Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stash Busting With Bits

A little bit of yarn goes a long way when crocheting butterflies.
Pattern can be found here.
Hope you are having a happy day in your corner of the world.


La Tea Dah said...

Tammy, your little "bits" are adorable!

Mrs. Micawber said...

What better way to "sit quietly" than to crochet something? :)

Here's to a happy Spring.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awww, these are so cute! Great way to use up little bits of yarn.

Betsy said...

Such a beautiful way to use up your little pieces of yarn. They're adorable. Happy spring!

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

Perfect quote to pair with such a dainty springtime crochet pattern. Thanks for sharing!

June said...

I love what you did with your little bits of yarn Tammy! SO CUTE!!!
hugs from here...

Angela said...

These are reaaly cute, I might have to add some to the tie-backs that I'm making for my living room curtains :)

Meredith said...

Crochet or knitting make me sit and focus, so they are both a gift.
Hugs to you Tammy.

Ana BC said...

so cute! excellent idea to make these beauties with the scarps of yarn...

Teresa Kasner said...

I love crocheted butterflies, yours are adorable! All is well here.. I got a cute little vintage sewing machine yesterday.. on my blog.. pop over? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Ali said...

Love your flutterbies! Such a fab way to use those little bits!
Ali x

Yvonne said...

My daughter loves butterflies. I will have to show her that link. Maybe she will learn to crochet. heehee
Love the quote too and will add it to my collection.
Can you do dragonflies?

Mistea said...

Lovely little butterflies you have crocheted.

Everydaythings said...

Tammy - your crafting is just amazing!

Sheila Rumney said...

So glad that you and your family were alright. I hate seeing drivers multitasking while driving. What cute little butterflies. Wishing you a lovely day.

kathyinozarks said...

Tammy your butterflies are just awesome! love them

Willow said...

Oh I think those crocheted butterflies are fab. I started crocheting a scarf today, yes a scarf on the first day of Spring. New England is still Brr. Everytime I got up to do something and sat the yard down, I'd come back and my toy terrier would be rolled up in it. So the scarf is now going to be tweaked a bit and made into a doggie sweater :)

Susan said...

Hi Tammy...Ohhhhhh, lovely butterflies. Nice job! Susan p.s. Tammy! I got the Valentine envelope! SOOOOO sweet of you. Thank you SO MUCH for your thoughtful ways, kindness and generosity. Susan

Lori ann said...

such cute butterflies!!

Hindustanka said...

Lovely quote and so cute little butterflies! What a fab idea :)
I love you wooden table - looks so cozy ;)

Unknown said...

Sweeties! :)

linda said...

Love your butterflies Tammy, I like to have a few already made they are great for embellishments :)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Those little butterflies are so adorable!

vintage grey said...

They are so sweet! Love the color!! Have a lovely day! xo Heather

Rostrose said...

Dearest Tammy,
your butterflies are so sweet - and I love the quote on your 1st photo!
Sorry that I didn't have enough time to leave comments at your last posts - we were very busy with some furniture removals in the new flat of our daughter and her birthday and so on... And soon I will make a cure again for my shoulder... That's the reason why I will just write two more posts and then will make a blog-pause...
But I'll be back :o))
Warm hugs, Traude

Yarni Gras! said...

so cute!

Ana Mª said...

ESTAS mariposas son muy bonitas, un saludo desde SPAIN

glor said...

Just read your past few posts ... thank God that you all are ok following the accident. Your outlook is wonderful, blessings to you all.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
How cute and lovely those butterflies look. Great quote and we know that it is true as we've been to Mexico, Zitacuaro in Michoacan, where the Monarch butterflies migrate to. I stood still and in no time was covered with butterflies. Quite an experience!
Hugs to you,

Anonymous said...

These are so cute, Tammy! Thank you for the link to the instructions - I'd like to make some of these for the preemie baby hats I'm making.
Hugs to you & yours,

Sam I Am...... said...

Those are so cute and adorable! I went to her site and started following her and copied the pattern as I think I would like to make some of those! I've never seen butterflies crocheted sweet! So many little time!

Serena Lewis said...

Those crochet butterflies are SO cute! Thanks for the link. Love the quote too and makes perfect sense to me. :)

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

These are the cutest thing I've seen in a while!! Great job!

An Aussie Felter said...

So sweet Tammy - They'd make great bunting as well. So glad the accident wasn't major and you're all ok... Enjoy your spring walks - love seeing your photos ! x Tiffane

Dagmar said...

❤these are as sweet as an be, from your stash buster basket!

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