The arrival of April always tends to bring with it rather unpredictable and inclement weather. Last Friday, we took a visitor to Friday Market where we spent an enjoyable hour and a half browsing and shopping the antiques and flea market stalls.
We then popped into the grocery store to pick up a few things and when we exited, this is what we were greeted with.
A major dust storm.
Of course, it cleared and there were some very nice days for walking during the week.
It's amazing how much is blooming right now.
This is Spring's last hurrah before the summer heat takes over.
Last night I watched an electrical storm for a couple of hours from our balcony.
I find them fascinating.
As I'm typing this, there's strong winds blowing and according to my weather app, there's rain somewhere in Kuwait, but so far we haven't gotten any.
Whatever the weather, wherever you are, I hope you are well.
Happy weekend wishes,