Saturday, June 13, 2015


I believe that craft is part of an intrinsic need in all of us to create and make.  Craft benefits us on so many levels, in the interpreting of our environment, our experiences, our culture, our feelings and vitally, in the creation and making of things which are of value, serve a purpose and are beautiful.
Jane Sedgewick

For the first time ever, thanks to Mini of Miniz Diary, Kuwait was signed up to participate in the World Wide Knit in Public Day.
5 knitters, 2 crocheters and a cross-stitcher all gathered together at Costa Coffee for a wonderful afternoon of coffee, chatting and crafting.
It was my first time meeting these ladies and, I must say, it was quite an enjoyable 2-1/2 hours that flew by in no time.  

What started out as a very dusty morning, turned into a blue sky kind of afternoon.
Literally and figuratively.  

Wishing you a wonderful day.


Jennifer Hays said...

That looks like a lot of fun. I'm glad you had the chance to participate and on such a nice, bright and clear day too.

Amy at love made my home said...

It sounds as though it was a great knit in public!!! So glad that you could join in and enjoy it. I hope that you have made some new yarny friends. xx

Quinn said...

That does sound like fun! Do you think the group will get together again? I wish I could join a knitting (etc.) group in my area, but usually can't take the physical discomfort of sitting or even standing for very long. However, I'm going to visit a spinners' group meeting in late July, and will have to hope for a good day, painwise, as I'm determined not to miss the opportunity to get some instruction in using a spindle...I've been wanting to try for years :)
Happy WWKIP Day, Tammy!

Teresa Kasner said...

I would have loved to knit in public today, but my dear DIL decided to help me clean my closet today. So.. guess what I'm doing? LOL! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Dagmar said...

So happy that you had a great time meeting new ladies and crafting!
Oh such happy free time ahead of you!

Blondie's Journal said...

What a neat event!! I'm so glad you had fun---this is terrific. I love the picture of the refreshing!

Jane x

Gracey is not my name.... said...

I participated here....but you had a much better view...

Melanie said...

Sounds fun! Glad you made some new friends.

Betsy said...

What a great time of forging new friendships for you! How I wish I could have joined a group like yours. However, I was busy with Mias Piper today and I wouldn't pass up that opportunity for anything. There's always next year, right? Thank you for sharing with all of us.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,
What a happy blog about creating with needles.
Did notice the Dutch caramel waffles and funny is that we got some as a gift in Toronto on Sunday, filled with maple syrup and made in Canada!
Sending you blessings,

Linda said...

That's a neat way to spend some time! Glad you enjoyed yourselves. :)

Here it was across between blazing hot, humid temps and downpours of rain flooding part of the yard, and then back to sunny, blazing hot, humid temps, but we had an enjoyable Saturday despite the crazy weather pattern that we're in. All of my sisters and their families were here and it was a wonderful day.

Mini said...

Thank you Tammy for coming. It was nice meeting you and thank you so much for the beautiful crochet coasters.

linda said...

What fun Tammy it's always great to meet like minded people I bet you chattered away non stop. :) xx

Preeti said...

Glad to know that you had a nice time with all the crafters:)

Sheila Rumney said...

What a great way to spend time sharing conversation and craftying. I hope you are enjoying your day.

Folkways Note Book said...

Your photos are great. Noticed the package of caramel waffles -- never knew such food existed. I guess I am out of the loop on this. --- barbara

Kit said...

What a great event! So glad you had a wonderful time. :) Kit

Cat said...

That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a few hours, time with like minded crafters:)

Maggie said...

I've never seen a Costa Coffee shop with such a great view before, a perfect place to sit and craft in aid of a special cause.

Diane said...

Refreshing and replenishing time. Diane

handmade by amalia said...

I like that new word, crafternoon (well, new to me) - it's a whole world of happy.

Diane said...

Wonderful pictures and post.

Hugs Diane

September Violets said...

Hey! I was participating in the Worldwide Knit in Public day too! There were about 15 of us, and it was a lovely sunny day for us as well. Lots of chatter and meeting new people. It was a different kind of day :)

Meredith said...

How fun! I am so glad you are joining in with this new group, just think of the new friends you will make.

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