My last post was about the death of my husband's uncle who he was very close to.
On Friday, yet another uncle passed away.
And just yesterday, the mother of his very good friend died.
Sad days indeed, and a reminder of his own father's passing 10 years ago in the very same month.
We were unable to attend the burial service of the first uncle in Jordan because of a business trip to Dubai that my husband could not cancel.
We left early Tuesday morning, arriving to dusty, warmer weather.
After checking in, we always head straight to the Dubai Mall, have soup and sourdough bread at Nordsee, visit the Japanese bookstore and then take a quick walk outside to see the iconic Burj Khalifa.
While my husband attended business meetings, I was able to walk around the hotel grounds and sit outside at one of the many restaurants where I could read and have a drink.
As you can see, I was not alone.
I was engrossed in my magazine and the folks at the next table laughingly informed me that a fine feathered friend was stealing my nuts.
Next thing I know, a young dove came and sat right in the bowl.
Every time I see this picture it makes me giggle.
I'm used to the crows in Sri Lanka who will steal your food if you turn your back for a second.
But have never had a dove come join me at the table.
Definitely something to smile about.
Happy Sunday!

This made me laugh too! The mourning dove is one of my very favorite birds.
It's so cool you get to fly to such an amazing place on a regular basis. I enjoyed your coffee companion.. very sweet. Sorry for all your losses, my friend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
That makes me smile tooo--glad to know that you are generous with your food!!!
love all the photos--
Sorry to hear of soo much loss for your Hubby--
love and laughter, di
A lovely guest at your table Tammy. Sending you lots of love for all the sorrow in your heart right now.
Condolences for your husband and family. Lovely visit you had and beautiful hotel grounds to stroll. Funny to see your snacks being high jacked right out of your bowl by the doves. Hugs Dear...
So very sorry to hear about your loss. That is a lot to deal with.Glad the doves showed up to give you a smile. :) Kit
Condolences to you and your family on your losses, Tammy. So many, so close together.
I think it's lovely that you and your husband are able to share some of his business trips, and that you have created pleasant routines for visiting particular places. And doesn't special food instantly set our feet on the ground in a place? If I ever manage to return to Ireland, I will probably eat sausage rolls every day to remind me to be "in the moment, in Ireland."
I am so sorry for your losses. That is so much in such a short time.
Dubai looks very interesting. Mina Phillips (The Knitting Expat podcast) has written about that bookstore. It sounds pretty awesome. Did you buy anything?
That was such a precious gift from God in the midst of your suffering. What a sweet Dove. ♥ I firmly believe that in the midst of our trials, God sends us messages of encouragement in many different ways.
My heartfelt sympathy to you and your husband.
I've been struggling with losses of a different kind but also with the realization that this is life. My Mom's Alzheimers is really progressing - Thanksgiving we had many visitors in the way of my sisters and their families and she didn't know where she was at (at our house, next door to their house where they obviously spend a lot of time), nor did she recognize who any of them were. After heading home for an afternoon nap, and my sisters stopped back by our parents house (truly less than 10 steps from our door to theirs), Mom then had absolutely no recollection of their earlier visit, nor of the fact that it was Thanksgiving, etc., and of course having gone through this with Jim's Mom, we know all too well what is to come. This also makes us think towards the chances for our future demise.
In the midst of this, my only remaining Uncle had another heart attack over the long weekend, and since he still hasn't recovered from the massive stroke he had earlier this summer, is not doing well. He and his wife, my Aunt, are the only ones left from both of my parents (it's my Mom's sister and her husband). A reminder also of what's to come with my parents since they are 91 and 86.
And in the midst of all of this, everyone puts such a huge emphasis here on the holidays, when not everyone is always feeling like all of that hoopla.
So much loss in such a short time. My prayers are with you and your husband right now my friend. My husband used to fly all over the world and I was looking forward to traveling with him after I left my job. Then, right around the time I could have begun traveling with him, he got a promotion and now doesn't travel very much at all. So sad as I was looking forward to that.
The dove made me smile. So fun!
I am so sorry for all of your losses. We lost a very dear friend and I sure missed his smiling face on Thanksgiving. I love the picture of the dove sitting on the edge of your bowl. Very cute.
I think a giggle was exactly what you needed. Please extend my condolences to your husband at this sad time for him.
Hi Tammy, I'm so sorry to hear about all the losses in your family lately. You're in my thoughts. I enjoyed seeing your feathered friend, he was fearless. He knows he can get lots of food just by being sweet and friendly. :)
I'm so sorry to read about all the losses in your family. Such hard days. I'm glad the dove came along to give you a giggle. Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine.
Having a dove for a dinner date sounds good to me! So cute, Tammy. And your photos are great. Seems like losing family members and friends all at once is hard to take but, as they say, difficult things usually happen in threes. May they all rest in peace. Susan
That's a lot of sadness to deal with at once.
I think having the dove join you is about one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I would have loved sitting there with it that close to me. But I'm sure it would have gotten quite tired of hearing me talk to it and leave.... :)
You've been in my thoughts. I'm sorry for all the losses you've had to face. It is never easy. I'm glad you had a feathered friend to keep you company. Thank goodness for the little things that help us make it through life's hard times.
Nice to see you've made a new friend :-) But I'm sorry to hear you've been experiencing so much loss lately.
What a beautiful post, so poignant and symbolic. So sorry for your losses... xo
Hihi, dearest Tammy, the photos with the dove are really funny. We have already seen that pigeons eat the remains of the plate at an already abandoned table, but “your” little delicate pigeon was particularly daring. This bird was not afraid of you - I guess it knows you do not eat pigeons ;-))
Very sad, on the other hand, all the deaths which you are telling about at the beginning of your post. I wish you and your family that the bad time is now over!
I would also like to thank you for your kind words on our trip to Africa. It is very easy to navigate in Namibia, because there are almost only long straight roads and few branches ;-) Yes, and Cape Town is really beautiful - a highly recommended destination! I am absolutely right to you: to travel and see and experience firsthand is the best way to get to know the world and also its problems. In this way you learn a lot!
Lots of hugs, Traude
Sending you condolences and hugs from sunny Thailand...thinking of yiu and your family Tammy.
Sorry to hear of your losses, it's so hard when you get several close together. I'm glad you found enjoyment with your feathered friend. Hx
What a lovely dove in your bowl! Such adorable photos. That building is simply amazing.
I'm so sorry to hear of so many sad losses. I hope you'll both continue to find comfort in the small and the beautiful things around you.
Sorry to hear of all the losses in your life lately.
Love your photos...that building is amazing.
Too funny how the mourning dove was stealing your nuts!
Life is too short... At least people stays in our hearts forever.
Wow, such awesome pics of the birds! Coming so close.
And all other photos too. I love seeing you and your hubby together
just don´t ask why. I just do. :)
I haven´t been motivated to blog last weeks but here I get some
inspiration finally! All the flower photos reminds me of all photos
I still have in my files not published.
I love doves....I remember as a child going to sleep with the doves cooing in the trees. Please give my condolences to is very hard when you have little time to recoup from one loss before another one crosses your doorstep. BTW, what happened to his mustache? He had one before didn't he? I love to be able to armchair travel with you! Thank you so much for really means a lot to me and I thoroughly enjoy it.
Tammy, I am so very sorry, please accept my condolences. The dove eating your food gave me a chuckle...such a sweet gift amongst the sadness. BTW, Stella is a favorite beverage as it goes down a treat.
I'm wandering around blog land on Christmas night and enjoying catching up with you.
How amazing photos you managed to take in those
moments! My guess is that you where in a totally
"here and now" mood. Very present.
Have a great day! <3
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