Sunday, March 4, 2018

Back from the Blahs

Well folks, I seem to be really bombing with this whole blogging business lately.  It's been a whole month since my last post and though I could say that I don't know where all that time went, in all honesty, I just really went into a state of blahness after our youngest son returned to college on January 20th.  A few other things also happened that left me feeling like I didn't want to do much at all; I wasn't walking enough and was eating a whole lot more than I should.
I might still be feeling that way if we hadn't taken our recent annual trip to Sri Lanka.  We left Kuwait the night of February 21st and arrived to Colombo early morning of the 22nd.  After a 4 hour drive, we made it to Kandy where we stayed for two days.
The view from our hotel balcony.

I didn't sleep on the plane at all (instead I watched two movies: Victoria and Abdul which was good and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri which was even better) so was feeling rather out of it the first day.
(Hanafi Mosque, Kandy)

We still managed a couple of long walks around town.
And around the lake.
For locals, monkeys are an every day sighting, but for visitors it is always such an exciting experience seeing them up close, roaming free as they should be.
We took a tuk-tuk back up the hill to our hotel.
  And after freshening up and having dinner, we were ready to call it an early night.

On day two, we visited the Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens where I took lots of pictures, so will save that for next time.
Hope all is well with all of you.
Best wishes and blessings,


Mary said...

Tammy lovely to read all about your stay in Kandy. I've been to Sri Lanka and thought it really beautiful.
Not much time to comment dear as we leave for our expedition to Patagonia (Agentina/Chile) tomorrow and there is much to be done today of course! I'm hoping to sleep on the overnight from Dallas to Buenos Aires but it's doubtful - hopefully I'll have a good movie to watch too!

Hope your boys are well - know how you must miss them.
Lovely to see you back here - keeping up with blogging is hard - I've just reached 11 years and must admit it's changed a lot, but I still love it.

Best to you and hubby - Mary x

Maya Kuzman said...

Welcome back Tammy! Your adventures and photos are always appreciate it! I can frame your last photo and just look at it all day long! It's magnificent. I imagine a bench under those trees where I could sit all day and soak in that beauty!

Betsy said...

Hello Tammy. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling down lately. Believe me, I know that feeling. When the children are all gone and the house is so empty it’s hard to adjust back again. However, your vacation photos are amazing. It all looks so exotic to me as I have never been to that part of the world. Thank you for sharing with us and I’m so glad to hear that you’re feeling more yourself. Much love and blessings, Betsy

Createology said...

I love seeing your travels as I have never visited your part of the world. Feeling the blahs is never Joyful however sometimes it prepares us for new Joys and Bliss. We are having Snowmagedden here. I am not a fan of Winter and March came in like a Lion. I wish you Joy and Happy Days Dear...<3

Lyn said...

Sorry to hear your not your usual self. Hope it improves for you, The trip looks amazing, what a great place to experience something rather special. It does look colourful and exotic. xx

Terra said...

It sounds so fun to visit Sri Lanka and you took some great photos. I like that yellow and blue painted wall and I hope you get your pep back.

Wanda said...

Don't we all get the Blog Blues?? You were missed. What a lovely place to be refreshed in your body and spirit.

Love lookout from your balcony. Looking forward to more pictures from the gardens.

Teresa Kasner said...

I was so pleased to see your name pop to the top of my blog list! I've missed you! You're such an inspiration to all of your readers, so I do hope you get your blog mojo back. I'm enjoying your photos of your exotic vacation.. I have never been anywhere where monkeys roam free, I would love that. Have a fab week and I hope you show us more photos of your trip. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

crafty cat corner said...

Hi Tammy
Glad you've got over your blahs. Was it because you miss your son? I missed all of mine when they left the nest and it took me years to get over it.
don't worry about blogging, just write when you feel like it, I'm sure your followers will understand and be there waiting for you.

SusanLotus said...

I too have been in a totally passive mode.
The environmental change, our little trip to Helsinki,
made life feel lighter so I think I understand how good
it was for you too. :)

Your pictures from Kandy are beautiful and I like the
photo taken from the tuk-tuk very much. It captures the moment.

I wish you a great start on the new week!

Meredith said...

I can understand that feeling, I had it every time my oldest left. Even though he was only in Ohio it was miles and miles away. I am so glad you took a trip and it helped lighten your load my friend. I am here if you need anything, hope you know that.

Angie said...

Tammy - so glad to see a post from you ... which is not meant to make you feel guilty ... just an expression of concern. Sometimes we need a change of locale to get our mojo back. I love the sculpture in the garden - and look forward to your future post with more pictures from it. Hope you have a terrific week!

Melanie said...

I certainly understand the case of the blahs - I get them once in awhile myself. Glad your trip to Sri Lanka cheered you up. I really enjoyed seeing your photos of that country and look forward to seeing more: I just met the head monk from our county's Buddhist temple at a workshop, and he's from Sri Lanka.

handmade by amalia said...

You always take us to the nicest places, Tammy :-) And we all get a case of the blahs from time to time and then something nice comes along.

Lorrie said...

Blogging desire waxes and wanes, and the blahs come to all of us sometimes. Sri Lanka looks like a beautiful place to visit. The monkeys would be fun to watch. I wonder if they become nuisances?
Hopefully, the blahs will be banished soon.

Preeti said...

Welcome back! Good to know that you had a nice small vacation and hope you are back to normal from blahness.

hooksandyarns said...

Beautiful pictures. I think I'd be a little scared of the monkeys though. :)

Linda said...

Beautiful photos of a fascinating place. I'm glad you're back to posting. I've missed you!

Kind regards,

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Oh, I can identify so very well with feeling blah. Either when a family member just left or after we'd gone to visit them.
It seems like your mind is forever 'floating' and not yet ready to start the usual routine; so hard to distance yourself from loved ones!
But happy for you that you had this most welcome break away from things.
Such a beautiful environment, reminds me always of Tamil Nadu and I guess its about the very same people too.
Love their food and the natural environment.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

I'm glad the trip ended your period of feeling blah, Tammy. Sometimes it can be difficult to get motivated. The view from your hotel room is lovely. A lot of green and rolling hills are always beautiful.
Have a great week!
xo Julia

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