She brought me this sweet little tote that was embroidered using her digital sewing machine (there's probably a name for it, but I don't know what it is).
And look what else she brought me.
Yikes! I'd better get to work.
My husband says the dining table had better be cleaned off before I leave on Sunday or it's all going in the garbage.
I've got my work cut out for me so better get busy! Have a great day! Many blessings, Tammy
lovely treat to send her home with, your brownies and your pretty tins!!!
have a great day today!
You had better hustle....Don't want all those goodies in the trash!!
Oh, he won't throw all that stuff away, would he? It all looks so wonderful.
I know your week is moving fast, but I hope your time in the States goes s-l-o-w for you!
Now, go have a brownie!
(PS ~ I'd love to hang out with you, too)
Enjoy your visit to the States - hope you got all your stuff cleared off the table!!
How great!! You really have some nice, thoughtful friendships. :)
Hi Tammy,
Yet more delicious cakes, your blog is mouthwatering!
Enjoy you trip, just brush everything over to my table and I'll tidy it for you while you're away.
Bon Voyage,
Glad you guys had a chance to meet up and sorry I couldn't join you. Wouldn't mind scarfing down some of your baked goodies. That bag is sooooo cute. Is that supposed to be an impression of you on it? Anyways, finishing the last of packing and gonna catch a few hours of sleep. I'll write ya when I get there.
See you in NY:)
I'm guessing you are coming to the US for a visit? (I like the picture from your aunt's area of NC.) I always enjoy visiting your blog, and want you to know you put the sweetest comments on my blog!
I like your stories about visits with your friends. It reminds me of when we lived in Africa and did a lot more of that. Life here seems at such a frantic pace, one really has to plan intentionally for such visits. Have a great trip!
dotsie (podso)
Enjoy your time in the States!
You'll be sampling lotsa those brownies I'm sure!!
I'm cracking up over your dining room table. It looks just liek mine did before I finished my studio! LOL
I'm late in coming by to thank you for your thoughts & prayers but it's been tough going the past month...sorry! But I did want you to know how much I appreciate them. Have fun on your vacation!
oh i love that tote...
and'd better clean up! should see my studio right now...
it's in some serious disarray! yikes!
don't tell your hubby!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
Tammy, Your blog is so interesting to me. Your life is such a seamless blend of America and Kuwait. It seems as women we can find find common ground to be friends no matter where we are. Love of home and family seem universal. I love that you delay your packing to the last minute with the threat of your dining room treasures disappearing at any moment. I hope you have a wonderful vacation and look forward to photos. Elizabeth
What a wonderful tote bag that you received! I sometimes have a table like that... have a great day!
Where are you going now? How 'bout's not that far from
You have such cool friends.
Yummy goodies, such a good tote bag. Sounds like you had a lovely visit. Just a few more days until we are graced with you here. You must be excited. I'm excited knowing you'll be here ... although probably 18 hours away. Still, closer then now. Get that table cleaned, need all those goodies for when you return.
What's the saying? A messy desk (or dining room table) is the sign of a busy person? You must love to bake. Have a great evening. Diane
You are the kindest, most thoughtful friend!
I'm always struck by how generous you are with those close to you. You seem like a wonderful gal! :-)
Oh I ever remember Nestle Quick. I haven't seem that in years. It brought a smile to my face. Sound like your friend is a sweetie just like you.
Adorable bag! What an awesome gift!
The goodies sounded delicious! The tote your friend made was adorable. Have a wonderful visit here in the States!!
How nice that you got to see Susana before you left for the summer. Her embroidery is SO cute. She has done so many things on that machine. Her other gifts are funny. I am guessing she left them for the boys.
Good luck getting the table cleared off before it is time to fly.
Love ya,
Nothing like great friends....and of course, nice gifts!!! Hope you are making progress getting ready for your trip. I'm very excited for you!
xx Suzanne
What funny, lovely, sweet treasure your tote is. You will carry many happy memories every time you use it!
Happy cleaning, sweet Tammy. xx
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