Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ramadan and Rocks

Today marks the first day of Ramadan.
The holy month of fasting for Muslims.
It is a time for spiritual cleansing, practicing self-control, learning self-restraint,
being patient and merciful.
It also means more change.
Though I don't usually fast, my husband and boys do.
My husband also has different working hours during this time.
I will be making simple soups and salads for fatoor (the breaking of the fast at sunset).
Zucchini soup is one of my favorites but not a favorite for the boys so tonight they will be getting tomato soup seasoned with cardamom, salad and baked cheese sambousa.
 The weather this morning was rather blah, so I didn't walk
(though I think my back could have used the stretching).
 Instead, the rock I showed you yesterday is now wearing a pretty pale blue cover.
It's my first completed crochet project in a while.
 All of these rocks have been collected on my walks.
Some are slated for crochet.
 While others are more suited to sitting in a pretty bowl.
And here's some food for thought.
Life truly is about simple pleasures.
Blessings to you all,


Pradeepa said...

Hi Tammy,

That soup looks yummy! I have never crocheted a cover for a stone before, thought it silly but I should admit that your crocheted stones always look very pretty and they would make an excellent showpiece. Maybe I should also give it a try.

Lorrie said...

Simple pleasures to you, Tammy. I love the rocks in a bowl. I have some that I put out and my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter loves to play with them.

linda said...

I love your crochet stone Tammy very pretty, I always think it's so very hard for those who are fasting when Ramadan falls in mid summer, at least your menfolk will have lovely tasty treats to look forward to at sunset. :)

Tanna said...

Ahhh, I knew that stone would be beautifully clad. And, indeed, it is! =)

Your men are very blessed to have your wonderful treats to break their daily fast. Hope your weather is better for walking tomorrow. blessings ~ tanna

Createology said...

Soup is such goodness and yours looks delicious. Lovely crocheted cover for your latest rock. The bowl of rocks also looks intriguing. I have a bowl of assorted nature findings and it gives me a lot of pleasure. Yesterday I added a very textile piece of greyish green moss bark. Simple pieces of life are such JOY...

Anonymous said...

The significance of Ramadan and the cultivating of those spiritual properties are a wonderful practice. Your family will no doubt be very appreciative to break their fast with such a wonderful meal prepared with your love.
I have not crocheted or knitted in months. I can't seem to find the desire right now. It may be the freedom of the summer weather. Maybe in the cooler months my mojo will return. You rock is very tempting to touch.
Happy Wednesday to you!

Teresa Kasner said...

It sounds like your back is improving.. good! I love your crocheted rock jacket.. I really do want to try one someday. I'm having my blog friend Gracie over for lunch on the deck today, she's bringing her sister. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Meredith said...

Tammy, you are so lovely to treat your family to a delicious soup when they are able to break their fast. Hope you can get out and walk tomorrow to stretch and clear your thoughts.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

I hope all goes well with the fasting. That is definitely a feat of self-control and discipline. It's great that you have some light meals planned for when they break their fast each day. I'm sure heavy foods wouldn't sit too well on an empty stomach.

Betsy said...

That soup looks delicious and just the thing when breaking a fast.
I like the simplicity of your bowl of rocks but your crocheted cover is very beautiful too.
Still praying for healing for your back Tami.


Judi said...

Tammy glad you are getting those creative juices flowing! The doodles on the leaf and oday the crochet on the rock! So creative and I know your original design! I too love rocks, the different colors and textures all nature made :) The soup looks really hearty and tasty ~ Judi

Dagmar said...

Loving the simple pleasures tht summer brings, I hope your back gets better soon. I do love your pile of rocks so beautifully displayed.

Susan said...

Hi Tammy...Your light blue crocheted rock cover is lovely. You are very talented and creative.

Gosh, wish I could fast. It really DOES take self-control.

Take care.Susan

Buttercup said...

One of my goals for the summer is to learn to crochet. I haven't made much headway, but thanks for the inspiration.

Hindustanka said...

Happy Ramadan toy our family, Tammy!
I am glad you've done some crochet at least. I can feel though that you are still low spirit, cheer up, life is beautiful when filled with simple joys and care for and of your family :)

SusanLotus said...

I wish you a lovely weekend and hope your pain in your back is getting better day by day. I always enjoy visiting your very peaceful and spiritual blog. :)

It´s going to be a soup here today too. With zucchini and broccoli.

Peace and love!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Enjoyed reading about your holiday and traditions!Love the rock crochet! Have a wonderful weekend.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Oh, such simple meals we both enjoy most! It makes you feel far healthier too. Your dressed up rock looks great and indeed some are almost too pretty for covering with anything.
We always used for our training: the devil is in the details. So true, all human kind is looking for the BIG things and they overlook the many little things that actually do count more.
Hugs to you,

~*~Patty S said...

Ramadan sounds like a very special time ... your family is so lucky to have your special treats and fresh food prepared for them

Fun to see some of your rock collection they wink and me and whisper "take me home" often too!

I also enjoyed your doodled leaf ... it looks very tribal and beautiful


Yarni Gras! said...

oh the joys of simple it!

Melanie said...

Is the zucchini soup a chilled soup? It looks really good. Amazing how even simple rocks look so pretty in a bowl.

Pearlin J said...

Simple joys truly make our life beautiful quote. Wish you a very blessed month Tammy

forgetmenotsblue said...

Oh Tammy I can't get enough of the crochet stones x

Kit said...

I just love your rocks. We just came back from the Oregon Coast and I brought home black cobbles. I love them in my gardens. Take care. Kit

Wildflowerhouse said...

Hi Tammy, I am playing catch up after a bad last six weeks. But I am getting back to normal now. Sorry about your back. That is so painful and one gets so tense waiting for that next stabbing pain to hit. Walking is so good for you for so many reasons and you have such a good outlook. I need to walk more. Your sons graduation was nice and yes they do grow up so fast. I love the photo of your little collection from one of your walks. I do the same thing. I love rocks too. We would have fun together that's for sure. Take care and heal.

Sam I Am...... said...

Blessed Ramadan to your family. If I didn't eat all day I would want a big fat bacon cheeseburger to break my fast! LOL! But I imagine you have to be careful what you eat after fasting.
Too bad it's only a month Christmas here...we should all be doing those things every day....except for the fasting part.
Love the stones! It's very hard to find smooth ones here. They're all jagged and I'm trying to stop bringing things into the house and start taking things out! LOL! I have to catch up again....thanks for stopping! I've missed seeing your blog and your inspiration that you always emanate. TTYL!

Sugar Lump Studios said...

The soup looks delicious! I also love your rocks! There is something about rocks...I always grab some when we are on the Great Lakes. Love that you can crochet with stones!

Rostrose said...

Hi dearest Tammy,
yes, life is made up of little things - and I LOVE THEM! :o) I love your stone-collection, your pretty pale blue rock-cover, your soup-photo and what you wrote about Ramadan: "It is a time for spiritual leansing, practicing self-control, learning self-restraint, being patient and merciful." It sounds like things that EVERYONE should learn, not only Muslims! Hugs, my dear - have a wonderful time! Traude

koralee said...

I love that quote...I may have to borrow it if you don't mind. Your rocks are so beautiful..with or without their sweet little covers. Hugs to you my friend...xoxo

Cheryl said...

lol... girl, you better watch it, your going to be called "that crazy lady who crochets hats for rocks" just sayin' lol....
big hugs,

Vicki Boster said...

Tammy- I hope your back is better now-- I know that is so miserable. I'm sure the summer is passing too quickly for you---
The soup looks delicious--- I could live on soups:)

Love the crochet cover for the rock-- such a fun idea!


pembrokeshire lass said...

That saying is so true! Sorry I haven't been by for a while. Life happened! I don't know much about Ramadan or its traditions so I was interested to learn more from you. Thank you. I, too, pick up stones. I have even been known to pick some white ones up from the car park of the place where I used to go to swim. Each one has a story or a reason! I like the idea of covering big ones. We have plenty on the beaches here! Hope today is a good day for you. Joan

Helen Philipps said...

I love to see a collection of beautiful rocks, and the crochet covered ones are adorable! I wish I knew how to do that! I'm so sorry to hear about your back, Tammy...but glad that it is easing up and that gentle exercise and stretching is painful when you hurt your back. Take care, my friend.
Helen x

Anonymous said...

Hello Tammy hope you are well I have not had time to blog as much you know how life takes hold, I have seen pictures of your crochet stones before and always thought they looked good. Makes a nice display.
Take care now.

Nancy said...

So many thoughts to share about your post. Wish you lived next door, so we could chat! Love hearing about your family.

I'm not a fan of fasting, but greatly respect those that do. There have been a few times in my life, however, when I needed extended, extremely focused times of prayer. The issues at hand were so critical that I needed to step away in solitude without distractions of any kind, including food. Each time I came away strengthened and humbled.

Your rocks made me smile. I love the simplicity - and that they are lined up so perfectly in rows. =) Thanks for sharing.


Patty said...

Hi Tammy! It's interesting I read your blog today and saw your crochet rock and other rocks. I thought of you when I was in the Bahamas and brought back some smooth black rocks with me. I want to crochet like you do and have had it on my board for quite some time. Is there a pattern? I hadn't thought about just having them sit in a bowl. That's a good idea too. Hope all is well!

Marina said...

I love that quote, it really makes you think!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

The soup looks hearty and hope all will go well for Ramadan.
Also love all your sweet rocks.
The quote is so true, thanks for sharing and I have written it in my journal.
Hope your back is better and enjoy the week

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Happy Birthday to your Mom!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hi Tammy! Thinking of you :)

Unknown said...

"T's Daily Treasures" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

podso said...

I hope your back is better.

Createology said...

Thinking of you Tammy Dear...

Unknown said...

Missing you Tammy, are you not blogging for the religious period. Guess school is back in session. Hoping to hear from you soon.

SusanLotus said...

Tammy, thank you so much for your unexpected and very precious gift you sent to me. I am so happy and grateful for the beautiful card and your handcrocheted lovelies!

Friends like you are not growing on trees. I hope you are doing just fine and hope to see you online soon again.

Thanks again and God bless U. :)

Aishwarya said...

Hi Tammy

Haven't heard from you for long. Hope alls well. Take care

Serena Lewis said...

Hi Tammy,

I've been mostly absent for a couple of months but I'm slowly coming back. I miss my blogging friends but life just got way too busy to keep up.

I hope all is well with you too as I've noticed you haven't posted for over a month.

The zucchini soup looks so yummy! LOVE your rock collection. I hope you are continuing to enjoy the simple pleasures.

Love and hugs,
Serena xo

J9sHappiness said...

Hi there! I'm finally finding the time to go back through my followers list and look through some blog posts! Strangely, I've also picked up some pebbles for covering in crochet over the summer hols!! I have a bowl on my lounge table just like yours!! I love your blog and am your newest follower! J9 x

Shane Pollard said...

Dear Tammy
I've arrived home and getting back in to things.
I see you haven't posted for a while so I'm thinking maybe you're away on holiday or just having 'time out'!

Thinking of you dear Tammy and I hope to catch up with you very soon!

((hugs)) and lots of love
Shane xox

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