Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Art for Adults

I apologize for being such a bad blogger of late.
Just when I think I can get back into a regular routine, something comes along to distract me.

Every Sunday after school you can find me at the Art for Adults class that one of our high school art teachers is conducting.  
We were given a list of projects we could do and he would facilitate the process.
I chose Kitabi (which means my book), a study in watercolor that at the end will be made into a small book bound in a metal cover.
 It was fun to experiment with rice, salt, alcohol, glue, crumpled paper, and other things that I can't even remember the names of.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of every day life.
Pablo Picasso
It's amazing how everyone gets lost in the process.  The hour and half class just seems to fly by in no time.
This past Sunday I started the process of doodling on all my watercolor work.
Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.
Twyla Tharp

The rest of the week you can find me pounding the pavement.
It feels good to be back to my daily walks.
In fact, I need to go put my shoes on right now and head out the door.
Thanks to everyone who continues to stop by my little corner of the world to say hello.
I will be by to visit you very soon.
Hope you are having a great week!


Betsy said...

Your art is beautiful! You have so much talent for many things. Thank you for sharing. The beautiful colors brightened my morning.

Susan said...

Oh my GOSH, Tammy. You are truly an artist! Lovely, lovely paintings. I'd love to see the finished product. Susan

Acorn to Oak said...

I like your works of art. That class sounds like a lot of fun.

I know what you mean about trying to get back into blogging and getting distracted. I've been having the same problem. But, it's good to be busy doing lots of things. :-)

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hi Tammy, That class must be a lot of fun. Your watercolors are beautiful and with your doodling you've created a lot of fabulous little pieces of artwork.
Have a great rest of the week!

Caterina Giglio said...

love this... your process, the book and the little works!

Meredith said...

How fun to explore something new. I love the watercolors and the ink design on them, very lovely. I need to start walking a bit more, I am getting thicker around my middle.

Patty Antle said...

So beautiful, Tammy. Those pages will make a beautiful book! Sounds like a very fun class.

Aishwarya said...

Hi Tammy

ITs fun to be experimenting different things. I remember the saying Love what you do and do what you love. And looks like thats precisely what you are doing. Keep going

crafty cat corner said...

Your little sayings are so true.
I get lost when I am sewing in my workroom and only wish I could get into it more.
I truly love those little water colours especially now that you have decorated them. I've never tried water colours, I've done oils and acrylic but I know that water colours are so much more difficult to control.
They need to go on display somewhere.

GardenOfDaisies said...

It sounds like you're having a great time in this art class!

Sheila Rumney said...

Beautiful artwork. Looks like you are having fun! Enjoy!

Ana BC said...

LOVE your paintings!!! You made me want to grab the watercolors and paper...I might just do it ;-)

Shane Pollard said...

Art is a wonderful way to tune out from the world - Twyla Tharp's quote says it all.
Expressing yourself in paint and color opens the mind - so enjoyable and fun!
Love what you've showed us Tammy - thank you!
It's a gorgeous Spring day for a change so I'm off for a walk with my camera for company too!

Much love

Quinn said...

What fun! I love the intense quiet of art classes, when everyone is so engrossed in their work. Looking forward to seeing more of your work, whenever you feel like posting :)

okcamp said...

How fun. Your watercolors are lovely.

homemade@myplace said...

love all the doodles on those little pages!!!!
xxxxx Ale

Teresa Kasner said...

What a fun and colorful project! Did you see the pie I made yesterday on my blog? It turned out good!
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Createology said...

Classes and learning is such a wonderful way to spend time. Your little book of art with watercolors and doodling will be a treasure for generations to come. Creative Bliss Dear...

Terra said...

Your art works are bursting with lively colors and look great. Enjoy your walk or run.

June said...

This is truly beautiful artwork T! Really special pages you have created.
I think reading this post has also inspired me to get back out to the studio and get something going again...and maybe even to start walking again :))))))

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
You sure did put some color into your watercolor study. Lovely for having it at the end bound into a small book with a metal cover.
Great way for keeping it as a memento.

nicole said...

Hope your walk was wonderful!
Your artwork is looking fabulous!!

Linda said...

Hi Tammy,
It's awesome that you're taking an art class! It looks great.

No real time for crafting here but our days have been filled with lots of fun and busyness.

Take care,

Yvonne said...

Yes, it's amazing how art does that. It's great you are taking that class, and btw, no need to apologize for not blogging every day. :) We enjoy your posts whenever you can do it.

Mosaic Magpie said...

I love how we can just get "lost" in our own little world when we create. I like the idea of doodling on the watercolour pieces.

Catherine said...

How pretty - and fun! Very crafty indeed.
It is now time for me to put away my outside walking shoes and bring out my indoor treadmill shoes. :(
Happy October Tammy!
xo Catherine

vintage grey said...

So beautiful and colorful!! Looks like fun, too!! Hope you have a great weekend! xo Heather

Mistea said...

Enjoy your wonderful art experience. That will make a very colourful little book.
I agree it is very nice to walk.

Melanie said...

What beautiful art! And how fun that you are taking an adult art class. Since you are an avid walker, may I ask what is your favorite walking shoe? I desperately need a new pair. I tried on two kinds yesterday (I know, not many...but I was in a hurry) and neither of them felt good on my feet. I need a lot of cushioning as the ball of my foot gets sore very easily.

Yarni Gras! said...

oh, I'm so jealous! I wish I could go to art class with you! Enjoy your walkies :-)

Helen Philipps said...

Your little book will be wonderful! Love the colourful,pages and then how you are working into each one. It's great that you are back to walking regularly again. Going for walks and creating art.....both so good for the soul!
Happy week ahead, Tammy!
Helen x

Annette said...

Even if this work is pretty hard to do for's wonderful!Very original!

Ciao dall'Italia

Lotusblommans vardag said...

Your Art class sounds like something very fun and exciting! :) And all the quotes are so true.

I´m so glad you are back in your waking routine. I was just going to ask you about your pain and if you feel better now.

I hope you are enjoying a great weekend!


podso said...

I love that quote about art being the only way to run away from home .... Your water colors are so creative and fun looking ! What an amazing book they will make. I bet it was really relaxing to work on this! Hope you're doing well and glad you are back walking!

Kit said...

Oh they are so pretty! Don't you worry, we all get busy from time to time. Glad you are having fun. Kit

Magdalena said...

You did wonderful watercolours. I love this way of painting very much.

Annette said...

Dear Tammy, thanks for visiting my blog, I really aprreciated your sweet comment about my wreath!

Have a nice evening!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

You are so creative and talented! Love your work!

Wanda said...

What a great art class. Since I love watercolor, I was really impressed with your process, and especially how you added the doodles to make lovely prints.

We were gone for three weeks so my blogging has been off and on.

I will get back to the YMCA Friday.

Kathleen said...

Hi Tammy, the art class looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could paint but I have absolutely no0 ability in that area whatsoever! I'm just getting into oatchwork quilting after wanting to for so many years I thought it was about time I did something about it.

I hope your son is enjoying college life.

Serena Lewis said...

A little book bound with an array of watercolour art sounds wonderful! Lots of fun to do too, I'm sure. :)

CatieAn said...

oh Tammy I love your water colors and the addition of your designs on them make them very unique. How wonderful and what a fun class.

Sam I Am...... said...

Good for you! Your artwork is lovely. I like how you drew on top of the truly brought out the depth of the colors and designs. What a great class!

Dagmar said...

Hi Tammy,
I always find it so amazing that with the same colors, so many different pictures emerge from so many different hands! Beautiful art!

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