Saturday, June 21, 2014

In Stashbusting News

 I'm so glad I took this time between the last day of school and our travel to the States next month to just relax. There has been a whole lot of stashbusting going on during my first week of summer vacation. Linda at Linda's Crafty Corner and the host of stashbusting will be proud of my crocheting ways.

Last year I made pastel granny squares and finally joined them all together to make a baby blanket.  The only thing left to do is to finish the border.
I have added extensively to my dishcloth collection.
And when I was running low on any one color, I would make stripey dishcloths.
Or just get creative as I did on this Sadu-inspired washcloth.

 I've crocheted more doilies than I can even keep track of using my favorite all-time easy stacked shells doily pattern.  If you look closely, you can see that I even crocheted teeny tiny butterflies using a pattern from Little Birdie Secrets

I've made many more gift bags using this pattern from Chalky's World.
One skein of variegated cotton became two jar covers, two doilies and a few flowers using the mini-flower pattern from Little Treasures.  And then one of the mini-flowers was used to embellish another gift bag.
I've crocheted lovely little bowls.

And when I didn't have enough yarn to make a red and white bowl, I frogged it back to coaster size. 
 It's also the perfect place to store my darning needle as I work on weaving in all the ends on all my projects.
 A giant granny is in the works, the colors inspired by what's around me.

And last but not least ... a crocheted cover for a rock found on one of my many walks.
It's such a wonderful luxury to have the time to do the things you love.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Happy Summer Solstice!


Gracey is not my name.... said...

Wow...that's it...just wow....

Teresa Kasner said...

Gadzooks.. your fingers must be smoking from all that crochet! You do about 1,000 more things than I do in the same amount of time. :-) I love all the things you've made. My next project is to crochet a rock cover with my new shiny cotton from KnitPicks. Where are you going to visit in the US? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

linda said...

Oh wow Tammy I am impressed what a lot of lovely makes! :)

Mistea said...

Has your hook been smokin'? That sure is a lot of crochet loveliness you've hooked up.
Love the little embellished bags and your granny colours.
Enjoy the slower pace of summer.

Sam I Am...... said...

Wow! You don't let any grass grow under your crochet hook that's for sure! I don't make that many things in 1 year! LOL! I know, I need to choose smaller projects and I am going to do that one of these days. LOL! I love it all and I finally went over to Linda's and saw all her gals are amazing with what you get accomplished. Glad you are enjoying your deserve it!

Betsy said...

You have been a very, very busy lady. All of your projects are beautiful and useful too! Thanks for sharing with us. Now you have an excuse to buy more yarn. :-)

Home Meadows said...

You've been busy. I need to make some dish cloths, I'm running low. I like how you laid out all your photos, it looks really nice. I imagine you are headed to the states to pick up your son at college. Wishing you a safe and fun trip. Take care Tammy, Heather

Lorrie said...

You've done a LOT of stash-busting. Wow, such productivity! I find that the first week after school's out I tend to wander around getting my head together before jumping into summer stuff. Is that woven piece from Ecuador or Peru? It looks like the textile arts we saw there.

Maya Kuzman said...

Wow! This is a stunning collection in every sense of the word! So many beautiful pieces made to beautify your home with!

crafty cat corner said...

Phew ! that was one big post and I enjoyed it all.

hooksandyarns said...

Oh my goodness Tammy - you have been busy for sure. I bet your crochet hook is smokin' from all that work. I love it all. :)


Hello Tammy you have a very lovely collections of crocheted projects. Enjoy your Summer Holiday. Hugs Judy

Julie's Lifestyle said...

Hi Tammy, thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comment on my blanket I've crocheted! I love your collection of dishcloths, doilies and blankets you crocheted! Happy crocheting.
Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

Kit said...

So true, to have the time to do what we want for once. Not that I mind what I do, but isn't it great to wake when you decide and then take your cup of coffee out to the rose bush and just swing and breathe and smile. :) Kit

Dagmar said...

This is an amazing amount of stash busting. I especially love all your dish cloths! Have such a wonderful trip to the USA...I will be back more often now that a I am on the mend.

Yarni Gras! said...

I know how fast you crochet but even so....that is a staggering amount of projects to have finished!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Congrats as you have made quite some improvements since your humble beginning! I'm very proud of you and don't you experience this as positive therapy for mind and body?
Love your color choices.
Enjoy your remaining time before the trip to see your eldest.

koralee said... are so creative!! I love all that you do...I would love to learn to crochet! Good for you my friend...enjoy your vacation time. xoxo

Serena Lewis said...

You have been one busy and productive lady! I love all your projects, Tammy. It must feel wonderful to get some stashbusting done. xo

Susan said...

Well my GOSH, Tammy. You are a crocheting factory! Fabulous job!

I can't believe you can do all those fabulous projects.

I STILL love my pink "bedspread and rug" in my dollhouse!

Hope you have a great trip to the USA! Are you going to be in Colorado? Email me, will you? Susan

September Violets said...

All this in a few days?! You're amazing!! Love all this creative energy ... don't forget to save something to crochet during that long flight ;) Have a great week Tammy, Wendy x

Gracie Saylor said...

WooHoo!!! I succeeded in getting your blog listed in my blog roll again, Tammy. Now to keep it there so I can enjoy your adventures. I certainly enjoyed viewing this post and I admire your pretty crochet projects. I have not tried to make a cover for a stone yet, but I want to. :)

Melanie said...

Holy moly, I can't believe all the crocheting you've been doing! I'm so glad to hear you're relaxing and enjoying your time off. Are you coming back to the US to visit your son?

Meredith said...

Creating puts you in a place where you feel peaceful, it is like a tonic for all that makes you crazy or upset. Love all that you have made, good for you stash busting. I am stash adding, but that is okay too.

Astri said...

Wow what wonderful projects and so many! It's fun to see them all together.

Sheryl said...

What a lot of beautiful work. I love the baby blanket.

Helen Philipps said...

Amazing amount of crochet, and so much stash busting!! You have made a lot of lovely and useful things, Tammy. So glad you have had a relaxing time and been so productive....crochet is a wonderful thing!
Hope you have a lovely week.
Helen xox

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

How busy you have been with all the wonderful crocheting work.
Hope you are having a wonderful time relaxing and enjoy your holiday back to the States.


Patty Antle said...

Hi Tammy! You have been a busy crocheter! I love my surprise I received in the mail today! What a sweet gesture. I love my doily and sweet little butterflies! Your thoughtfulness to think of me is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much, Tammy. I hope your trip to the states was wonderful.

Grammy Braxton said...

Tammy, I got your sweet gift yesterday. Thank you so much for thinking about me. The doily will hold place of honor to showcase Mom's block of granite. I have no idea where she got it but I definitely am keeping it. Thank you for your kind words.


My Cottage Diary said...

I'll add my Wow!, too, Tammy! So many lovely things you've created! I also like your statement: "It's such a wonderful luxury to have the time to do the things you love." Enjoy every minute! Blessings, Bess

Createology said...

I would say your yarn stash has to be running low with all your wonderful crocheted projects completed. Enjoy your vacation and safe travels. I am so glad to be back home and able to read my favorite blogs. Traveling can be exhausting! Summer Smiles and Creative Crochet Bliss...

Anonymous said...

Your needles have been FLYING!!! I love all those mixed up colors.

Truly beautiful.

Have a wonderful trip to the States.

Tanna said...

Such beautiful things, Tammy! I hope your summer is going well... and that we get to see that new granny square with the colors that surround you... though you have probably moved on to many more since you started this one. blessings and hugs ~ tanna

Taci simmons said...

Wow my dear Tammy you have done wonderful job using up your stash.
I have to say I am so very excited as I got my mail yesterday to find a wonderful gift from you...
How houghtful you are my dear friend and you would not know but surprises are one of my very favorite things in the whole entire world .
I'm am so very grateful for your generous gift but mostly I'm so very happy for your friendship and that you have thought about me in such a special way ... THANk YOU from the bottom of my heart... All my love.
I will be posting a THANKNYOU to you this coming week as I'm on vacation and cannot post right now.

Taci simmons said...

My dear friend Tammoe,
I hope you got my message thanking you sooooooo very much for the beautiful, thoughtful doily and card. I posted a thank you on my blog also :) thanx so much again. You're such a sweetheart .

Cheryl said...

You've been one busy gal! You do such lovely work ;-) I think I might make some crocheted rock covers for my yard--- they are so cute :-) What do you do with the ones you make? Do you leave them where people find them? and take them?.... that'd be fun too!
big hugs,

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a lot of great projects. I've bookmarked two of them and can't wait to try them. You are truly encouraging me to start crocheting more even without a 'reason' in mind. :)


Dagmar said...

You have been very busy my friend" some very wonderful pieces came out of all that work! Love the color themed items as well..

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