Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday Creativity and Stitch-A-Long

This week I am linking up with Kathy of Hummingbird Woodland Studio for Creativity Wednesdays and Tammy of Life and Yarn or Yarn and Life for Stitch-A-Long Wednesday.
My most recent finish is another granny square baby blanket for charity.
I then started a v-stitch blanket to switch things up.  My plan was to make it all in cream with a colorful border.  Unfortunately, when I went back to the yarn store yesterday, there was none of the cream yarn to be found.  They said it would be 15 days before it would be in stock (possibly longer).
So, I bought more yarn.
And started another v-stitch.
But then decided I didn't want to wait 15 days or longer for more of the cream yarn to be in stock so I am using what I have on hand to finish the original v-stitch blanket.
I've wanted to do color blocking, just not with this stitch, but I think it will turn out just fine.  Most of what I've been making has been more baby girl-oriented, so these colors are more boyish.

Two blankets on the go for two link parties.
Creativity Wednesdays
Creativity Wednesdays
Have a crafty day!


kathyinozarks said...

Good morning Tammy, I am enjoying seeing the different patterns and colors in your baby blankets-and a great way to enjoy your crochet while helping others too-I love that shade of deep blue with the white. thank you for linky up

Bee Lady said...

Your blanket is gorgeous! I love the way you stitched the squares together too. I'm making a blanket right now and I put my grannies together the same way. I think it adds depth. I chuckled when you said you bought more yarn. Isn't that the way of us yarnies!

Cindy Bee

Sam I Am...... said...

Love your blankets! Th first one has all my favorite colors. I have not tried the v-stitch. I'll have to give it a go some day. I love the green yarn and the variegated. You are one fast crocheter! Beautiful projects!

Betsy said...

Your blankets are all beautiful Tammy. I like the blue with the cream. It will be perfect for a little boy. It's hard to walk into a yarn store and not buy yarn isn't it? I don't know if I've ever been able to do that. Ha ha! Thank you for the link ups. I'll go over and have a look see. Blessings,

~*~Patty S said...

Cream and blue look really lovely together.
I can understand when you're on a roll not wanting to wait a couple of weeks for yarn.
Lovely crocheting.

jinxxxygirl said...

I just love granny squares... they remind me of my grandma and the small nursing home she ran.. many of the ladies did crochet... thats how i learned my colors as a child . The ladies would lay out balls of yarn on the bed and teach me.. I would love to learn how to make granny squares but they look very complicated and i have only a bare bones knowledge of crocheting... maybe one I'm coming to you from kathy's Creativity Wednesdays!! Hugs! deb

linda said...

Your blanket is lovely Tammy and what a shame that you had to buy more yarn haha, have fun mixing the colours it's going to be beautiful. :) xx

Linda said...

Very pretty as always.

Createology said...

Ahh Tammy you are right on trend with the color block afghan. I understand color block is everywhere...even on polished nails. Your V-stitch is lovely and I love the blue with cream. Very preppy for a boy. Fabulous new yarn acquisitions. Lovely Day Dear...

Lisa said...

Bummer about about having to wait so long for the cream yarn. I think the blue and cream will look lovely. Sometimes you have to go with a plan B. Can't wait to see what you make with the green yarns. You could make lots of green hearts! : )

Laurie said...

Oh. I can't wait to see your finished v-stitch. Love your color choices. I wouldn't want to wait 15 days either. I'm working on a big granny square blanket for Whitney (Colorado girl). I'm loving how it's turning out so far.

handmade by amalia said...

I love the colorful cheerful look of the baby blanket. So kind of you to make it for charity.

Anonymous said...

Some little children are going to be very blessed to get your adorable blankets! Congrats on the finish of the granny square one.

Derya said...

Hi dear Tammy,
Mini blanket was very beautiful colors, great, we'll see good things still eagerly waiting... ;)

Helen Philipps said...

I love your cheerful blanket...such a lovely thing to make for charity too. I really love crocheting the v stitch and your colours all look lovely! Happy weekend, Tammy.
Helen xox

Judy S. said...

Nice blankets! Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed yours!

Preeti said...

Lovely blankets Tammy!! You have been busy. I am also making few things for my stall but they are small things which people may buy since the blankets are not needed for the weather here in general.

Meredith said...

You are lovely to be making any blankets at all, they will all be appreciated so much.
Hugs to you,

Karen said...

I love every one of these projects. The colors are so vivid and pretty. I'm so good at starting projects, but terrible about finishing. Perhaps I'll do better in the winter months ahead, as knitting is a winter sport for me.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So nice of you to make these gift blankets for little ones. The blue is great with the cream. I purchased a pattern to make a blanket for our newest grandbaby but it is a little complicated and requires lots of yarn. I wasn't enjoying stitching it so I've decided to find something different I need to get going with this project since she is already 6 months old.

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