Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Unintended Absence

It was certainly not my intention to be gone from this blog of mine for such a long time.
In the past month, we have gone from Kuwait to Amsterdam, Detroit, then New Orleans.
Traveled through Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and back again.

 We visited with friends and family.
Met blog pal Val of Yarni Gras.
Walked the beach.
Fed alpacas.
Enjoyed food and beverages.
And so much more.

But the ultimate reason for our trip to the States was to settle our son in at college.
 Mission accomplished.
We (minus one) arrived back home Saturday night.
And Sunday morning it was back to reality.
I've missed visiting everyone so will be popping by soon to say hello.
Have a great week!


Lotusblommans vardag said...

Welcome back Tammy!

And thank very much you four your unexpected but very appreciated present that you sent me. Handmade gifts are the best! :)

Have a wonderful week!

Meredith said...

Oh Tammy a bittersweet trip for sure, so much fun and then dropping of your son at school. I had and still have a difficult time with that, my son being so far from home. It looks like you had a wonderful time visiting wonderful places, family and friends. I am so glad you are back and I am thinking about you as you face a different household and being away from your oldest.
Hugs to you,

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
That have been quite some changes; emotional ones especially!
Starting out with a photo from Amsterdam, we're all too familiar with that airport!
What a journey you made and it is great for staying with family and friends. Hard to leave your eldest behind but that is life! He will be fine on his own and he's starting now his own solo journey of life.
Hugs to you,

pembrokeshire lass said...

Seems to be some travelling! What a varied and colourful time you seem to have had. Lovely pics of happy times. I do hope your son settles in well and that you don't miss him too much. Take care. Joan

Tanna said...

A mixture of emotions... all a part of the ebb and flow of life... {{HUGS}} to you and I'm glad you are back. blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Such a long trip and loved seeing the photos, too. How your boys have grown.

Sent you an email, let me know if you got it.

Sorry our paths didn't cross this time but there is always next time.


Our Neck of the Woods said...

Wow, you really have been everywhere! But it sounds like a nice trip. I guess it's a little bittersweet though with leaving your son behind at school. But I'm sure he will do great! Glad to see you back here :)

Deborah said...

I've missed you! What a great adventure you have had!

Shane Pollard said...

Dearest Tammy
I missed you.
What a roller coaster ride you've had and it will be lovely to see more photos from all those wonderful places.

Leaving your son would have been hard for you I know. you'll be just taking one day at a time at the mo - I know all about that...

That's the journey of life and he will now make his own path with all the love and support you can give him.
Skyping is a great tool for keeping in touch face to face so I hope you can do that.

sending you lots of love and hugs
Shane xox

Createology said...

This is wonderful news. You and your family are safe and busy. How exciting to have your son in college this year. Thank goodness you will have technology to stay connected across the miles. Very happy to read your post dear...

linda said...

Welcome back Tammy, you have had a journey! lots of lovely memories to cherish. I hope you don't miss your son too much, I know from experience how hard it is when they first move far away, the good thing is it's very easy to chat and keep in touch now, my youngest son is in Hong Kong and we skype and message on whatsapp all the time. I think we speak more now than when we did when he was at home. :)

My Grama's Soul said...

Wow.....what a whirlwind trip Tammy. It is hard to believe that your son is in college....how does it feel being an empty nester?



Diane said...

So good to have you back. That seems funny to say when you were much closer here than you are there! Thanks for thinking of my with the unexpected gift and mail. So nice of you, Tammy. Hope your son enjoys school here - I'm sure it will be an adjustment for all of you. Diane

Draffin Bears said...

Welcome back Tammy,

You have been on a fabulous tour of the world and enjoyed seeing all your photos.
Enjoy been back home and your new week


homemade@myplace said...

lovely tour!!!!
Hope you are not so sad because of your son so far away.....this is the moment I fear most!
xxxx Ale

Susan said...

Oh, my dear Tammy. How I loved the pink pot holder and doily. Guess what? I put the flat potholder on a bed in my dollhouse and used the doily as a "rug" in the same room in my dollhouse.Sooooo adorable. Thank you SOOOOO much.

Was it hard to say goodbye to your beloved son, dear Tammy? (I would have been a basket case. I'm sooooooo sentimental.)

I know he will love Colorado. It's a wonderful state. What will he study?

I'm so glad you are back, safe and sound. (Any chance your whole family could move to the States?)

I missed you so much! Love, Susan

Kit said...

Oh so very good to see you again! I read your comment on my blog and then "ran" over to see if you had posted. I was soooo glad you did! Wow, that is quite the trip. I hope your son has a great time in the states and enjoys college. It must be so hard to let him go. Take care and have a great week. L, Kit

Teresa Kasner said...

Welcome back! I wondered what happened to you! What an amazing adventure you had!! I lived in Louisiana for 5 years and loved New Orleans with a passion.. the food.. oh my goodness! I hope your son loves college! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Nancy said...

Good to know where you've been lately - glad you spent some great time with family. I hope your son thoroughly enjoys his college days here in the states and your heart is calm. =) We're saying goodbye to the kids again and it's hard every year!! Such a weird mix of excitement and emptiness that we are still adjusting to. Are you holding up??

Grammy Braxton said...

Welcome back. I would be exhausted after that trip. Rest up and take care.


Barbina said...

It is so nice to see you are back! I missed you a lot! It seems you had a wonderful trip around the world! The first weeks without your son must be hard, wish I could give you a big hug!
Sending you lots of love, Barbina

Tanya said...

Now, THAT was a lot of traveling...heading back home to CO myself, later today. Glad that you got to enjoy some great memories with your son this summer...best of luck to him - and a happy heart, to you! Hope your Wednesday ROCKS...Tanya

Anonymous said...

Hello Tammy, What a busy journey you have had, filled with emotion to I think.
Lovely to hear from you though and still find time to share pictures with us.
Take care now.
best wishes Julie.C

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, world traveler! good lord~ that was some trip.
You will enjoy hearing his college tales and he will look forward to sharing it all with you. Glad you are home safe and sound.

Quinn said...

So glad to see a new post! Looking forward to many more :)

Yvonne said...

You have been one traveling lady! LOL
Welcome back to blogland. Glad to see you. Hope you got my thank you email for the package you sent. That was very sweet of you Tammy.
Glad to hear all is well and good.

Aishwarya said...

Hi Tammy

Glad you are back. Have a great week ahead.

hooksandyarns said...

Welcome back Tammy. Looks like you guys had a great time. Good luck to your son. :)

Mosaic Magpie said...

I would imagine a good many tears were shed as you left him at college....I remember those days...lots of slow walking and sad singing.
Looks like you had a whirlwind trip and got to do lots of fun things.
Wishing your son a very successful year!

Linda said...

Welcome back, Tammy!

I so enjoyed all of your wonderful photos and your lovely summary of all you accomplished this summer. In the midst of all of this, you were also thinking of others (I wrote you an email). You're so thoughtful. ♥


Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Welcome back, Tammy! You had an exciting trip. It's great that you could spend some time with your son before he started college. I hope you can adjust soon to the new situation and keep yourself busy with creating and walking.

Sheila Rumney said...

Thanks for sharing pictures of your exciting trip. So glad you are back.

Betsy said...

My goodness you have had a busy month and visited some fantastic places. I'm sure it was a bittersweet moment to leave your son behind at college. I think I can understand somewhat as my youngest finished college and moved to Japan at 19 years old. Thank you for including us in your journey and sharing such beautiful memories.

Pam said...

Tammy received your postcard from New Mexico earlier this week. So glad you had a safe trip home. Look forward to reading your blog. I'm still not blogging much yet. Busy with granddaughters after school each day.


Hello Tammy, What a lovely trip you had with your family. Many exciting places and I see you even fly into Detroit. Holiday always end to soon but it also always great to be back home.. Hugs Judy

Dagmar said...

Welcome back Tammy, so glad you got away and settled your son into school..I am pretty sure you start back to school as well..loved the photos, felt like we were along with you!
Hope you have a great week!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Great reading an update! You sure did cover a lot of miles! Enjoyed the photo :)

Catherine said...

Oh my stars ~ there you are! Just a traveling girl! Glad you made it home safe and sound and I'm glad you got to see so many lovely things!!
xo Catherine

Astri said...

Good to have you back! What wonderful travels and what a wonderful phase in life that your boy is embarking upon. :-)

Lori ann said...

dear tammy, oh my gosh what a lot of traveling and probably very emotional too. best of luck to your son and to you too mama, thank goodness there are so many ways to stay in contact these days!
welcome back, i've missed your posts!
xoxo lori

Hindustanka said...

Hi, Tammy! Yes, it's been long you blogged :) But it is understood that we are busy with real life as well! I am glad that your son's placement to college was successful. But of course you must be missing him a a lot now... Be strong, we all go far from our families... don't know whether it is good or not.
Hope you are having nice days in Kuwait now. It is hot and humid in here,so I don't enjoy being back... But ok.
Take care! Hugs!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Tammy! I missed you! It looks like you've had quite the trip! I'm so glad you are okay and your son is set to enjoy college. Have a great day, Sweet Friend! Twyla

Pradeepa said...

Tammy, it's wonderful to have you back on the internet. You seem to have had a lovely trip but it must have been hard for you to say goodbye to your son. Nice photos and thanks for sharing them with us.

Wildflowerhouse said...

Welcome back. What a whirlwind trip. So your son is off to college so far from you all. Thank goodness for all the wonderful ways they have to keep in touch. I hope he enjoys his time here.
I think the momma cat realizes that one of yours has left the nest and so she wants to share hers with you. Good luck and keep me posted.

Serena Lewis said...

Hi Tammy,

Great to see you blogging again!!

What a great trip you guys had but I'm sure it was bittersweet in leaving one behind. The great thing in today's world is that he's never that far away when we have the Internet close at hand. I predict lots of Skyping and emailing. ;)

Great pics and so neat that you were able to catch up with a blog pal!

Enjoy the rest of your week and I look forward to your posts again.

Missed you! xo

Sam I Am...... said...

I emailed you a long one! LOL! You were in MS....and Texas....so close to me....sort of. Ha! Ha! I'm sure you were busy, busy but glad you had time to have some fun too. Love the pictures. That Southern Pecan beer looked good! I'm drinking Blue Moon right now! LOL! It's my go to beer. It used to be Corona but I like Blue Moon better. Probably because I worked in a college town...Iowa City, University of Iowa and picked up all those college kids tastes! LOL!
Have you heard from him yet? Have classes started? Does he like it? How's his brother doing without him around? So glad you're back blogging and crocheting!
Love ya.......Sam (the other one)

Melanie said...

That is a LOT of traveling - I bet you're exhausted! And I'm sure it was very bittersweet leaving your son and coming back home so far away.

crafty cat corner said...

Hi Tammy
Good to see you back.
I Received your lovely package and thankyou so much. Will email at some time.

Bettyann said...

wow what a trip...an emotional ride to be sure..take care...you sure don't look old enough to have a young man in university...hugs

~*~Patty S said...

WOWEE what a lot of ground you've covered dear Tammy...
looks and sounds very exciting and bittersweet too to have your son so far away from home...
but as parents we must give our children wings...
Lovely photos and glad you are back...you were missed

September Violets said...

Nice to see you back again. Good luck to your son in his new adventure ... so hard to leave them on their own for the first time. My daughter is heading into 2nd year university, and is enjoying her new-found freedom away from home :) Take care Tammy. Wendy x

besomom said...

I'm sure this is a very emotional time for you, but how exciting for your son. I hope he loves it at school. I walked around that campus a few years ago and thought it was beautiful. There is so much to do there if he likes outdoor activities.

Helen Philipps said...

Welcome back, Tammy! Such a long trip...and so many lovely places and happy times. I'm sorry you had to part from your eldest son...such a hard thing to do, though he will be just fine and independent I'm sure. Thank you again for the adorable crochet gifts (I emailed you a little earlier)....the little doily is on my nightstand, it looks so pretty!
Wishing you a happy new week.
Helen x

Vicki Boster said...

Wow Tammy-- no wonder you've been gone. What an incredible journey-- so many places- so many stories--

It must pull at your heartstrings to leave your boy so far away-/-,he's smart and he's grounded-- he will make you so proud. Congrats to you all as he enters this exciting phase of his life.

How fun that you got to meet Val-- great picture of you both-- she's a wonderful person:)

Stay busy and try not to worry-- like you can do that. I'm guessing you've already set up a Skype account!!


Sherry said...

Reading your post reminded me of the trip we took to take our eldest son to college. It was not as far away as your son is from you but was a big change for all of us. I am enjoying catching up on some of my blogging friends. Have a wonderful week.

An Aussie Felter said...

Hi Tammy, I've been wondering if you were ok and there you were, fluttering around the world like a butterfly ! So glad to see you had a wonderful time ... and your son will have so much fun! Have missed your smiley posts ! hugs x

Becca said...

Wow Tammy, you really did go to a lot of places and do a lot of fun things! Glad you had a nice trip. Love the green campus where your son is going to college. :-)

vintage grey said...

Welcome back sweet Tammy!! Looks like you have been having a wonderful summer!! Congrats to your son! Wishing you a sweet week! xo Heather

Mary said...

Glad you had such fun while over here - now home again 'minus one' as you said, sad I'm sure but happy knowing exacting where he is, studying, and hopefully living his dream for a bright and wonderful future. That was quite a journey for you but seeing family and friends must have made it extra special.

Missed you while you were gallivanting - but know you'll keep us happy with lovely posts once again.

Happy week dear Tammy - glad you're home safely.

Mary X

CatieAn said...

what a wonderful trip you had. How are you doing without your son close by? I am sure your family in the states is excited to have him closer.

Kathleen said...

Wow, what a trip! So many different places. It's obvious that you had a great time. I hope your son settles quickly and happily into college.

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