My mom kept this book for me from the time I was in kindergarten until I graduated high school.
Here I am in my kindergarten graduation gown.
Check out that signature. I can only say it went downhill from this stage.
In 1st grade, I think I went to school in my granny gown. This is also the year that my mom used Toni perm rods on my hair.
And in second grade, I forgot to take off my poncho for the school photo.
I received by brownie pin this year and wanted to be a ballerina when I grew up. Don't know what I was thinking as I never took any ballet lessons growing up. Maybe it is every little girl's dream.
In third and fourth grade, I received awards for physical fitness. Third grade was for the flex arm hang and 4th grade was for track & field.
Look at this face. How could I have received a paddling in 4th grade? Yes, those were the days of wood paddles and spankings. Somehow crawling around on the floor tying the boys shoes together during a film presentation was not acceptable behavior. I was a troublemaker for sure. Or was I a rebel?
Ironically, I wanted to be a school teacher at that time. I don't have many clear memories from growing up, but I do remember 4th grade.
Fifth grade found me wearing a very shabby chic dress. Who knew!
I also received a nomination to the summer gifted program at USL but didn't make it that year.
In 6th grade, I was in Honor Chorus and wanted to be a singer.
It's so funny to me that my memories of those years are so fleeting. I have very distinct memories of certain moments, and then there is a span of no memory at all. I do love going back through this memory book of my school years. Each year has a pocket of memories, report cards and other things that my mom saved. Apparently, I talked too much for many years; sometimes my grades were above average, and other times, well, they were not so good. I am so thankful that my mom kept this book for me. Even my kids are enjoying the walk down memory lane (especially when, somehow, they think it benefits them -- when they can say, see mom........")
Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us. ~Oscar Wilde, "The Importance of Being Earnest
Peace & blessings, Tammy