Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Funday

 Breakfast and a walk with my boy this morning.  (We also went to the grocery story and a bookstore but didn't buy anything.)  A walk to the park on my own this afternoon and then another walk together this evening.
Tiny little eggshells have been falling from trees as new life emerges.
Years ago I was on a kick of crocheting little baskets from scrap yarn and on January 26th had placed one in a tree at the park that I completely forgot about.  Checked on it today and it was still there.  The birds won't use it since it's too low but it does remind me of a nest sitting there.
This cat was being chased by birds today as a warning to stay clear of where they were nesting.
Feeling super tired now so will likely turn in early.

Sunday blessings,


Michelle said...

This sounds like a great day to me and I like seeing your sunny temps.

Betsy said...

I'm amazed that the nest was still there with all of the wind you have there at times.


Sounds like a lovely, peaceful Sunday! A breakfast outing, a few walks, and a visit to the bookstore are such great ways to spend the day. I love the idea of crocheting baskets and placing them in trees; it’s a sweet little reminder of nature’s cycles. That cat must’ve been in the wrong place at the wrong time, getting a reminder from the birds! I hope you rest well and feel refreshed for the week ahead. Sunday blessings to you too!

Quinn said...

What a nice way to spend a day :)

Delighted Hands said...

What a lovely day for a walk! I like the thought of making nests for the trees!

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