Saturday, January 19, 2013

Grow Your Blog Party

Welcome to the Grow Your Blog Party hosted by Vicki at 2 Bags Full.
My name is Tammy.
I have a husband named Sam.

Two teenage boys.
And a cat named Jingles.
In July of 2009, my cousin, Gwen, asked me to give blogging a try.
I was hesitant at first, but 3-1/2 years later, I'm still here.
I've met so many wonderful new friends.
Some actually in person, like
Susan from A Circle of Buttons.
And Maureen from Daydream Living who recently moved to Dubai, just a hop, skip and a jump away.
We've lived in Kuwait for the past 18 years,
which has afforded us the opportunity to travel to so many wonderful places around the world.
I'm vegetarian.
I love baking things.
Making things.
And walking.
My blog is about life in general and the simple, every day things that I'm grateful for.

As a thank you for your visit, I will be giving away a Days of Hope diary and two crocheted doilies, along with a few other items I will collect between now and February 1st.
One winner will be chosen from all comments left on this post.
(Update February 1st:  The winner is Olympia from the blog Old Things.)
Thank you, Vicki, for all your hard work in putting this party together.
And thanks again to all who visit.
Wherever you are in the world, I wish you a beautiful day!


vintage grey said...

Hi Tammy,
Loved this post, and it is so nice to know more about you!! Sweet photos! Wishing you a beautiful and crafty weekend! xo Heather

Elizabeth Braun said...

Great post! Better photos than on mine!!!

I too have lived abroad (in Germany and Taiwan) and am vegetarian.=)

Keep up the good work!

linda said...

This is a lovely idea Tammy, pity I have found out about it after the closing date. It's lovely to learn more about our blogging friends. I have been to Dubai but not to Kuwait and I lived in Syria for 19 years. I'm pleased I found your blog I enjoy reading your posts. Have a lovely weekend :)

Melanie said...

I really liked this post...seeing close-up pictures of you (you're so pretty!) and your husband and learning a little bit more about you.
:-) said...

Thank you for posting the pictures of your world. It makes it easier to imagine you speaking when reading your post. I'm really excited to see all the bloggers who have joined your party.


Unknown said...

Great fun posting to see it all in one place. Sorry, I haven't been doing so well with posting. But, know I'm doing very well still on my other journey. All the numbers are now looking so much more healthy. Have a sweet weekend.

Maya Kuzman said...

Hey Tammy,

This is a warm and wonderful post! I take great pleasure in stopping by your blog and following your adventures!

okcamp said...

Hi Tammy,
I'm Diane (okcamp) and am also a participant in Vicki's Grow Your Blog party. I'm also your newest follower! We have some things in common: I also love to travel. I was fortunate to be able to visit my husband when he was working in Lithuania. I'd also like to be a vegetarian, but I'm not sure how. Please sign me up for your giveaway...I have one too, so please come over and say Hi.

Debby said...

I already follow you but it was nice to learn more about you. I didn't realize that you have lived there as long as you have. It seems like you are right here in the states.

val said...

Hey Tammy! I forgot that you are already "tomorrow" there! ha! I loved how you did your peaceful. Mine is nothing of the sort! I hope you have a great weekend blog hopping!!!!

Meredith said...

I love this post and I love the picture of you and Sam. I am not joining the grow your blog event, even though I should grow my blog and I love Vicki. But I really enjoyed this post.
Happy Weekend to you Tammy.

Shane Pollard said...

What a beautiful post Tammy - you're so gracious.
I love all your photos - I feel I know more about you now too!

Enjoy the party
Shane ♥

CalamityJr said...

I'm a fairly new follower so it was nice learning more about you. Thanks for sharing your life far from "home"! (and for having a giveaway, tee hee)

Unknown said...

A great post Tammy. I would love to win those items from you. You have been one of my faithful and fav. blogging friends for awhile. Love the photos.

Wanda said...

So very glad to have met you Tammy. I look forward to your posts each day.

You have a lovely family, and I do love baking, and enjoy all you bake.

This was a wonderful way to get to know you a little better.

Love and Hugs

Susan said...

Hi Tammy:

Nice post. And you look adorable.

Okay, put my name into the pot. You know how I love giveaways.

Hope you have a nice weekend. Susan

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Love this post. Love the pics. And, love your blog!

JCDiTaranto said...

Even though I'm already one of your followers, it was great to read an "introduction" post! Have a nice weekend!

oldthings said...

A wonderful post today about you , your lovely family and your life !
I wish to you all the goodies of the world .Have a nice weekend !

Betsy said...

What a lovely post! I hadn't heard about the grow your blog event, but I certainly enjoyed learning more about you and seeing your photos. Kuwait sounds so exotic! Do you like it there? I've only been to England, France and Japan although I love to travel. Hubby seems to have been almost everywhere! I look forward to learning even more about your life in Kuwait.


Blondie's Journal said...

As a newer follower, it was wonderful to get to know you better! I look forward to hearing more about your life and family! :)


Diane said...

I've been a follower of yours for some time but I still really enjoyed this post. Fun to see the great pictures of your life. Thanks Tammy, Diane

Teresa Kasner said...

Hi Tammy... gosh, you're gorgeous! Handsome hubby too.. and cute boys! I'll throw my hat in the ring for the giveaway.. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Terri said...

Hello Tammy, It is nice to meet you! You have a lovely blog. I saw your tea post earlier and loved it too! I host a tea blog hop on I am kinda into it : )
I too, like to make things and cook.
Thanks so much for inviting us all to visit!

Createology said...

How fun to visit you knowing you are a world away. Blogging truly allows our world to be quite small and intimate. I always enjoy your blog posts and everything you create and cook. Jingles is a joy. Blessings Tammy Dear...

Vicki Boster said...

Hi Girlfriend --
You are so pretty-- such lovely photos of you and your family. Im so excited for so many people to have the opportunity to meet you and your lovely blog.

My post will be published early in the am - so you can expect LOTS of company then!

Thank you for participating in this very first "Vicki" event -- I love you for always supporting me in everything I do.

I just know you are going to make lots of new friends!

Love you-

Lorrie said...

What a great post. It's so much fun to learn more about you, and to see a photo of your beautiful self and your family.

I hope you meet lots of "new" friends.

Thearica said...

A big rowdy howdy from North Carolina! You have a beautiful family and are so fortunate to get to see so much of this world! I have a fear of flying so I will have to be happy with just seeing places I can drive to. If I had a place I would visit if someone found a way to keep me knocked out on the plane, that would be Ireland. I bought a music DVD that also has photos of the landscape over there. I could sit and listen to the music and watch the views all day!

Thank you for joining the party and it is so very nice to meet you!

Hindustanka said...

hi, Tammy! you look so great!:)
I'm very glad I found your blog and could enjoy your beautiful and thoughtful posts for few months now:)looking forward for new inspiring quotes and pictures of your journeys!God bless your family.
Warm hugs,

Elizabeth Johnson said...

Hi Tammy. I enjoyed reading your post. I, too, am a vegetarian. I will enjoy reading your blog in the future. Thank you for joining the party.

Aishwarya said...

Hi Tammy

Its so nice to be able to see how Tammy looks. You are like a girl next door to me now :) Popping up to say I am doing this today. How lovely. Thats blogland, a small little world... our world.

You cheer up my day Tammy with your thoughtful and apt quotes. Glad to have made a new friend :)

Have a wonderful day

Unknown said...

you have a lovely family..great post

crafty cat corner said...

Hi Tammy
I love knowing just that little bit more about you. so many blogs don't put much personal info on and I can understand that but its nice to have a picture in your head when replying.

Another nice post, thankyou


Helen Philipps said...

Such an interesting post, I loved reading about you today and seeing your photos! You have a lovely family, and what an amazing place to live!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Tammy.
Helen x

Angela said...

Hello from a rather snowy and cold UK. Nice to get to know you and your family. Your photos of far off places have made me long for the sun on this cold winters day. :)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog of grateful everyday things. It is always refreshing to pop over and see what you are up to and as always I love the photos you gather on your walks!

Corinne said...

I really enjoy your blog! I love seeing all your crafts and baked goodies! It is fun to see life in a faraway place, I am in Wisconsin!
Being grateful for the everyday and the pictures of your walks are inspiring!

Tanna said...

Love this post, Tammy! I enjoyed learning how you started your blog!! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

Sheila Rumney said...

Love that I found your little place of the world here in blogland. It is great to read about your beautiful life. Hugs, Sheila

Claudia said...

Well, I'm sure glad you're blogging! Your blog is always a pleasure to read and I look forward to your posts. I love seeing the photos of you and of your husband and children!


Sandra Kaye said...

Wow!! You are so far another world:):) Have fun with the blog party :):)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy

Seeing your posts updates always gives me that warm feeling around the heart, coz i miss u dearly, and your cozy house. I thought of you when i was in Malaysia swimming with baby elephants since you also visited an orphanage in Sri lanka for them. I miss doing the little things we did, prepare gifts for friends etc. Nice to see how the boys have changed, and u have stayed the same! Love from Beirut, Maria

my4lilgirls said...

Lovely post Tammy, was so nice to read some more about you & your family.
Wow dubai looks as amazing as I've heard, lucky lady all that sunshine :)
Lol Karen x

Happy@Home said...

It was nice to get to know you a little better through this post, Tammy. It always amazes me that I can be sitting in my kitchen in my jammies and visiting people around the world. So cool!
I'm glad your cousin persuaded you to step into the blogging world as I always enjoy my visits here.

Laurie said...

What an interesting adventure, to be living in and blogging from, Kuwait! It was nice to "meet" you.

Carolyn ♥ said...

Love that you choose to see the positive in life... it really is a choice, isn't it. That's always been my approach to life as well. So nice to "meet" you!

Sangeetha said...

Hi Tammy, A very nice post. I really loved your photos. I missed the Grow Party by one day. But no problem as I can still meet so many new bloggers. Your blog is one of my favorites and your posts are always upbeat and positive. I love that you share even the smallest of things with us. You are a pure soul and I am lucky to have you as a friend. Your writing brightens my day and I look forward to your posts and comments.

Magdalena said...

So nice to meet you here, your posts are so interesting. I'll certainly visit you again.

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Tammy, so glad to meet you threw the blog hop-I love positive blogs and I get a warm feeling from your blog-I am retired now and live in the woods in Missouri USA I blog about my doings, my crafts, recipes and more Kathy

Socrates said...

Isn't Dubai just totally outrageous? I was blown away when I went there. Love some of the places you've visited. I found you through Vicki's party. Do come and visit my blog too, I have a vintage lace book give away. Perfect for recording your travel stories.

Wildflowerhouse said...

Beautiful post Tammy.

Serena Lewis said...

What a lovely post, Tammy! Your blog is one of my favourite blogs to come visit. I hope you enjoyed a beautiful weekend! xx

The Sage Butterfly said...

I traveled to Dubai many years ago, but I have never been to Kuwait. Your blog is lovely, and it is a pleasure to meet you.

Kelly said...

Hi, Tammy! I found your blog on the Grow Your Own Blog site at

Kuwait? Wow that sounds lovely! I hope to see your more in blog-land! Have a great weekend! Kelly xoxo

Countrywoman said...

a very nice blog, welcome to the party and I wish I could crochet that good lol

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, what a fun post. please enter me into the giveaway. have a great weekend. would you please stop by my blog for visit. take care. ( :

Dagmar said...

❤Hoping we all meet some more creative women that we can call "friend"
I have always loved coming over and saying hello and seeing what crafty treat you
have cooked or created!

boysmum2 said...

I am a recent new follower of your blog. I lived in Kuwait from 1977 to 1981. I was 7yrs old when we moved there and left when I was 11. I went to school there too. Those towers bring back memories and are as beautiful as I remember them from 30+ years ago! Lovely to meet you and get to know more about you. Catch you soon

Lee Weber said...

I love this! You are so cute, too. I didn't realize you'd been in Kuwait for so long, kudos to you! We only lived in Maine for 3 years before moving back!! I hope someday that my two boys will be able to see some of the world, like yours.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

What a great party Tammy!
You must feel so lucky having so many friends around the world!

Rostrose said...

Hello dearest Tammy,
wow - that sounds like a wonderful giveway!
Many thanks for your kind words to my "Tea&Honey"-post! :o) The honey has helped, my throat is feeling good again - and probably also helped the fresh air - for I was now skiing for a week in the "Salzburg area" (that's why there was a one-week "rusty-rose-comment-silence" - ... and the posts that you could read in the past week were "programmed"). But now I am back again, catchig up ... and jumping into your "raffle pot" ;o))
♥ ♥ Warm hugs & love & Küschelbüschel,

Laurie said...

Hi Tammy, thank you for visiting my blog earlier. I love yours and am now a new follower. I look forward to reading more about you and your life in Kuwait. - Laurie

Maggie said...

Hi Tammy, loved reading about your life in Kuwait and seeing the photographs of the places you've visited, I spotted the Eiffel Tour in there, n'est pas?
Thanks for visiting Normandy Life and hope to see you again soon.

andrea said...

I've been a follower for a while - I've tried several of your recipes and they are all delicious!
Love your blog - thank you

Anya said...

Hi! I'm visiting from Vicki's Grow Your Blog, too. we have so many things in common!
Come and visit me

Kay Eyles said...

hello, it is lovely to meet you on the blog hop. You are certainly blessed with travel opportunities. I have enjoyed looking through your posts and seeing your crochet work too, learning to crochet is one of my goals for the year. Thank you for sharing a lovely giveaway too.

podso said...

I loved learning a bit more about you. Your doilies are so pretty. This is a wonderful post

Our Neck of the Woods said...

So nice to get to know you a little better! I enjoyed all the photos and looks like you have traveled quite a bit!

Quinn said...

Hi Tammy - thank you for visiting Comptonia earlier - Vicki's GYB Party is really fun! So many chances to "meet" new people and maybe make some new friends :)

Kuwait sounds so exotic to me - it's in a part of the world I have not had an opportunity to visit. I am now following your blog, and will enjoy reading about your home and all the places you have traveled. Thanks again :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post, ive been reading your blog for a while but it is so nice to know a little bit more about the wonderful lady behind the blog.
have a fab day x

CatieAn said...

HI Tammy
Thanks for joining the party and visiting my blog. I a so happy to meet you and your handsome family.

Sherrie {Bird Lady} said...

Thanks for stopping by Bird Lady Blog Tammy.

I love the pictures of the building in Kuwait. I'm interested in seeing what life in Kuwait is like, so I am going to follow your blog. Do you have any interesting birds over there? So cool if you could get pics of some to share.

~ Sherrie (Bird Lady)

DeeDee said...

I so love all the pics you have shown... so nice to see your smilin face,... Hugs..

... valentines69 said...

Wow! What a great idea. I love blog surfing and seeing how others live,where they have traveled, things they like to a blogger myself I often wonder if I have ever inspired any one, or just made some one smile with a post. I consider my own life a little mundane, but you never know how some one else will see it. Thanks for sharing=)

hueisei said...

Great post!
Beautiful blog and I love your lovely giveaway...

Neesie said...

Hello Tammy,
It's great to come and visit you....I've really enjoyed reading your party post.
Before we moved to Melbourne we lived in Qatar and would would have guessed that we were virtually neighbours!

Have a fun time blog hopping...and thanks for popping into my place earlier.

Neesie ♥

Patty said...

Hi Vicki, I am so glad to have met you too. You are an inspiration to me. You have a healthy lifestyle which inspires me - I need to get out and walk! I am glad you have stuck with blogging. I enjoy reading your posts.

Kadee Willow said...

Oh,my gosh... I am going to live through your experiences! You see, years ago we were fortunate to live in Geneva, Switzerland for four years. And you're right. It afforded us so many opportunities to travel which just is the key to my heart! I am part of the blog party and am now your newest follower. I would for you to visit mine when you get a chance. And thanks for the lovely giveaway! I can see so many uses for the doilies and of course the book!!

Becca said...

Very nice Tammy! It's been fun meeting you in this blog world and sharing our love of crochet! I love reading your blog and also have an attachment to orange tabbies. Jingles is a sweetheart!

StarTraci said...


I love that blogging allows me to meet so many wonderful people from around the world. My husband spent a week in Kuwait on his return from serving in Iraq but I have never been to that side of the world. I look forward to following your journey.

Thanks for stopping by my place!

Stacy said...

Thanks for stopping by Tammy.

I'm a new follower and look forward to seeing Kuwait from your perspective!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Tammy,

So glad to find on this party list. I've been away from regular blogging for a long time due to my mom and her health issues. I've just this year made it back and I'm so glad to visit my bloggy friends again. You have such an interesting life. I had no idea you had lived in Kuwait for 18 years. Gosh, it's really a unique journey to be able to see all of thos countries and traditions.

I'd love to have you pop in for a visit and to enter my party giveaway.

Have a wonderful day,
Steph ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,

I enjoyed meeting you through Vicki's GYB party. My brother and family have lived in the middle east for years including Dubai, Kuwait (during the war). They are stateside now. Looking forward to visiting again.

If you have a chance, drop by

Unknown said...

Thank-you for joining my blog. Yours is beautiful, I am now following along <3

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,
Just happened over here today and love seeing all the pictures. Missing you girlfriend.

Bears with a HEART said...

Hi Tammy,

thanks for coming by
and while visiting you
I see a lovely sweet red cat with a great name.
One of the cats here is looking and looking and is going closer to the screen ..... .

Cat said...

It's lovely to find out a little more about you Tammy, your life and how you started blogging. Blogging is such a wonderful way to meet new people you wouldn't normally meet and to see other parts of the world that perhaps you wouldn't get to visit. It sounds like you've meet lots of lovely new bloggers while participating in the blog party. Have a wonderful day Tammy.

dreamchallenge said...

My love to you for remembering us from Vicki blog. Yes bob is doing so very well. We are blessed. Thanks for stopping by. Dollies are precious. As I crochet for hankies I realize how different and alike we all are. Talents we share make others lives more joyful and bring me great joy to make and give treasurers away. Look forward to sharingife with you. Jan

Peli said...

dear Tammy, its so nice to see your pictures and get to know more facts about you!
so happy to be one of your followers... :)

Melissa said...

Gosh, it took me forever to get to the! You seem to always have interesting give aways or some sort of event going on your blog. I give you credit for putting so much dedication into it. I suppose its just like a diary but you're sharing it with everyone.

Ana said...

Hi Tammy,
I didn't know Gwen was your cousin. I met her thorugh our blogs when I first started blogging, but never knew you two were related...How fun. Wishing you a beautiful day.

Hugs and Kisses,

Taci simmons said...

Hi Tammie, I'm so glad I found you. You joined my blog and I have been trying to find yours since... Today was my lucky day as I do LOVE your blog. Can't wait to get home and look over all the posts I can.
Thanks so much for putting this giveaway together. The prize looks wonderful.

Sherry said...

What a wonderful party. I have been reading your blog for some time but enjoyed learning more about you and seeing the great pictures in this post.

pippirose said...

Your blog is lovely, and I look forward to reading more of it.
I'd love to enter your giveaway.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

sandy said...

Hi, Tammy
I'm here from the GYB party! We have friends living in Dubai. It seems like such a small world and blogging makes it feel even more so! Nice to "meet" you here. have a wonderful week!
sandy Hob Nobbers

lynda said...

What a lovely blog you have! I'm so glad I made it to the end of the list! Please enter me in your giveaway drawing. I am looking forward to reading more from you.

Jan Thomason said...

I read more than this post and enjoyed every minute.
And your travels!!! Oh, honey, you are living my dream. But I see you haven't made it to Ireland yet.
For some reason that is where I want to go.
Move actually. lol
Husbands!! Won't leave Texas:)

I'm going to be following your blog and I hope we can get to know each other better! Jan

oops - almost forgot - i'm having a giveaway on my blog also. Come visit!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

visiting via Vicki's GYB Party and enjoying meeting new people. your blog and your life are interesting; now off to read your tea time scones post.

kareninkenai said...

Tammy, you have a beautiful blog and I hope to visit often. Thank you. Please stop by if you haven't already and sign up for my giveaway. (I'm tardy because my motherboard died and went to the grave!) But, I have a replacement now! Hugs from Alaska. Karen

Tanya said...

Lovely blog - so glad to have dropped by. Hope your week is to look around a little more - Tanya

Lotusblommans vardag said...

Nice post! :)

Denise said...

Hello there from Texas! I have so enjoyed visiting your blog and meeting you. I love your crochet. I also love hearts!

Thank you for the chance to win your wonderful prize package of goodies. Would like to invite you to visit my blog, too. :)

blessings, denise :D

Acorn to Oak said...

What an interesting life you have. I can't imagine what it's like to live over there. And, all your very exciting. I'm looking forward to following your blog to see more of your vegetarian food, crochet, and the world around you. If you get a chance, come on over to my blog for a visit. I'm a part time vegetarian and we're eating very healthy in our home. We travel as much as we can. So far, it's been to amazing places in the western US. I love lots of fiber arts...crochet, knitting, spinning, weaving, needle felting, etc. Happy blogging! :-)

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