Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Good With the Bad

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball that whacks you right upside the head.
That's what happened 2 months ago.
I've been working through it, reassessing my priorities, trying to find a new balance and rhythm to my days.
My daily walks are my meditation and very necessary for my sanity.
Helps to clear all the clutter from my brain.
And the added benefit is that I have lost weight and inches in the process.

My husband and I took a trip to Dubai last week which is always a lot of fun.
 And right now my friend, Mona, is visiting from Lebanon so there's been lots of food and get togethers.  
Thank goodness for friends, family and good times.
Hope all is well with you!


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
It looks like you did exactly the right thing for a proper balance between mind - spirit and body. Life is unpredictable and one can never be certain of what lies around the bend.
Enjoy your friends together. That will create more fond memories for living on... when needed.
Hugs to you,

Terra said...

I pray for good things for you and see that fabulous food and friends, and the beauty of the ultramodern Dubai, and know you are finding some joys. I like that carved gate and red flowers, looks like roses. Yes, I love walking too and even wrote an article on Prayer Walking (in Mature Living Magazine) and how it helped me in sad times.

Pam said...

Tammy so glad you are able to spend time with family and friends. Your trip sounds perfect. Sorry to hear about the "curve ball" and praying you will find peace.

I have blogged in ages. We've been traveling, helping son's family move to new home, and dealing with "life". So nice to visit your blog again.

Teresa Kasner said...

I'm so sorry to hear you have had difficulties a while back, I do hope it's all working itself out. Time does heal. I had a BBQ on our deck yesterday and posted pix.. come on over and see! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

moonstruckcreations said...

I would love to go to Dubai - it looks amazing.

The food looks delicious as well - I just cant get enough of middle eastern food!

Hope that your walks continue to bring you a great sense of well-being.


Mary said...

You're looking good girl! I just know all that walking has been the best thing you could do - in all ways and for all reasons. I envy your stamina, especially when it means walking in such heat.

I was still away when your son graduated - but love the pics I see now when checking back on your previous posts. I know you are proud of his accomplishment and I wish him well in future endeavours - college over here if I recall correct?

Dubai, yes everyone should go at least once - it is an amazing place!

Happy weekend Tammy- have loads of fun with your friends.
Hugs - Mary

Lorrie said...

Walking is such great exercise for both the body and the mind. I hope that things settle for you soon and that you find that balance you need. How wonderful to have friends - and the food you share looks mouthwatering.

Yvonne said...

I knew something was going on. Yes, those curve balls will throw you for a loop sometimes. I hope things are getting better for you. Peace and happiness to you.

Susan said...

Dear Tammy...So good to see your post. I've been concerned for you.

Hope things get better and better for you.

Take care and thanks for your visit. Susan

Daydream Living said...

Hi Tammy,
Well, my feet are stepping in and out of blog land, had to make a visit to you.
busy times here and my plan to do morning walks still has not begun.... Hope you are doing ok, will stay in touch on whatsapp since we are leaving in a week.
Hugs honey xx

Astri said...

Positive thoughts being sent your way Tammy. I hope all goes well!

Mistea said...

There's lots of lovely in this post. The food looks delicious (and I just ate!)
Walking daily is excellent for balance - enjoy.

boysmum2 said...

some beautiful pictures, love the one of the door with the red flowers round it

Diane said...

Peace, calm and happiness to you, Tammy. Diane

Betsy said...

Tammy-I hope the curve ball has "straightened" out somewhat for you. Life is like that sometimes and I'm glad that you have found what helps you through it.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Tammy, I will be praying for you. I'm glad you've had some good times. God's peace be with you! Twyla

Preeti said...

Good to see you back, Tammy!! I too have resumed my walks which I had stopped few months back owing to lack of time and my laziness. Nice to see you enjoying with friends:)

June said...

I will be sending prayers for you Tammy that all things will work out for you in the way you hope. I am so happy that you have such good friends to help you through the hard times. I loved seeing the photos of you guys together!
hugs from me...

Unknown said...

those curve balls are sneaky .... I hope things un-muddle for you soon .... but in the meantime, it sounds like you have a really good coping strategy - and a nice visit with friends helps too :)

Sheila Rumney said...


Praying that things will be better for you. I find hat surrounding yourself with family and friends are so important to help in difficult times.

Sending you hugs....

Angela Richardson said...

Good to see you post Tammy. Lots of walking delicious food and good friends, A great combination, just right for feeding the soul.
Sending you hugs, Angela.x

Everydaythings said...

so lovely to hear from you again... and hoping that everything has worked out ok for you now. I think walking does clear the head, and relaxes the tense muscles, and after we feel much better!

enjoy your lovely visits from your friends!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sending prayers for you that all things will work for your good and peace and calm will return to make your days bright. Sweet times with your friends. So nice to visit and see your new post :)

Mosaic Magpie said...

Walking seems to do as much good for our inner spirit as it does for our physical well being...keep on stepping girlie...this too, shall pass.

Poppy said...

Hi Tammy,

Nothing like girlfriends, (they just GET us!), and family (who love us unconditionally!) and great food (yours looks most yummy!) to get the 'ball' rolling again!:) BTW, how long do you walk and do you walk every day? I've been following you for a while, and we, unfortunately, share the same nasty sandstorms and hot temps.


kathyinozarks said...

its always good to spend time with friends and family-loved all the photos-those blooms are gorgeous. I really must get back into my walking again-I really miss it too. we have a cool down this week-so that should motivate me get going again-hugs

Melanie said...

I had a feeling something was going on in your life by your previous posts. I'm so sorry that life has whacked you upside the head. I hope that you find some peace with your walks and good friends. Your food pictures always look so delicious. are so lovely. I'm sure that beauty comes from within, as well. xoxo

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Sending positive thoughts and hugs! Thank you for sharing the photos from your side of the world...I always see something new when you share them!

Meredith said...

SO glad you have a friend there to spend special time with. You have been in my thoughts and prayers as I know you have been more than stressed. Keep walking and crocheting and hopefully this rough patch will soon disappear. Sending you a hug,

Quinn said...

Looks like a lovely get-together of good friends :)
Tammy, I think of you sometimes when I go for my early-morning walks with Piper. It's been very humid here, so some of the walks are very brief, but it's still a nice interlude in my day.
Take good care of your self :)

Hindustanka said...

Meeting your friends is necessary! you all ladies look gorgeous!
glad to know that your walks beneFITed you, Tammy :)
Have a wonderful day! Here the temperature decreased slightly, though it is humid every day.

Tanna said...

I'm not sure what happened, Tammy; but, I'm glad you have your walking and your friends and time away to Dubai to ease your way. Saying a prayer this morning and sending a hug ~ tanna

podso said...

Tammy I'm glad your walking has had such benefits in so many ways. And it looks like you have some good times to celebrate with your good friend visiting. The food looks so good! And Dubai -I have a friend visiting there right now. I think you might enjoy the book I mentioned, you could read it in e-form. Have a wonderful week!

~*~Patty S said...

May you have many happy days and the comfort of friends dear Tammy...I always enjoy your photos and the journeys you take us on

Thank you for sharing your corner of the world and more


Wanda said...

Those are difficult times for all of us when we have to make changes, and adjust priorities. Walking and meditating, and letting friends cheer and encourage you is great therapy. When you read the Psalms, David was the on a roller coaster so many times, crying out to God and then he would stop and remember what God had done and start praising Him again.
Saying a prayer for you dear friend, and thanks for your honest sharing.

Claudia said...

I want you to know you are in my thoughts. I hope time is helping to heal and that your walks and meditation are giving you peace, my friend.


Caterina Giglio said...

sure hope you get a handle on the curve ball and glad you had time for family and friends and good food... walks are salvation.. xx

Aishwarya said...

I think thats the best way to approach obstacles. Right track Tammy.

By the way, time and again, you remind me to start my daily walks again :)

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hi Tammy, I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with something unpleasant. Hopefully everything will work out fine for you. It's great that walking helps you going through it and that your family and friends give some distraction.

Judi said...

As always Tammy your sharing of yourself and your world around you is magnificent. I have no doubt that you will handle all curves balls thrown your way and come out on top! It's been so long since I visited, too long ... Judi

Vicki Boster said...

Hi Tammy-- I hope you are finding peace with whatever burden is on your heart. Exercise is such a wonderful thing- I find it calming. Congrats on losing a few pounds in the process. We have to take care of ourself-- it's so important as we get older---- you look beautiful in the photos.

Lotusblommans vardag said...

It´s always so nice to visit your blog. Alot of wisdom, good food and beautiful photos.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Patty said...

Tammy, you have a lovely and peaceful place to walk. I can remember when I lived in Southern California I was stressed because it was so different for me so I just walked and walked... It really helped. Am thinking of you. Your pictures are just lovely.

Catherine said...

Walking truly is good for the soul and gives you lots of time to think while you are at it.

I'm so glad you have lots of good friends and family to help you.

Wishing you a beautiful week Tammy!
xo Catherine

Nancy said...

First of all, I'm so sorry for whatever life brought you. Hate it when that happens! In spite of everything, you look beautiful. No doubt your soul is even more beautiful as well. Strange how difficult times, if we let them, can refine us and prioritize those things in life that are most precious.

And as for the walking...You know, the few times I've worked out in a gym I sure felt great physically, but it did nothing for me mentally. My summer runs have slowed down to walks; regardless, I continue to love the private times by the fields to clear my thoughts and meditate.

Best to you!! Nancy

Sherry said...

Time spent with family and friends is always a help in times of trial. We have been handling a curve ball here in our family. I have not been doing much blogging or blog reading but your blog is always a great place to visit.

Createology said...

Tammy I have truly been thinking of you and checking your blog for any update. Thankfully you are well and your walks are an important part of that. Time with friends and family is heartwarming. May your days become more serene and life keeps its curve balls from hitting you. Blessings dear...

pembrokeshire lass said...

Hi Tammy. Sorry I haven't visited in a caught up! Sorry you've been having a down time as well. I hope that you're friends' visit has helped you talk through and find your way for this time. Life is hard, isn't it? I've found over the years, that having a good moan and spending time with friends often helps me find my path. Sending warm hugs. Joan

Our Neck of the Woods said...

The food definitely looks delicious! Not sure what happened, but I hope you get used to the new way of life and find some peace and comfort. I think walking does definitely help with that :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

I have been thinking of you too and was happy to have a visit from you today, thank you.
do hope that life is working out for you and the balance and rhythm can come back into your days.
Lovely that you had a trip to Dubai and had a fun time with your friends visiting. I enjoyed seeing your photos.
Sending hugs and good wishes

Helen Philipps said...

So glad you have been finding ways to relax and de-stress, Tammy.....and sorry that life has thrown you a curve ball recently. I'm glad you had a lovely trip to Dubai, it looks amazing, and glad too that you are spent happy times with friends. I hope everything will soon resolve for you and wish you a peaceful and happy summer.
Helen x

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