with you. Enjoy. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

What a wonderful place, Tammy! I love the artwork on the tables and the pretty colorful patchwork covers on the pallet wood sofas. The owners seem to be passionate about their restaurant. I'm not a fan of tofu but I'm all in for a lentil wrap.
xo Julia

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday to your husband! I’ll also be praying for safe travels for your son with no delays this time. An to think I used to absolutely love flying. Anywhere. I once flew to Portland, OR and back just for fun because the tickets were so cheap and I didn’t have anything else going on. :-)

Tanna said...

Looks like SUCH a fun spot to enjoy lunch! I love all the bright colors and how wonderful to enjoy time with your son. I'm sure they will be heading back soon; I'm praying for safe and timely travels. And, you can never have too many pictures. ;) blessings ~ tanna

Cat said...

What a beautiful place. The food sounds amazing:) And thank you for taking all of those pictures and sharing them with us:)

Poppy said...

Happy New Year, Tammy!

Thank you for snapping such beautiful pics of this refreshingly creative eatery by the sea! Being a Pisces, I am always attracted to blue hues, especially of sky and sea and I really loved all the pretty artwork, decor, and food shots you managed to get during your visit at this very welcoming place.

All the best in 2018!


Linda said...

A wonderful day spent with your son. Perfection! ♥
That beautiful blue sky - we have that here today too for which I'm thankful but ahhhh - those temperatures you are enjoying; I would surely take those right now!!! We are having the coldest weather we've had in years here as you know. Right now it's -5 actual temperature with a wind chill of -23. Every day it's the same. I'm truly thankful for my treadmill though I DO still plan to head out walking on my lunch hour for at least a half hour in these weather elements - bundled up of course.

Happy New Year.

Pradeepa said...

Looks like a terrific place to spend time with your family and friends. Nice weather too, it's cold here, around 45 to 50.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet cafe and lovely surroundings! The best part must have been time with your boy! Love your photos!

Happy New Year! As I begin this new year, I am trying to organize and prioritize allowing time to visit sweet friends like you!

linda said...

What a lovely place and your pictures are great! the temperature sounds just right for me too,Happy New Year! :) xx

She loves to crochet said...

Keep taking lots of photos Tammy, I love having a little peek into your world, especially on very grey days here when I am missing blue skies. The cafe looks fab. Hx

Susan said...

Those are, indeed, beautiful blue skies, Tammy. So glad you are spending precious time with your boy. Thanks for all your visits. Happy New Year. Susan

Sam I Am...... said...

What a beautiful peaceful place and great food to boot? How wonderful is that and a view of the sea...perfect! I love those beautiful hanging mason jars too. enjoy your is freezing here...lterally! LOL! So glad you have your son home!

Meredith said...

I can only imagine what a wonderful time you have had with your boys. School is starting tomorrow for Little B and Mr 20, I imagine yours are starting too if not very soon. Thinking of you as they get close to leaving, tough stiff I know.

Kit said...

Now you tell your son that you have to take pics! We want to see what you are up to and what life is like in your part of the world. You are doing us all a great service....LOL I like that you had a "date" with you son, so sweet. It must be so nice to have them home for a bit. Your weather sounds lovely and what I hope to find in Cally later this month. Take care, Kit

handmade by amalia said...

What a great way to spend time with your son and also great to have this fun coffee shop in your neighborhood. I take a lot of photos as well, I look more keenly at things when I have my camera with me, always looking for interesting details.

Quinn said...

It is impossible to take too many pictures. Trust me on this.
That looks like a lovely place to have lunch and a walk on the shore and enjoy the weather. And that 70/50 range is just about perfect, in my opinion! I'd love to join you for a walk and lunch, and that lentil wrap looks very good :)

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