Sunday, December 23, 2018

Cookie Festival and Cats

Good morning!
(or afternoon, whatever the case may be)
My good friend, Melissa, had her annual cookie festival today.
She does all the baking and we go home with all the goodies.
(My husband is very happy as he is the one who will be eating them all.)
Meet Misk.
She loves to greet all visitors and climbs on all the tables.
Picasso was rescued as a baby and has such beautiful markings.
And the most recent rescue is Nugget, who moved around too much to get a really clear shot.
After being gone for 5 hours, this is what I came home to.
Jingles fast asleep, which is what I feel like doing since it gets dark so early.
But Fridays' full moon and the Winter Solstice means that longer days and shorter nights are on the way.

Blessings of light and love,


Quinn said...

I've got two in the Jingles pose anchoring me as I type :)
A party with happy cats and lots of cookies - sounds pretty good to me! A lovely way to celebrate the beginning of more daylight.

Kit said...

What good looking cookies! Your husband's a lucky guy. 😊 I miss the cookie platters my hubby would bring home from work. Look at all those pretty cats! The room must have been rumbling with Have a lovely holiday! Kit

Betsy said...

Oh what s sweet bunch of faces. My two kitties AND the dog are snuggled up next to me in bed right now. We got about 5 inches of snow overnight and it’s cold outside. However, it’s time for me to get up and dressed to go to church. I imagine tne the animals will stay in this position. Those cookies look yummy. I have baked very, very little this year because we are trying to be much more mindful of what we eat.
Blessings always, Betsy

Teresa Kasner said...

What a wonderful generous friend to bake them all and gift them to her guests! She has some gorgeous kitties.. that first one is amazing! I have one single cookie recipe I want to bake today.. let's see if I accomplish it. LOL! We are cooking dinner for our family celebration tomorrow.. my son's family have decided to keep "the day" to themselves in their new home with just their little family. It will be quiet here!

*M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*

((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Meredith said...

Beautiful cats everywhere! I love the marking on cats, so unique. Glad you had a fun time with friends. I am staying in wrapping and trying to get rid of this cold. Yuck!

She loves to crochet said...

Merry Christmas Tammy, such a nice friend to make all those cookies. Hx

Angie said...

Tammy - such cute kitties, and the cookies look good too! Our youngest furbaby has chosen a spot under the Christmas tree for her naps. Go figure!! Merry Christmas to you, my friend!!!

Lyn said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family Tammy xx

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

The biscuits look delicious and your friend is kind to bake for everyone.
How beautiful all the cats are and seeing jingles sleeping when you got home, is lovely.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.


miruspeg said...

Merry Christmas from down under Tammy. Love all the kitty photos.
Take care dear friend.
Peggy xxx

Derya said...

Hi Tammy, Hi, I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas... :)

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
What a lovely tradition by your friend Melissa.
Here, my Pieter is also the cookie monster... I can refrain from sweets since 2007 when I got diagnosed with diabetes type II. Since then, my blood sugar levels have been perfect as I cut the sugar out of my diet. Just on occasion I indulge in some sweet.
Lovely kitties and look at those big eyes from Nugget; he's so lucky for being rescued!
Your Jingles shows how I too have been feeling lately, wanting to curl up together with my kitties under the down duvet and sleep my hibernation period of winter. Did sleep like a rose in the freshly changed bed with flannel down duvet cover and pillow cases. Two kitties with me, one beside me on top of the duvet and one on the lower pillow that she claimed all to herself.
Merry Christmas to you!

Sam I Am...... said...

What a great idea a cookie fest! Her cats are beautiful and so wonderful to have such great friends. I'm late catching up with you so I hope you had a nice Christmas even without the boys being home.

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