Thursday, February 6, 2025

Count With Me

After I fed the kitties, I found a gold star on the ground.
And after I picked up some garbage, I found a dinosaur holographic disc.
Sometimes I really do feel that the universe rewards me for my efforts.

I have plans for these crocheted circles that will be revealed in a later post.
Thought this was a great spot for a photo of them.  Contemplated counting the tree trunk rings but decided counting cats was much easier.
Moonspotting amongst the clouds.
Happy Thursday!


Maya Kuzman said...

Oh my! So many kitties! Love the evil eye circles. On one of my workshops, the kids crocheted evil eye coasters for culture day. I cannot wait to see what you do with them!

Quinn said...

Such beautiful kitties, and you are certainly right about the counting. I've got two trees I'd like to count rings on next year (under snow a the moment) but it's not very likely I'll manage to do it. Are you making nazars? I've seen them in glass, mostly, but yarn seems a cozier form of protection :)

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