Friday, June 1, 2012

A New Month

And since all this loveliness can not be Heaven,I know in my heart it is June.
Abba Woolson

Another month is upon us.
Our temperature yesterday reached 47 C. That's 117 in Fahrenheit.  It's hot when birdies appear to be panting.
With little vegetation around us, no shade, mostly concrete, the heat is even more intense.
So no matter how much tender loving care I give my outdoor plants, some just will not survive the summer heat and dust.
Angeliki at My Hobbies' Place asked how I am able to take photos of the moon.  While most of the time I use my Sony Exmor R digital camera to take pictures, when it comes to long distance shots, I rely on our Canon PowerShot SX 30-IS.
Without a great zoom lens, I would never be able to get pictures of any of the birds that are flitting about every day.
Or the moon that is so very far away.  
The weekend has arrived and since it is too hot to do much else, I shall busy myself with household chores .
And crochet (my collection of jars is growing faster than my hook is flying).
Have a fabulous Friday!


Maya Kuzman said...

Happy first of June Tammy!
We've been having a rainy period (2 weeks and going) and everything is green and in full bloom!
I hope it gets drier soon. We might start growing mushrooms on ourselves :)

Elna said...

Beautiful pictures and Jingles is best *smile*. Well I also crochet a lot it's a nice way to spending time. Have a great weekend.


angeliki said...

Hi Tammy!
Well, I don't know if I could ever survive with 47 C!!! Right now, the temperature in Athens is about 27 C, as indicated by the weather station my father has made on our house's terrace! (live pic in my blog!)
Your photos are stunning!You could check mine too!
Surely the quality can't be compared with yours!:-)
Have a wonderful weekend and happy 1st June!!!

Astri said...

Great photos Tammy. The jars are such a good recycle/re-purpose project. They could be used for so many things.

Happy June!

Meredith said...

I am puttering around today as my youngest is busy working on his schoolwork. Hooray we are almost at the end of the school year. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, it is only 90degrees here today, with about 200% humidity, well it feels like that anyway.

Catherine said...

Oh my gosh ~ you are experiencing some crazy hot weather! Makes me wonder why your jars need a sweater. LOL! ;)

Happy June Tammy!
xo Catherine

hooksandyarns said...

Wow - 117 degrees? - I'd certainly be staying in too. Have a great day. :)

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

I, too, collect jars of all shapes and sizes, because I know that I can crochet fun covers for them. But, alas. I have the same problem as you. More jars than crochet time! Haha. If only I had two pairs of hands, right?

Angela Richardson said...

Those poor little birds must be really struggling,I,ve never seen a one panting.
It's a great idea to make covers for your jars, great recycling.
Have a pleasant weekend and not too much housework!!
hugs, Angela.x

Lorraine said...

Can't quite believe it is already almost half way through the year. Lovely photos - stay cool! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog.

Heather - The Good Life said...

Happy Friday Tammy. Your photos of the moon are beautiful. I hope your month of June is joyous. Stay cool. :-)

Linda said...

Hi Tammy,
Your photos in this piece are lovely - I think you're getting better and better with your photography! Great job. :)

Wow. That is hot. We had near 100 last week all week but Jim and I remarked that it didn't feel as hot as some days where it was only in the 80s because it was upper 90s with no humidity. Just dry heat and that seems more tolerable to me. It's when it's 85 with 100% humidity that it bothers me the most.

Anyway, we have none of that today. On this June 1st, it's only in the 50s this morning. Someone remarked that it feels like Autumn. I know (and hope) it will be short-lived. I want summer when it's supposed to be summer. Looks like it will be slightly warmer for our weekend and next week but nothing like we experienced last week when it was perfect, perfect pool weather.

Take care,

Diane said...

You DO get some wonderful shots, whatever camera you're using. The moon shots are just incredible. Blessings Tammy. Diane

Sam I Am...... said...

And I thought it was hot here!LOL! Actually it is nice and cool and overcast today and we had some rain so June 1st is gorgeous in my mind. Enjoy your weekend and Happy June to you! As always, love your crochet!

besomom said...

The June quotation is wonderful! It describes just how I feel about June. Unfortunately, our June 1st here in Michigan is cold and rainy. Four days ago it was 95 Fahrenheit and sunny, now it's about 40 degrees colder!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

I can't believe it's June already! You do take gorgeous pictures of the moon. Thank you for sharing them with us. Have a nice weekend, Tammy! Twyla

Sheila Rumney said...

Oh, I can't even imagine 117 degrees! Hopefully it is a dry heat, not missed with humidity. Wishing you a wonderfully cool weekend (inside).

Lori ann said...

oh my goodness i can't imagine that kind of heat, i hope you and the little birds and flowers will be okay. i'm sending you some cooling ocean breezes tammy!
i love your crochet jars :)
xo lori

val said...

lovely photos! I hope you get lots of crocheting done. I just started on a new mosaic which should take all weekend. Have a lovely day!

Elaine said...

Tammy... I wish I could send you some of our cool weather. Rain tonight and I actually turned the furnance on this morning to take the chill off. I think it's great that you can take such great pictures and that you share them with us.. Take care ..warm hugs to all Aunt Elaine

Susan said...

Hi Tammy...I love your moon, birdie, and Jingles shots. Soooo lovely. I remember intensely hot days from my years in Arizona and I did not like it one bit. I'm a cold weather girl. I don't even mind face-freezing weather but intense heat? uh uh. Pool and air conditioning for "moi." ha ha ha Take care and have a nice weekend. Susan

vintage grey said...

Yay, for June!! Wow, that is hot!! Love your crocheted covers! Is there a pattern you follow? Would love to know how to make them!! Have a great weekend! xo Heather

Createology said...

Tammy your photos are always so lovely. The moon is magical. I adore the moon. I think I would prefer the heat to that horrid dust you have. Does Jingles like to lick on an ice cube? Or a tuna soup frozen cicle? I always drained a can of tuna and saved the tuna "soup" for my BooBoo kitty. That was a special treat she loved. Mr. C and I ate the tuna for lunch while she ate her soup. Creative Crocheting my dear...

Lee Weber said...

I can't imagine that kind of heat! Your photos are really lovely! I only have a little camera, but someday...

Melissa said...

The first days of June have begun dust I've ever seen. Sooo smoggy. It's like a sheer sheet of grit, dangling at my door. Please make it go away. Love ya!

Mary said...

The only place I've been in temps. that high was Death Valley, CA. Wow, you must run your a/c non-stop!!!!

Great pics Tammy. Take care in the heatwave.

We should have pleasant temps. in southern Africa - S.A. being the coolest where nights may drop around freezing but then warm to 70F during the day - perfect for me!!

Hugs - Mary

Unknown said...

I imagine you in a little cocoon of comfort and safety while heat and dust and God knows what else is swirling about outside .... and no wonder birds and flowers survive on your little oasis of a balcony ... it makes a difference of life and death for them when the elements are so unforgiving!

Happy weekend Tammy!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,

Who would have thought years back before you embarked on this adventure of living far away, that you would become such a fine photographer. You also are a very keen and rare observer of life's little (to most people hidden...) treasures. The ingredients of TRUE happiness.
You're blessed girl!
Enjoy your surroundings and keep on sharing your talents with others. It is always a joy to stop by.

Rostrose said...

Hi my dearest Tammy,
it sounds sad, that some of your plants don't survive dust or summer-heat... But I hope, you ARE NOT sad!!! Your moss roses are blooming wonderful, you live in a pretty house, have a wonderful family and such a sweet cat :o) And a very good hand for creative artwork and taking great photos!! I've a good Zoom but I never managed as good moon-photos as you did!
Warm hugs, my dear - and perhaps you want to join my giveaway!

Wildflowerhouse said...

Tammy I love your photos but I am blown away with your crochet. I can knit but crochet I am not good at. Your jar is gorgeous.

Peli said...

sometimes we have 45 C in Greece for a day or two and when that happens people die...i cant imagine having so much heat AND dust for the whole summer...i hope your plants will survive....your crochet jar looks great!!!!
happy june!!! xxx

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