A rainy departure early yesterday morning.
Over land, through clouds (which made for quite a bumpy ride) and then our arrival in Dubai where my husband had several business meetings.
That meant there wasn't time to do much.
It was recommended that we have lunch at Dim Tai Fung located in Dubai Mall so we headed there after his first business meeting. Since I didn't have breakfast before we left, I thoroughly enjoyed every single bite of my mushroom & veg dumplings and vegetable chow mein.
We also popped in to our favorite bookstore, Kinokuniya.
Started reading this book last night.
Weather was nice so we made several rounds of the hotel grounds.
It's not a large area but there's still lots of pretty and interesting things to see.
Quite a surprise to see this big guy hanging out by the pool.
And it's the only place I've seen pink dragonflies.
Isn't it lovely?
Now we are back home.
My son in Denver is currently experiencing very snowy conditions, so if you are in the midst of a winter storm, warm wishes are being sent your way.
Happy Tuesday!