Sunday, February 2, 2025

Keeping Track

 I have to say, blogging every day this year has so far been pretty easy.

The same goes for walking, although there have been plenty of times when I really just wanted to stay home.  The tally for the month of January was 106.7 miles.

I'm trying to be consistent with at least these two things.  Something to strive for each day.
I thought it had been 7 years since our son had last been back here for a visit, but he and his dad informed me it's actually been 8.  Obviously, a lot has changed in that time.  The beach area we walked today used to be rather barren, and even though we live just minutes away, it's not a place I would go very often, mostly because I hated seeing trash all over the place.  I was actually surprised to see that it's been developed rather nicely and is definitely much cleaner now.

Getting this posted later than usual and since it's past my bedtime, it's time to say goodnight.


Betsy said...

How beautiful. I would love to be near a beach that I could walk in the sand. I do miss being closer to the coast. I'm gad you're getting som egreat time in with your son.

pelinpembesi said...

What beautiful places!
Maybe we'll get there one day, Tammy..

Delighted Hands said...

How very pretty! I would love to walk by the ocean right now...

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