Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Walk With Me Wednesday

 Well, yesterday, I broke my walking streak.
I guess when you break one (blogging), it's inevitable and easier to break the next (walking).
I can blame it on the weather -- should have walked in the morning, because by the time I thought I'd walk mid-afternoon, it was a rainy mess ... and a good excuse to stay home.
But, I made sure to walk today.  Twice.
The birds were having a whale of a time at the park since the rain soaked ground makes it easier to forage.
The trees were filled with the sounds of chirping.

I dropped another crocheted nest in the crook of a tree.
And released this kitty from the electrical substation.  The door sometimes swings open and then is closed shut again and she must have gotten in between those times.  I heard her faint meow from behind a locked door and had to go around to the other side to let her out.  I don't know how long she was in there, but she promptly ate up all the tuna I had put out. 
Current stats:
Blogging 61/64
Walking 63/64

Onward and upwards.

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Gift of Handmade

 Met my friend Susanna at her place today -- we won't be doing our usual Tuesday meet-ups since all restaurants, cafes and coffee shops are closed during the day for the month of Ramadan.

I took her the canvases and art supplies I found dumped on Friday -- her husband is an art professor at the university just across from where they live.  I previously posted a substation he painted and below is a collage of the walls he completed not long ago that are along a parking lot between the university and an elementary school.
So bold and eye-catching.

Susanna surprised me with a belated birthday gift --
a handmade jacket, patched together from lots of different patterned fabrics.
We had coffee along with homemade vegan banana muffins that were quite tasty.
And she showed off her knitted blanket made from scrap yarn.
A wonderful and colorful Monday morning.
Have a good week.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

March(ing) into Spring and Ramadan

Happy Caturday!
Yesterday, I did not use my laptop or my phone (except when I called a friend to see if her art professor husband wanted canvases and art supplies I found dumped; and when my eldest boy Facetimed me in the evening).

I spent time doing things that needed doing and I read an entire book.
Didn't realize when I bought it that it was a Young Adult version, though now I can see it says it right on the top -- but anyways, it was good and was still 275 pages long.  I had seen the movie advertised a couple of years ago but didn't know really what it was about -- and now I do.  Just another piece of shameful history that's been hidden away and is now seeing the light of day.

As soon as I finished it, I started a book that I bought in November.
I mostly read non-fiction now -- I prefer to learn while reading, rather than escape.  And boy is there a lot to learn.

On my walk this morning found this little keychain lantern.  Today is the first day of Ramadan and the lantern is a symbol of light and hope.
Apparently many celebrate March 1st as the first day of spring, so ...
Ramadan Mubarak and
Happy Spring
Blessed new month,

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wings of Change

 I've been thinking lately about changes I'd like to make over this next year -- health-wise (mind, body, and soul) -- before I step into the next decade of life 
Hollyhocks, my favorite flower.

It was rather serendipitous that this morning on my walk, I came across a dragonfly in the middle of the road.  I've always heard that they represent change.
It wasn't moving, so I thought it was dead yet still wanted to relocate it to a green space, but as soon as I picked it up, realized it was still alive.  Maybe it was stunned by the cold and needed to recharge its wings but the middle of the road was definitely not the right place for that.

Dragonflies are reminders that we are light
and we can reflect light in powerful ways if we choose to do so.
(Robyn Nola)
After a little research, it seems that dragonflies also represent transformation and fresh starts.
The dragonfly brings dreams to reality and is the messenger of wisdom and enlightenment from other realms.

So I'm taking it as a sign that I am on the right track.   The holy month of Ramadan starts most likely on Saturday, which is also the start of a new month, so it's the perfect time to implement changes and re-evaluate and focus on what's important.
I will be breaking my blog streak tomorrow and not posting since I will be participating in a global economic blackout and boycott -- no spending (except for essentials), no social media.  I'm happy to say that I've never used Amazon or Facebook.  I have a love-hate relationship with all things tech related (thankful for blogging though and all that I've learned via Instagram).
Big corporations, tech companies and billionaires are all in cahoots to exploit the masses and the only way to speak to them is through their bottom line. Hit them where it hurts.  As they say, money talks.  We all "vote with our dollars" every day.  I've already been boycotting many corporations because of their ties to the genocide in Palestine and have made changes in what I purchase.  It's also a reminder to get back to the basics, use natural products instead of what they try to sell us as more convenient.  Support local and small businesses.  Shop secondhand.  Mend and repair.

 Sending you best wishes on the wings of  a dragonfly.
See you Saturday.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

HBD 2 Me

 7:45 a.m. I was crocheting while sitting in the car, waiting for my husband to unload a container at work.
And at 9:00 a.m. we were in the city having falafel for breakfast.
Took a couple of neighborhood walks and found myself some gifts.

Actually found this one yesterday ... a metal file holder ... don't know why people throw away perfectly good items.   And a pretty one at that.
And then today ... even if I don't use this board for cuttng, I can clean and oil it up and use it to put small plants or trinkets on.
A friend in a chat group asked what exciting things I had planned for the day.  HA!  That's about as exciting as it gets.  

I also had to unclog a floor drain in the kitchen that was filled with unidentifiable gunk and was pretty stinky and disgusting.  Would have preferred not having that task to do.

Late afternoon we sliced up some pecan cake with cream cheese frosting.
And now I'm showered and snug in my pajamas ... my favorite part of the day.

Cheers to 59.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

National Day

A brisk morning walk.
Apparently meteorologists are saying today was the coldest it's been in 60 years.

For lunch, my husband said he wanted to take me to a new place for Mexican food.  He told me the name and it didn't sound like anyplace I'd heard of before.  Well, all I can say is, what he said and what I heard did not compute because this is where we wound up.  LOL!  Definitely lost in translation.
I've only been to one in the states once before and was not impressed.  He's never been to one and didn't realize it is basically fast food.  I have not supported chain restaurants or fast food for years, so we both agreed we definitely would not be going back.

An afternoon walk combined with the morning's stats resulted in 11,501 steps and 3.9 miles ... more than I expected.
Goodnight from here.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Evening Walk

Two nights ago we had a howling windstorm that brought cooler weather.  And tonight, the winds have picked back up again with temps getting down in the low 40's.  For us desert dwellers, that's pretty darn cold when we live in concrete buildings with no insulation.
It's always interesting how within a matter of minutes and depending on the direction you're facing, the sky can look quite different.
Tomorrow is Kuwait's National Day.  I don't usually venture out because the atmosphere is often much more chaotic than celebratory and I prefer to stay home sweet home.
Hopefully I can get a walk in early and not run into any revelers.
Have a good start to your week.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Extra Steps

Woke up this morning to find a message from my eldest son showing his steps/mileage from a run yesterday (26,395 steps/13.38 miles), so I set my mind to get in as many steps as I could today.  Normally I only get over 20,000 when we travel and are exploring a new city on foot.
9:00 a.m.:  heard the very loud sound of helicopters flying by.
Not sure where they were heading with the flag.
Took several walks throughout the day.
Even did some plalking (picking up litter while walking) and managed 18,238 steps/6.2 miles.
Not bad at all.
Sending best wishes your way for a lovely Saturday.
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