Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bright Spots

There's a bright spot in every dark cloud.
Bruce Beresford

We've had gray and gloomy weather for the past several days now.
Of course, it suited me just fine as I was happy to stay in cooking, crocheting, baking and blogging.
(Today it was back to school. And boy did it ever go fast!)
As you can see ... 
Jingles had her own fair share of personal entertainment.

My husband sent me these pictures from a yarn shop in Bangkok yesterday.
He's been away on a business trip and asked what I wanted.
I told him to choose anything he thought I would like so
I'm curious to see what he comes home with tomorrow.

Last night the Full Wolf Moon arrived.
I didn't think I would see it through the clouds and fog,
but there it was, shining bright for all to see.
May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth road all the way to your door.
(Irish Blessing)

Best wishes,


Shane Pollard said...

Hello dear Tammy
Lovely to see your post pop up on my reader!
Jingles would love to have got through the window and say hello to the pigeons!

What a dear your husband is sending you a photo in a wool shop - carrying you in his heart wherever he goes....

I'm still trying to visit all the blogs in Vicki's GYB party - there are some wonderful new bloggers and I love supporting them.
I remember how thrilled I was when you followed me back!!!

Shane ♥

Createology said...

How very sweet and thoughtful of your a yarn shop for you! The moon was beyond beautiful last night and the clouds were lined in silver until a few hours later it snowed ever so lightly to cover the tree branches and ground. Very beautiful. Happy to see Jingles being entertained. Wonderful Week to you dear...

Blondie's Journal said...

Sounds like the perfect way to spend the day, Tammy! Those little mourning doves are precious...I love how the coo!

I say the same to my husband, "Get what you think I'll like!", and he's always on target. What a great selection of yarn!


crafty cat corner said...

Wow, that yarn looks good enough to eat. lol
Bet you can't wait for him to come home to see what he's picked for you.

It's funny, I never think of your part of the world with gloom, but you obviously do get it.
I love the picture of Jingles, he always cheers me up.


Grammy Braxton said...

How wonderful to have a husband who goes to wool shops and sends photos. How exciting to get a surprise.

Have a great week.


JCDiTaranto said...

Great pictures -- especially the doves(?) and the moon! Hope you have sunny skies this week!

Elna said...

What sweet heart you crochet and I see that Jingles are very busy with the pigeons * smile *.


Quinn said...

I love the picture of Jingles and the dove looking at each other!

kathyinozarks said...

Hello Tammy, I so enjoy reading your posts-enjoyed all of your photos. How fun that your husband sent you a photo of the yarn-and very thoughtful of him too, wondering which colors he will choose for you.
enjoy your new week coming up Kathy

Kay said...

I've always wanted to learn how to crochet, but just have never taken the time to do it.

Teresa Kasner said...

I like your attitude, you make the most of your life, that is neat. Loved this post. I saw the full moon last night on my way home from an Indian powwow - wish I would have snapped a photo too. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Susan said...

And the same is wished for you, too, dear Tammy.

Hope your new week will be delightful.

Isn't it wonderful to be able to converse with people all over the globe through our blogs? So incredible.


Becca said...

Oo, whatever that is in the upper right corner looks yummy! Sounds like a perfect day and I've been doing the same. Hum...wonder what your surprise will be? Looks like some pretty yarns there!

Meredith said...

A husband who voluntarily goes into a yarn store and buys you something is a keeper, but you already knew he was.

Sheila Rumney said...

It is sweet the your husband visited the yarn shop for you! My dogs perch on our chairs looking about just like Jingles. I bet the birds are thinking... "Ha Ha, you can't get me!"

Have a great week.

Betsy said...

Oh, I so agree! Your husband is a definite "keeper". I love the fact that he even took a picture for you. I can't wait to see what he brought you.
Your pictures are great and I especially like the ones of Jingles.

val said...

What a sweet thing for your hubby to do! Our moon was just as lovely....

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Wow, your husband really is looking out for you in Thailand! That is a lot of yarn... Jingles did have some entertainment on the balcony. Enjoy your work week.

glor said...

All that lovely yarn! Can't wait to see what your hubbie buys ... how sweet of him! And then, to see what creations you do. Have a wonderful day / evening ... blessings.

Wanda said...

My kind of gal....staying in and baking...Tuesday night, I'm going to a Ladies Craft Night at my Church and learn to crochet!!!

Can't wait.

Catherine said...

I think with weather like that inside is the best place to be! And look at all the lovely things you are doing. And kitty seems very happy too watching the birds. :)
xo Catherine

Pam said...

Oh please post the yarn your DH brings home. What a wonderful surprise you will have. Jingles is quite a "bird watcher".

Mistea said...

Delicious on all counts.
The woolly goodness - oh my!
Love the moon picture ours was hidden behind the clouds until the early morning.
Enjoy today

Aishwarya said...

Any day becomes what we make out of it. You seem to enjoy every bit of it. Great Tammy. Lovely moments captured so beautifully. The Irish blessing too is soothing. I read and re-read it :) Have a great day

Angela Richardson said...

Hi Tammy,
What a wonderful explosion of colour in the yarn shop. Just the thing on a gloomy day.
The full moon was visible here last night, on a cold crisp evening it was bright and clear.
I spent the day baking bread and making marmalade yesterday and did a little stitching too.
Have a great week,
Hugs, Angela.x

Tanna said...

Love that Irish blessings and I can't wait to see your prize from the yarn shop!! ;) blessings ~ tanna

Everydaythings said...

great photos, and love that crochet heart - its beautiful! I never saw a single yarn shop in thailand when I was there just a few months ago, and those colours they do have are so vibrant!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Awesome photos, as always...

I can't wait to see what you get from the yarn shop. So many lovely colors.

Love the hearts, too.

Jingles is so adorable! She always makes me smile.

Blessings always

Rustique Gal said...

Hi Tammy,
How nice to visit you-it's been a awhile! I find that working at home is enough computer stuff, and have been ignoring my blog buddies! Recovering from knee surgery and raring to go. Love your pics of Jingles and the birds! Hope your "fog" passes soon. It's snowing here!
Have a great week!

Linda said...

Hi Tammy,
I enjoyed your photos.

Here we had below zero temps last week and ice yesterday, and then today it's like spring out in the mid 50s and chance of severe thunderstorms/tornados even tomorrow. Then right back to the teens a day later. That's crazy Illinois weather for sure.

Our weekend was filled with another project - finishing up Sarah's bathroom with light fixtures, etc., that took all day into the night last night because none of those projects ever go easily since you never know what you're going to find when you remove the old items!

I'm looking forward to the work week going by quickly and then finally after many months, a weekend entirely to myself coming up with Jim driving to Canada and Sarah at her Dad's.

Hope your week is great!

GrannyTaughtMeToCrochet said...

we had a full moon last night aswell! i didn't realise that it was a full moon everywhere! is that silly?

besomom said...

Your crocheted hearts are so pretty. How nice of your husband to yarn shop for you! I think my husband would do the same for me. Be sure to show us what he brings back for you!

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Jingles was licking her chops I'm guessing! Love the Irish Blessing.

Anonymous said...

Knowing Sam, he will bring you LOTS of treasures! Look at that bunch of colorful yarns....oh, dear!
Jingles has the best seat in the house it seems! And the birdies must feel pretty safe, huh?
We're SO spoiled here, that if it's cloudy for more than 2 days, we are all grumpy. Sad, huh? The sun is almost always out.
We did get snow today (about 6") and the trees and rivers are smiling!

Sam I Am...... said...

I love a cozy day to stay in! Love your little precious and I always love the doves and cute Jingles!
What a sweet man to bring you something! I can't wait to see what it is! Especially fiber!!! You just can't beat those people names "Sam"! LOL!
Your moon pictures are THE BEST!!!!
I love the moon and always have. Hope you enjoyed your long weekend.
BTW...I'm having a drawing this week so please sign up! I don't care where everyone're all so dear to me! I feel especially close to certain ones...isn't that something? You are one special lady!

CatieAn said...

oh loved your pictures. Your cat is so in heaven staring after those pigeons. You have a sweetheart like mine--one who thinks of you and then takes pictures he knows you will like--how blessed are we?
hope it is sun filled in your are once again. Here in the northwest in our little neck of the woods it has been gloomy and gray for weeks now with NO SUN missing it a lot.

Hearts Turned said...

Beautiful post, Tammy. What a kind husband you have. Isn't it wonderful when they know what we love? Just him thinking to send the pictures of lovely yarn to you was a beautiful thing...I'm sure the gift he brings you will be just as thoughtful.

I love how you see the beauty in every day, dear friend...


Melissa said...

Some crazy weather this week. Loved the rain, hated the dust but the fog was pretty cool. Ever so thoughtful of your man taking out the time to get you MORE yarn for you to stash...hehehe.

Lotusblommans vardag said...

Jingles seems to have a good time.
Great photos.

I think he´ll choose just the right yarns for you. :)


Taci simmons said...

Hi Tammie, jingles seemed to be pretty all the yarn colors. I would've loved to be in that store. Beautiful full moon. Great photos.

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