Here I am in my kindergarten graduation gown.
Check out that signature. I can only say it went downhill from this stage.
In 1st grade, I think I went to school in my granny gown. This is also the year that my mom used Toni perm rods on my hair.
And in second grade, I forgot to take off my poncho for the school photo.
I received by brownie pin this year and wanted to be a ballerina when I grew up. Don't know what I was thinking as I never took any ballet lessons growing up. Maybe it is every little girl's dream.
In third and fourth grade, I received awards for physical fitness. Third grade was for the flex arm hang and 4th grade was for track & field.
Look at this face. How could I have received a paddling in 4th grade? Yes, those were the days of wood paddles and spankings. Somehow crawling around on the floor tying the boys shoes together during a film presentation was not acceptable behavior. I was a troublemaker for sure. Or was I a rebel?
Ironically, I wanted to be a school teacher at that time. I don't have many clear memories from growing up, but I do remember 4th grade.
Fifth grade found me wearing a very shabby chic dress. Who knew!
I also received a nomination to the summer gifted program at USL but didn't make it that year.
In 6th grade, I was in Honor Chorus and wanted to be a singer.
It's so funny to me that my memories of those years are so fleeting. I have very distinct memories of certain moments, and then there is a span of no memory at all. I do love going back through this memory book of my school years. Each year has a pocket of memories, report cards and other things that my mom saved. Apparently, I talked too much for many years; sometimes my grades were above average, and other times, well, they were not so good. I am so thankful that my mom kept this book for me. Even my kids are enjoying the walk down memory lane (especially when, somehow, they think it benefits them -- when they can say, see mom........")
Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us. ~Oscar Wilde, "The Importance of Being Earnest
Peace & blessings, Tammy
I adore your little school book of memories, how wonderful that your Mom kept it for you.
I think the fourth grade is always memorable.
Not sure why, but I remember mine quite well also. I got a paddling too, the first and last, and it was for cutting up and being disruptive while the teacher was out of the room! ooops!
Love your post.
Weren't we cute back then.
Love the brownie pin.
Have no idea where mine would be... he-he..
Treasure this book.
Happy Sunday
Kate - The Garden Bell - <3 <3 <3
Wonderful, Tammy! What a gift your Mother has given you--such a treasure! It's fun to remember those years...sometimes I wonder why Mom ever let me out of the house on picture day wearing what I was wearing...oh, well! Makes for fun now!
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
What an awesome treasure! It was like seeing you grow up. Your own personal time capsule, Via Mom!
Hope all is well and blessed in your corner of the world. Many Blessing, Deborah
Love your school memories.How wonderful your Mom kept everything like that for you, its very special !
Thanks for coming by..... I wish I could send you some snow ... we have too much and you have none.... dosent seem fair somehow !!
Take care
A walk down memory lane with you. I have some of those photos in my book. Maybe I should see if I have any others from your visits.
I kept books like that for Jim,Gwen and Joy.
How is Zack feeling?
Hugs to all
So fun to stroll through memory lane. I recently found in a bunch of my mom's old papers, a written spelling test I had taken in 2nd grade - that was so fun to see after all these years!
Oh Tammy that was wonderful. I have kept book pictures and things for my kiddos. I also had keep a scrapbook for myself from 1st. grade to HS graduation. Every report card, poem, piece of material, corsages etc. til finally it got so crumbly and dusty I had to throw it away about 2 years ago. Yes after 50 or 60 years it was going to dust particles. Great post.
How adorable! I wish my mom had saved a book like that. Kind of makes me feel guilty for not having one for the kids other than saving their KG files. Once they're in government school, forget it. How fortunate that your mom saved this for you to look back on, even if some of the memories are only fleeting. You were one cute little kid but can't imagine you getting whacked....HA! I really enjoyed this one myself. Thanks for taking us down and sharing the memory lane with you.
I remember these books..I have one that is totally and one I started for my daughter..not sure where I have that stashed now thou...
You were such a beautiful girl...Thanks for sharing the steps to the beautifuil women you are now..
Memories is all we really have that is our won anymore...
What a wonderful keepsake to have. I really enjoyed reading your post and seeing all of your fabulous grade school photos!!
Your mom really did some neat things. How wonderful that she kept all those childhood memories for you. Honestly, I laughed to hear how you remember some things so clearly about your elementary years, and then have no memory of others. I am exactly like that. I remember specific events, and then I have no memories of 3rd grade at all except where my classroom was. Strange. How lovely to hear about your childhood. You were an interesting child, with different interests every year. I love it!!
Thanks for sharing the memories!!
How lovely...I so adore those school day books...I have one for all my children and they love looking back at the memories. xoxo
How wonderful that you have that book of memories! I wish my mother had kept such a book for me - it would be so fun to look back.
Tammy what a blast this was going through your memory book with you. Man, you were (are) a doll! I laughed about you tying boys laces together and I certainly don't think it was spank worthy. Just funny.
What a treasure! How fun it is to look at those things so many years later. I agree with being a ballerina being every girl's dream. I never took lessons but always imagined being one too!
Sharon :-)
I have that exact same 'school years' book! I wonder where it is since I can't remember the last time I saw it. 4th grade was my favorite year - I loved my teacher - she was young & pretty & so nice. Your mother has beautiful handwriting. :-) -amy
Oh Tammy Sue...this is priceless. I just love looking a stuff like that. All my report cards say the same thing..."She could do better and she talks to much" Later on I became defiant...but you know that...wink~
Great Post!
Hi Tammy,
I enjoyed seeing your keepsakes and photos of you.
How sweet and that is something I always wanted to do... was to be a ballerina, ( which I never was either)
Love it that your kids can walk down memory lane with you too.
Have a happy week
What a wonderful book. When we get older we really appreciate such a keepsake. How wonderful that you mom did this.
hugs and blessings
Hi Tammy - your sweet mum must have loved you very much to keep such a wonderful record of your life for you - what fun to look back and see what you were thinking/doing at each stage - thanks for sharing!
How fun that your mom kept your things in this neat book. There were 5 of us kids and I was in the middle- what mom might have started with the oldest was definitely forgotten about after have 3!
I too have so few memories of that time. My sister and I both comment on how little we can recollect- our little sis on the other hand can remember everything- though maybe she is just making all those stories up as we don't recall if they happened or not!!!
Tammy! That was SO cute! Thanks for sharing.
So so lovely, Tammy! Brings back memories .... Something to treasure for ever and ever.
Have a wonderful week!
Good Morning Sweetie...
I so love this post. How beautiful are these pictures and your memories. Tammy they are priceless. I do have old report cards that Moma saved of mine, but there are no pics with them. I love the way this report card booklet was kept for you. So precious. I loved each and every picture.
4th grade, tying shoes together. I can just see that one, and yes I too remember wooden paddle spankings. I never received one, but heard many from the cloak room behind me. I was terrified of those paddles on the edge of the desk.
Thanks for the beautiful memories sweetie. You have a gift with writing.
Country hugs and much love...Sherry
This is a great post...since I love all things nostalgic it touched me! Fun to see the changes in hairstyles and outfits. I think every girl dreams of being a ballerina--I remember the paper dolls I had of ballerinas. I wish I had such a thing about my childhood but I don't and don't remember much, unless my sister, who remembers a lot, reminds me!
Cute post! Like you, I don't have many distinct memories of my childhood. Some people I know can remember every teacher they ever had and tons of details. Oh well....
wow, what a fantastic post. how cool to have this info about yourself to reflect on. love all of the outfits: we have to be about the same age (44) because i have some that are so similar! i LOL over the poncho. my mom always knit those for me. and dickies! what a scream.
thanks for sharing!
What a great book of memories to have! And thank you for visiting my blog its always nice to meet someone new!
lucky you to have a Mom that kept this!
Hi Tammy!!!
Happy Birthday Month, Day 21!!!!
This was such a FUN post! Gifted? You GO girl!!! I haven't heard UL be called USL in years...that is soooo cool. That's where my little 21.75 year old is attending college right now!!!!
My Birthday wish for you today is Self Expression.
You were too cute~
You always share the most wonderful quotes!! I love that Oscar Wilde one but then you know how I feel about reminiscing. I adore it. ♥
And this post is so wonderful. I seem to remember having a school book like that as well, but I can't locate it. Instead, I do have all of the scrapbooks that my Mom put together from Kindergarten through High School. She did that for all of my sisters and I ~ can you imagine that? ☺
I loved seeing a glimpse of your school memories - your pictures are adorable.
I love this post Tammy! I may have to steal your idea sometime. Boy those pictures look so familiar...oh the fun growing up years!
Have a beautiful day today!
Hi Tammy,
What a fun stroll down memory lane with you! I never got a paddled back in the day, but I spent a few hours in the standing in the corner with gum on my nose LOL! Great post!
Have a nice week my friend!
P.S. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a sweet message. I always appreciate and enjoy visiting with you!!
Nooooooo waaaaay! I have a book exactly like that! Well, except it has my photos - not yours!! It makes me want to dig mine out! Thanks for the fun trip down your memory lane!
These were fun to look at, Tammy! What a treasure to have! I hardly have any memories of school in the 4th grade but many memories from home.
I enjoyed hearing Three Dog Night! I think the first album that I ever bought was one of theirs. And I was in the 4th grade! ♥
I loved this. You were such an adorable little girl too. I realized when I was reading it, that I remember 4th grade better than K thru 3 too. I'm not sure why. I wish I'd done this for my own kids, especially having them sign it each year.
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