Saturday, September 22, 2012

Peaceful and Happy

If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our family, our entire society, will benefit from our peace.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Yesterday was the United Nations International Day of Peace.
And today marks the first day of Autumn in the US and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere.
After a crazy, busy work week, I was quite content and happy to spend a very peaceful weekend at home.
My one and only mission:
to complete the baby blanket.
And that's exactly what I did.
The moss roses I bought last weekend have started to bloom.  A sure sign that the weather is slowly changing.
Even though our day time temperatures are still so very hot, early mornings and evenings are starting to cool off bit by bit with each passing day.  And that's a very good thing for a kitty who likes to be outdoors.
I hope your weekend is peaceful and happy.


Unknown said...

Happiness is a peaceful home :)
your weekend at home sounds a lot like mine - just 40 degrees cooler I'm sure .... your moss roses are such a pretty thing!

Elna said...

Lovely pictures and Jingle look so happy.


Createology said...

Lovely quote of very wise words. This baby blanket will be caressing babies for generations. A true labor of love. Moss roses are so pretty and really brighten the porch. Jingles looks content. Blessings...

Serena Lewis said...

No place like home for spending a relaxing weekend. Our Spring started on September 1st and the weather here is certainly warming up fast. YAY on finishing the baby looks great! The flowers/plants seem to be doing the second image one of the new plants you bought? LOVE the third image...quite cottage-like.

I hope your week ahead is filled with blessings ~ xo

Terra said...

Well done on completing the baby blanket, and you and your kitty can look forward to cooler temperatures.

summersundays-jw said...

One of my very favorite songs is V. Gill singing "Let there be peace on earth". Just seems so hard to attain in this crazy world. I at least have it on my backporch with the beautiful fall weather we're having in the MO. Ozarks. Peace to you! Jan

Hearts Turned said...

Such a lovely thing to have the weekend to spend at home...we're spending this week at my parents' house, which is definitely the next best thing!

So glad you got your baby blanket done, Tammy--it's beautiful! The lucky baby will feel very loved when wrapped up snuggly in it, I'm sure!

Wishing you a beautiful day, dear friend!


Heather - The Good Life said...

Congratulations on finishing up your baby blanket. Sounds like you are indeed enjoying a peaceful weekend. Take care, Heather

Susan said...

I hope your weekend is happy and peaceful, too, Tammy.

Glad it's cooling off there, both for you and Jingles. Susan

La Tea Dah said...

Tammy, a visit here is always a balm for the soul. Peaceful and happy...a pretty cat...a beautiful baby blanket...desert roses...sweet words. Thank you for them! Have a blessed week ahead! Thank you for always being so encouraging.

Anonymous said...

Such satisfaction in completing a project you have set our mind too. Sounds like you have a weekend planned just like mine. To do all that your hearts desire ;-)

I hated to send summer packing its bags but all things in their time. There is plenty in Autumn to look forward to, that is for sure.


Shane Pollard said...

Well done on completing the baby's blanket Tammy - you did so well amid everything else you had to do!


Shane xox

Diane said...

Good for you! You got that done in record time. Your peace and happiness can be felt through your post. Thank you for sharing this. Diane

Melanie said...

My weekend definitely has been peaceful and happy - my hubby and I just spent the past 24 hours out-of-town on a belated anniversary getaway. It was wonderful to do a lot of relaxing, eating out, and a little shopping.

Your baby blanket is so pretty; glad you had some time to finish it.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Tammy,

You managed a lot on your first fall weekend.
Peace is a wonderful word; let's hope it will prevail.
Hugs to you,

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Tammy,

Glad that you were able to have a peaceful weekend and get the baby blanket completed.
A good feeling when you can tick off the to do list.

Happy weekend

Kit said...

So glad you had such a lovely weekend. Mine, so far has been hectic but I am hoping tomorrow will be a bit calmer. Happy Autumn. Kit

Pearlin J said...

Hi Tammy
How are you? Its been a long time since I visited your space.Love the pale pink colour of your moss rose. the baby blanket is lovely too.

Angela Richardson said...

Hi Tammy,
It's a delight to have this sort of weekend. Those roses are so pretty.
It's a peaceful Sunday for me, just a little stitching and a quiet lunch.
Have a great week.
Smiles, Angela.x

By Nela said...

He descubierto tu blog y me ha encantado su contenido, ya soy seguidora tuya. Si lo deseas te invito a visitar mi blog y si es de tu agrado me gustaria tenerte como seguidora en mi blog y asi seguir en contacto.

Un saludo muy cariñoso.


Rostrose said...

Dearest Tammy,
wonderful words of Thich Nhat Hanh and wonderful words and photos of you. I'm so happy that the moss roses show such pretty blooms now! Have a very peaceful Sunday and please give some of my "Küschelbüschel"-Hugs to sweet Jingles! :o)))
xoxoxo Traude

crafty cat corner said...

Thankyou Tammy for another lovely post.
x said...

what a lovely blanket! I;m glad you had a peaceful weekend :-)

Hindustanka said...

Congrats on the first day of autumn! also, you have exactly the same flowers like we have in India!!! They blossom right here too:)your cat is adorable!:)and glad you finished the blanket, I ought to start my soon. Have a nice peaceful week ahead!

koralee said...

Happy Autumn dear one...I so love this time of year.
My weekend has been lovely...and so glad you are enjoying the cooler weather...what a sweet kitty you have!
Your baby blanket is so darling...happy knitting my day I will learn! xoxoxo Hugs

vintage grey said...

Happy Autumn!! The blanket looks so sweet and will definitely be treasured! Have a great day! xo Heather

Celestial Charms said...

Doesn't it feel wonderful to finish a project! Yeah! Glad mornings and evenings are more bearable there. Same happening here, and I'm delighted. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

Cat said...

It is nice to have home to retreat to and find peace and calm after such a busy week. I can only imagine that you must be looking forward to the weather cooling down after having such a hot summer. It is the opposite here with the weather heating up, I think for us this summer will be very hot and dry which I am not looking forward to. Your cat is very cute too:) Have a lovely week Tammy.

Sam I Am...... said...

Holy Cow! I missed it all! Fall starting and peace day....I have been a little preoccupied and those are 2 of my favorite things! LOL!
I'm glad you had a peaceful weekend and I love the blanket. I have to remember to try's just one huge Granny Square, right? Darling!
That Jingles is so can tell him I said that too. Glad he's enjoying the cooler temps....I'm right with him on that one!

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