Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy September

To me every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle.
(Walter Chrysler)



Maya Kuzman said...

Happy 1st of September to you too!!

oldthings said...

Wonderful photos , Tammy ! I liked all but especially this which shows your living room and the light throw your windows!
Have a nice month !

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Happy September to you as well!

Jingles just cracks me up. You can almost see the wheels in her brain turning...I want out now! So cute. :)

Blessings always

Anonymous said...

Stunning pics

Yvonne said...

Lovely quote. Love the photo of the light shining through to your living area. Savor the day!

Meredith said...

What a lovely way to start my blog reading. I bought your One Thousand Gifts Book, I am starting it this weekend.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,

You are lucky for knowing the secret to happiness. It's in the little details and for being content with those little miracles.
Hugs to you,

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Hi Tammy! You filled this post with the best photos! Really enjoyed each one!

Unknown said...

A lovely post T.
I am so sorry about the little orange kitty :(

Tanna said...

You always get the best moon shots... a blue moon shot, at that!! You are so right. So right. blessings ~ t.

Pam said...

Great show of the blue moon. I was able to see it here even though there were clouds. It was lovely.

Happy First of September to you also.

Mistea said...

Perfect reminder for September, especially as we enter spring and things change very rapidly.
Enjoy all of the miracles.

Wanda said...

I would feel right at home in your living room.....absolutely beautiful...light, shadows, plants...your animals and birds..Just a paradise.

summersundays-jw said...

I agree!!! Happy September....I'm so ready. Jan

Kit said...

Love your photos! Your home makes me feel so warm and cozy. You family must love it so. Kit

Elna said...

Lovely photos and Jingles is looking at a dove. Have a nice day.


Shane Pollard said...

Happy September Tammy dear - and here's to some cooler days and nights for you!
September is the beginning of Spring here so the days are lengthening and getting warmer - a promise of Summer days ahead!

Oh no I'm sorry Tammy, poor little orange kitty, that's so hard for you.
Just remember, he will have known one kind person, his caring friend called Tammy.

I hope this is a better week for you.

Sangeetha said...

Hi Tammy, Happy September to you. Your living room is a treasure trove, I would have loved to admire each single piece. Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Great photos Tammy. Your shots are very interesting. But the full moon easily captured my attention. Its enchanting.
hair salon furniture

val said...

yes, Happy September to you too!

Linda said...

Lovely photos.
Even though you don't receive Autumn weather or the complete changeover of the season like we here in the Midwest, I love the beautiful September light that you captured so well in your photos.

We're in the midst of our 3-day weekend here. Still raining... Hopefully tomorrow will dry out some so we can at least do a little of the corn fest.


Dagmar said...

You wonder who is watching who and what are they thinking! happy September, Tammy❤

vintage grey said...

Happy September!! xo Heather

podso said...

Tammy, I always love your photos, especially of your living room. You caught the light just right and it looks cool compared to your hot temperatures outside. So sad to hear of your kitty but even more of your husband's friend. I had a friend with that kind of cancer, who is doing well now. I see you are reading Ann VosCamp's book. It does cause us to be grateful and that act could also be a key to living more healthily,. When we think gratefully about things, rather than taking the mental energy to complain, it is probably more healthy. Talking to myself here ... and something to think about!

Diane said...

A very lovely post Tammy. Such beautiful miracles. Happy September to you, too. Diane

Vicki Boster said...

Such a beautiful collection of photos!! Jingles is so lucky to have such a beautiful home!!

Mrs. Micawber said...

Happy September to you. What a pretty collection of photos; I especially love the shot of your living room with the light streaming softly through the curtains.

orchid0324 said...

Hello, this is Orchid (Miyako),
I really am sorry that I didn't visit you after you kindly left comment. I am following you now♡♡♡
Happy September to you, too(*^_^*)
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Susan said...

Oh, I so agree, Tammy. Each moment of life is exquisite and a priceless gift. Susan

Vicki said...

You captured the miracle of our every day lives so beautifully, Tammy!! Thank you for sharing your heart with us in such a wonderful way~Sending love and hugs to you~Vicki

Ann said...

Love the quote on your September calendar... little miracles are important too. You've captured quite a miracle in there.

I love September,
its the start of the BER months
which I love so much.

Serena Lewis said...

Miracles come in many forms. Beautiful post, Tammy ~ xo

Cheryl said...

Those photos look like they reflect a happy life :-)

Soooooooooooo sorry to hear about your orange kitty. Such heart ache I know---
big hugs,

Pradeepa said...

Lovely pics! Happy September to you!

Lorrie said...

Beautiful glimpses of your day. Have a wonderful day!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

Happy September to you and I loved seeing all your beautiful photos. Lovely quote too.

Enjoy the rest of the week

La Tea Dah said...

Beautiful miracles. Each day is a new day.

Createology said...

I was just focusing on the positives we have in each and every day so this fits right in with miracles and blessings. Happy September to you...

Becca said...

Love these shots...especially of Jingles!

Rostrose said...

Dear Tammy,
it's so nice that you are constantly reminding us what a miracle life is. Thank you! Please don't stop it!
Lots of hugs, Traude

Nicole Sanders said...

Happy September. We are all excited here to welcome in Spring, sunshine & warmer days:)

Barbara Jean said...

Love this post.
And yes, every day is a miracle, and a treasure.
Is that a gray dove in the pics????

sweet blessings

gail said...

I love your beautiful post. It is so true and you captured it perfectly.
Happy September!

Sam I Am...... said...

You're so right! Lately the moon is positioned so when I go to sleep I can see it right out my window and the light shines on my it's so bright. I love the moon and especially your pictures of it. You should make a gallery of just your moon pictures! I love them.
Happy September to you too!

Cat said...

This is so very true Tammy, being away of the moments in your day can bring you much happiness, there is always something to smile about. xx

Cat said...

There is always much to be happy about, each day brings with it treasures that I am truly grateful for. xx

Unknown said...

Is your kitty camera-shy?

Gaby Bee said...

I'm so glad you stopped by my blog for a visit so that I could now discover your beautiful blog! I really loved seeing all your wonderful photos.

Have a lovely weekend!

Hugs to you,

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