Friday, December 6, 2013

A Full Day

Today we woke to the news of Nelson Mandela's passing.  He was an incredible man who lived his life with vision and passion.  Though his voice will no longer be heard, his words will echo throughout history.
 From the looks of things early on, I thought we were in for a dark and cloudy day but it turned out to be quite warm and pleasant.  My husband and I took our usual one hour morning walk.
 Then a little later I headed to the annual holiday bazaar with a friend.
 I didn't take any pictures while inside the bazaar.  It was so crowded and I'm always worried someone will not like being photographed or having their merchandise photographed (though in this day and age that is hard to control ).  But I can show you a couple of things I bought.
Holiday cookies for Zack.  (The poor little reindeer's legs were broken on the way home.)
And this gorgeous throw which matches my bedroom perfectly.  It is handmade by women in Homs, Syria and all the money goes straight back to them.
 For lunch, my husband wanted to try a restaurant at the Jumeirah Beach Hotel but turns out it is only open for dinner.  Since we hadn't been in the hotel before, we decided to walk around the grounds.  Hard to capture, but we thought it was pretty impressive.
 Great weather for kite flying as you can see.
We headed up the road to The Village for lunch.  It was our first time to eat at Munch and we all enjoyed the food.  I had the Moroccan couscous salad and grilled balsamic portobello.  Delicious!
 Once back home, I decided to finally use this beignet mix that we brought back from New Orleans. 
Made for a nice afternoon treat with coffee.
And so another day is done.
I still can't get use to darkness coming at 5 p.m.


Teresa Kasner said...

I agree with you on Mr. Mandela, a wonderful man with a great sense of humor who had a lot of honor and courage. Fun things from the bazaar, especially the throw.. wow! Enjoy your weekend!

((hugs)), Teresa :-)

okcamp said...

I can't think of another person who has handled himself/herself with as much dignity as Nelson Mandela. I'm old enough to remember apartheid and the shameful way he was treated by the US government. Incredible as it seems, he wasn't removed from the terrorist watch list until 2008.

RIP, Mr. Mandela.

Serena Lewis said...

Nelson Mandela was an amazing man who inspired and brought about peace and reconciliation to so many.In tribute to him, the movie Invictus was aired on TV last night and what a wonderful movie it was. May he rest in peace ~ xx

What lovely photos of your day out. I'm like you when it comes to taking photos in public places. I generally don't because I worry I might get into trouble. Those Christmas-themed cookies look yummy! That throw is gorgeous! Couscous salad with grilled balsalmic portobello sounds divine!! Would you believe that I've never tried couscous? Enjoy those beignets! Another treat I've never tried or heard of for that matter.

Have a fabulous weekend! xo

Sam I Am...... said...

Oh, yes, he will be missed by many. It's funny because I posted that exact same quote of his this morning on Facebook! He had so many. Such a wise and wonderful man. I think there are angels sent to us to help us learn and I know he had to be one of them!
Oh, I bet you can't wait to see your son. The cold must really be hard for him as he's not used to it. What pretty cookies...too bad about the legs on the reindeer as Santa is going to need able bodied reindeer fairly soon! The blanket is so beautiful...all that work. It's so nice it goes to the people in Homs...they've had a horrific time. My rheumatologist is from Syria and his wife and son are still there and he's been trying to get them out for several years now. i think she's a doctor too. I pray for them all the time as I cannot imagine how awful it must be for anyone to have those kinds of worries. I get too sad if I dwell on the world and all it's problems and the feeling of helplessness I feel. So, I do what I can, pray for them and stay happy hoping that some of the positive vibes will affect the consciousness of the world.
I have to go eat now because all your talk and pictures of food and restaurants made me hungry! LOL!

Londoneya said...

Although he has passed, he will always be remembered as a legend. Throughout the day I have enjoyed reading his quotes that people have been sharing on the internet. Truly inspirational. Can't wait to see the film based on his life.

I really enjoyed your pictures! The walking path looks beautiful and smooth. The corniche looks beautiful. And the food...only one word for that: yum!

Susan said...

Hi Tammy. That was a very nice tribute to Mr. Mandela. He was a truly wonderful man with an indomitable spirit. When I think of all the years he spent in prison, it breaks my heart. He is now, no doubt, in eternal peace, joy and love. Susan

Betsy said...

I enjoyed your photos in this post. My goodness that throw is gorgeous and it makes my heart happy to know the money goes back to the makers. The cookies are so cute and the beignets. Oh my! I can almost taste them. Such a lovely post.

kathyinozarks said...

Tammy I enjoyed your post, and your tribute too.
what an awesome find the throw is-I love the pattern and the colors-very different too-or at least I have not seen a pattern like this before.
what a beautiful walk-love those palm trees
have a wonderful weekend Kathy

Diane said...

A very fitting and beautiful post on Nelson Mandela. He was a great man. Your days are full, Tammy. That's wonderful. Diane

Everydaythings said...

loved your photos too! Yes, I felt incredibly sad all day yesterday after hearing about Nelson Mandelas passing. He was a truly great man.

Lovely photos of all the good ies you bought at the bazaar! Tammy, what is that tiny pyramid in the photo? just by the water.... in the second photo ??? curious now!

Sheila Rumney said...

I can't get used to it getting dark here by 5 pm. It seems like I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. Love your beautiful crocheted piece. Gorgeous!

Mary said...

Love your purchases from the market - and the weather does look nice there for your daily walk. We are so blanketed in fallen leaves now it's really hard to drive the neighborhood streets let alone walk! Today some rain so you can imagine the soggy mess - OK though, it comes with the seasons and I'm not complaining. A little snow will be wished for closer to Christmas.

Yes, an amazing man! We need more like him.
Take care - hugs, Mary

Meredith said...

Yummy cookies, and a beautiful throw seems like the bazaar was a success. Nelson Mandela was maybe the finest man of our times. Always moving froward with peace and dignity. He will be misses but his vision will be forever with us, guiding us along.

Dagmar said...

How lovely it was to read this post today..very beautifully written! xo

SusanLotus said...

OH, what a beautiful throw. And yummie cookies. It´s so interesting to read aboout your part of the world.

Happy new start on year 2014 for you and your dearest.

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