Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blue Sky Blessings

Hurricane Sandy has spawned all sorts of crazy weather and chaotic conditions.
Hoboken, New Jersey is under water.
A community in Queens burned down because of high winds and downed electrical lines.
Parts of West Virginia and North Carolina are having snow and blizzard-like conditions.
Subways are flooded in Manhattan.
Millions are without electricity.

After winter comes the summer.
After night comes the dawn.
After every storm, there comes clear, open skies.
Samuel Rutherford
 Yesterday, for the third day in a row, Sam and I were able to take a nice, long walk.
And there was much crocheting done over the 5-day break.
And jackets for jars.
But today it was back to school and all the busyness of the every day.

I'm glad to see posts from East Coast bloggers who have fared well through the storm.
Blessings to all those who are still in the midst of it.


Meredith said...

So glad you enjoyed your time off.

Linda said...

Love your latest crochet items.

Yes, it's surreal - all of the places we walked in June on our vacation, under water or otherwise damaged/destroyed. Such is the way life goes unfortunately.

Here, we also have sunshine this afternoon and fairly pleasant temperatures in the 50s with a slight wind but nothing out of the ordinary for here.

Hope you enjoy the remainder of your week,

Tanna said...

Such a beautiful blue sky!! You got a lot done in a few days!! Hope you have a wonderful week. blessings ~ tanna

Kathryn Zbrzezny said...

I can't complain at all, in WNY, but eastern New Yorkers, my heart goes out to them. Your photos are beautiful. Thank you for visiting!

Anonymous said...

I adore your jar jackets! It is great to have those clear blue sky days. It reminds us all that nothing is permanent that this too shall pass.

Sam I Am...... said...

I'm heading out for a walk as we speak...I almost feel guilty as the weather here has been so calm and beautiful and yet across the miles many are trying to comprehend where to begin again and some are still in the midst of it.
I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday and love the wash cloths...what kind of yarn do you use? If cotton does it shrink in the dryer?
Is your husband's name Sam? My nickname is, as you know, and my Grandson was named after me and his name is Samuel but of course they call him Sam. I love that name! LOL! TTYS!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

Glad that you had a great five days break and love the photos taken on your walk. Also all your new crocheted work is lovely.

Enjoy the rest of the week

Susan said...

Glad you had time for walks with your sweetheart, Tammy. Your crafts look wonderful.

All well here in Western Massachusetts, thanks be to God.

Take care and have a good Wednesday. Susan

Wildflowerhouse said...

You lucky dogs...out for a stroll. I would have to wear water wings. They are now talking flooding around here. We had no rain for over 90 days and now it won't stop. I am calling for moderation. NOW paleez. Love your crochet.

Teresa Kasner said...

I'm also waiting and watching and hoping those we know and don't know are okay after that horrific storm. I'm glad you're having such nice weather.. at least someone is.. we're having rain and cold. Ugh. Love your crochet projects! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Mistea said...

Gorgeous blue sky!
On the way home last night the moon was just rising full in the sky - I thought of your beautiful pictures in the previous post - the moon sure was big over the bay.

Lovely crochet as always. I have collected a couple of jars recently to copy your cover idea. Haven't started yet of course - soon.

Enjoy your work days.

Wanda said...

What a nice walk. My sister makes those wonderful dish rags. I have a green one. Think I'll have to ask her for a few more.

vintage grey said...

A lovely walk, and such sweet crocheted washcloths and jar covers. Glad you had a good break! xo Heather

Sangeetha said...

Hi Tammy, Blue skies and palms, what a soothing picture. You have been very busy. I loved the jars, thanks for the idea.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
Here in Georgia we only had wind gusts and nippy cold nights near freezing. Pieter did put some tender potting plants inside the greenhouse. But let's hope it will calm down now. Sad to have 48 dead from hurricane Sandy.
You have been lucky with your days off and ability to take long walks. Also your crocheting looks like industrious productivity.
Hugs to you,

lovestitch said...

So glad you had a lovely break and enjoyed beautiful blue sky! Love the crochet stuff, they are all lovely!
Have a great rest of the week.
Hugs to you,

Barbina said...

I´m enjoying your sunny pictures so much! They bring a little bit of sunshine to my place, which is still very cold. I love your washcloths, I`m thinking to make a few too, maybe as Christmas gifts.
All the best for you!xxBarbina

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Wishing you a lovely day...the pictures are great, love the blue, blue sky. :)

Maya Kuzman said...

Glad you had well filled your batteries!!

Heather - The Good Life said...

Looks like beautiful weather for a walk. Love your tea light/votive holders; pretty colors. Hope your week is going well. Heather

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures as always and wonderful words x

Love your crochet projects x

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Love your little sweater covered jars!! I also LOVE your new header!

Cat said...

Those words so wise, it's important to try and be positive and than tomorrow brings a new day, a new beginning. Lots of lovely crochet you've been doing Tammy:)

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