1. Where is your cell phone? Purse 2. Your hair? Shaggy 3. Your mother? Ohio 4. Your father? lost 5. Your favorite food? many
6. Your dream last night? none 7. Your favorite drink? vino 8. Your dream/goal? Contentment 9. What room are you in? family 10. Your hobby? many 11. Your fear? none 12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? States 13. Where were you last night? Home 14. Something you aren't? Greedy 15. Muffins? homemade 16. Wish list item? house 17. Where did you grow up? South 18. Last thing you did? sew 19. What are you wearing? pajamas 20. Your TV? on 21. Your pets? Jingles 22. Your friends? precious 23. Your life? normal. 24. Your mood? hormonal 25. Missing someone? sometimes 26. Vehicle? Toyota
27. Something you're not wearing? makeup 28. Your favorite store? craft 29. Your favorite color? blue 30. When was the last time you laughed? earlier 31. Last time you cried? yesterday 32. Your best friend? wonderful 33. One place that I go over and over? bathroom 34. One person who e mails me regularly? Renee 35. Favorite place to eat? Rangoli
Speaking of tests, my kids got their report cards yesterday. Zack is well-rounded and does fine in all his classes, even French and Arabic. As for Yusef, my 9th grader, he seems to excel at socializing more than studying. Not quite sure what to do with that boy.
I am to pass the Over the Top award to three blogging friends: Marilyn at Our Victorian Cottage who is so honest and forthcoming in her posts; Gloria at Crochet Galore because she loves crochet as much as I do but she is much more talented than moi; and Peggy, otherwise known as QueenMotherMammaw because well, she's the queen, and so fun-loving.

It's day three of my birthday month and White Wednesday (Happy Hump Day). Below is a monogrammed handkerchief that my wonderful friend Melissa brought for me from Germany many years ago.
And one of my heart trinket boxes (did I mention I collect hearts)?
“The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.”
We had another day of dreary gray weather. Quite unusual for it to last so many days around here. Hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday. Best wishes always, Tammy
Yeah! I like your answers, Tammy. ☺
I had to laugh when you mentioned your boy that's more interested in socializing... I have a girl like that. She still manages to pull off honor roll, wrapping things up at the end of the quarter, but we just began a new quarter a couple of weeks ago, and already I spent this morning on the phone with one of her teachers as we discussed a plan of action when it comes to her 'missing' assignments.
Daughter sure likes to make things interesting for me (it's called - "Driving me CRAZY!!!!")
Looks like your Birthday month is off to a great start, though wish the weather would perk up for you. It's overcast here today, but the temps are relatively more mild. Though... I see snow (several inches) in the forecast for Friday. We just got rid of it all, and here it comes again... but that's life in Illinois in February (and March... and even April sometimes)
Well Happy Birthday Month! Loved reading your answers and getting to know you a little better. Judi
Great answers! one learns a lot from a person from tests like these :-)
I never heard of the term "hump day" before. I know now what it means! :-))
have a great day!
Hi, Tammy, and happy birthday month to you!! I loved reading all of your answers, especially the one about a place I go to often: the bathroom!! Me, too. I love your beautiful handkerchief and heart box. I noticed recently that I have a lot of hearts around my home. I hope you are having a good week, dear friend! Vicki
happy White Wednesday....And I got a kick out of some of your answers....cute! :)
Hi Tammy!!!
Happy Birthday Month Day 3!!!
I loved all of your answers, short and to the point ;)
(and I wish you were back in the states, back in the South!!!)
Boys can be a handful but remember, they can always be worse. I can't imagine having a school teacher as a Mom...*wink wink
My Birthday Wish for you today is...Comfort.
everything vintage
Love your answers to the quiz, especially the hormonal mood. Hang in there; they will go away. The report cards will come and go. I hope that Yusef can do enough to get by this year. Never easy to do well in those subjects that they just don't seem to get. Dany has Math and Science that give him a hard time.
Keep enjoying the days of the birthday month. Hope the dreary days go away. Bring on the sun!!
Hi Tammy and happy birthday month!!! I LOVED your one word answers!! You did much better than I would have.
Have a beautiful day!!
Happy Birthday month!! I like it! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog, you are the best!!
Congrats on your award...I just love the little heart box...I think I might have goe=otten my computer fixed..I deleted my last three posts and seems for now to have stopped...got a couple comment from unknown person...delted those too...cross your fingers for me...I have some fun stuff to post...lol
have a great day Tammy
Love your post. Yusef will find his way--
all is okay here...just cold. Today is Aunt Gay's birthday.
Did you know you share the same birthday as your long lost Aunt Nancy?
Yusef is at that age... is he interested in girls yet? I see you share the same birthday as Aunt Nancy. I wonder how old she is now. ..
Going to clean house today, scrub the shower , mop the floors all that fun stuff. You asked if that picture in my living room is new.... no, have had it for years.. but it moves from room to room.
love ya!
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