Monday, April 23, 2012

Around the Block

The good news is there was no dust today.  
 This afternoon I took a stroll around the block.  A new family on the corner has created their very own oasis around their home which is nice to see.  Most folks build right to the edge of their property and lay concrete rather than plant anything.  I do hope all their beautiful plants and greenery will be able to survive the summer months when temperatures soar to 120 and above..
 Across the street I spotted these gorgeous flowers.  Anyone know what they are?  I noticed them last year, too, and from a distance thought they might be foxgloves, but up close I can see that the shape of the flower isn't right.  They certainly seem to be very sturdy, hardy plants though they will die off at some point.  When it happened last year, I was a bit sad as they are such a bright spot in a rather drab area.
I saw on the news where parts of Pennsylvania and New York were hit with snow.  What a shock that must be after the warm temperatures they've been experiencing.
Wherever you are, whatever the weather, I hope your day is beautiful.  Have a great new week!  (The last week of April.  Hard to believe!)


Elna said...

No dust, so nice for you. Great pictures and lovely flowers. Have a nice week.


Susan said...

Hi Tammy...The new family's yard looks so lovely. Wow, they must have to use a lot of water!

Hope your day was good. It's been very c-c-c-cold here but no snow, thanks be to God. That's not saying it couldn't happen. ha! Weather patterns are bazookers these days.

Take care,Tammy.Susan

Pam said...

Such lovely flowers in the photos. Could they be hollyhocks. Here is a link to some photos

Our neighbors has some hollyhocks in their front yard. So I know they grown in the heat.

So glad you don't have dust storms. I couldn't believe when I heard that some portions of the East were having snow. We are 100+ here.

Linda said...

Those flowers are Hollyhocks. They are a biennial (at least here) though mine reseed themselves and they were growing really well (not blooming yet - that doesn't happen until later here), until several deep freezes over the past weeks which have stunted them slightly. Hopefully, the cool air we've been experiencing will be on the way out, but at least our highs are in the 60s and no snow in Illinois. :)

Serena Lewis said...

YAY on no dust today!!

Lovely pictures, as always, Tammy. I was thinking Hollyhocks too for the flowers.

Enjoy the rest of your week ~ xo

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,

Hope indeed that those Hollyhocks will hold up. With some water they will. And water is not the limiting factor as they do desalinate and there is plenty of resources right at your hands. You just pay a price for it but I would be willing to add some color to my daily life!
Glad you had no dust for a change. We have had windy and cool days here in Georgia. No garden days.
Wishing you great and dust free days ahead.

Yvonne said...

I think those flowers are hollyhocks. I grew them in the hill country but can't grow them here in south Tx. I saw some very large tall ones in New Mexico, they seemed to be almost wild in Albuquerque. Beautiful flowers. Glad your dust has settled. I'm enjoying the spring like weather here before it gets hot.

Bunnym said...

Gorgeous gorgeous flowers. Lucky you having no dust. We were in the high 80's last, a storm is coming...
Crazy weather this year.

your friend,,,,the other crazy cat


Diane said...

I agree those are hollyhocks in the last pictures. They will die back, they don't like our hot summers either (1nd they're nothing like yours!) The red ones in the upper picture I should know but can't tell for sure - are they azaleas? Diane

vintage grey said...

Yay, for now dust!! Beautiful flowers, and love your last photo!! Such a gorgeous shot!! ;) xo Heather

Pearlin J said...

its such a beautiful day today! I hope those plants hold up in the summer heat too.Its so beautiful!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Happy 8th Birthday sweet Jingles!
With love from:

Angela Richardson said...

Hurray for a dust free day.
Those red Hollyhocks are a staple of an English country garden.
it's wonderful to think that they are admired around the world.
Smiles, Angela.x

Fruitful Fusion said...

I always marvel at how similar my environment is to yourd :) I absolutely love that last picture!

Meredith said...

Beautiful flowers. In the top group the reddish flowers on the right look like bougainvillaea, very hardy in high temps. Just not hardy at my house with all the deer around.
Happy Tuesday,

SusanLotus said...

Lovely garden and flowers!
We had the warmest march ever but april has been cold and rainy. Brrr! I want summer now.
Have a great week! :)

val said...

all the greenery makes me so beautiful, what a neat little oasis.

Mary said...

My hollyhocks disappeared some years back - don't think they like heat They were originally English cottage garden plants and as we know it's not usually hot over there!

Love that last image!

Mary X

Sam I Am...... said...

I'm pretty sure those ARE Hollyhocks....a favorite of mine actually from my childhood. You don't see them too often anymore but sometimes on farms you will. It was a flower that every one grew in "the old days"! Boy am I getting old! They come back every year
Glad you're having some nice weather and no dust. What pretty flowers and landscaping...same here looks so nice and then the heat comes and we ALL wilt! LOL! Have a great week!

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