When I can't decide what to do craft-wise, I turn to baking. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing, but it makes me feel like I accomplished something out of the ordinary for the day. This evening I made No Bake Cookies using my Aunt Claire's recipe.
She wrote the recipe down for me many years ago and, as you can see, it has been used a lot (guess I'm pretty messy when I'm baking). The only problem here is the dry air causes them to set up much quicker than I can drop them by the spoonful onto the waxed paper. My kids like them either way so it's all good.
Finding any kind of crafting magazine around here is hit or miss so I was very happy recently to find an issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors..
I have a new game plan when it comes to crafting: to use what is in front of me; finish what I've started; work on something every day. I have so much stuff all over the place and just need to find use for it all.
Speaking of finding a use for everything. You know I have this thing with recycling, right ?? Well, I recently bought a purse that was stuffed with crumpled up papers. They should have advertised "free gift with purchase" because now I have a stack of neatly folded paper that will be used for gift wrap.
Most people would probably just pull it out and toss it, but not me. Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose!
Well, my whole afternoon was spent washing and cleaning and tidying up after school. Now it is time once again to call it a night. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday! Best wishes for the week ahead. Friendship blessings, Tammy
Don't tell anyone...I'm supposed to be cleaning the house. I spent the last hour at friends who are building a house (so had to go and see the progress), stopped by the liquor store to get a box of wine for dh, stopped at the PO to drop off the bills, and the library to drop off a book. Got home, grabbed an orange and am sitting here talking to you....instead of cleaning. Although, I DO have a load of wash in the washer, so that's some sort of progress, right?
Hey, I save those butcher papers,too. They're fab to tape onto the table when doing crafty things, too. Your idea is fun...you could stamp on them, too.
The cookies...used to make a similar one eons ago. They didn't last too long in the house. I put those chinese noodles in them (they came in a can). Wonder if they make them anymore?
Guilt has set in....off to wash the floor.
Ah, domestic goddesses...that's us!
OH Tammy I would not have thrown the paper away!! I used that sort to make snowflakes last year....or I wrap things in it...even gifts. I think baking can count as something crafty and creative.....I can feel my "mojo" creeping back.....at least I hope that's what it is!!! :) Sleep tight and here's to sunny blue skies!!
Ooh sounds like my sort of baking, they look yummy xx
Tammy, I am so with you on the three R's! I would do exactly the same thing - can't seem to throw much of anything away :)
Hi Tammy....So glad you had a sunny Sunday. Sounds like you are an excellent baker. You must eat just tiny nibbles because you are still nice and slender. Lucky you! Hope your Monday goes well. It's going to be a holiday here---Martin Luther King day! Hurray! Susan
Hi T!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!
I've spent quite a time catching up with your posts for the past month...I've been away from the computer for the holidays (& it was nice)
Love all your photos and poems, looks like you've been having fun (except for that bug you had a while back...yuck)
I'm with the boys...I think I'll like them either way too...I wish you'd live closer, I'd be on my way for a bite!!!!
Miss you girl :))))
Thank you so much for the sweet message you left on my blog yesterday, and also for becoming a follower. I have also started following you and look forward to your posts. Glad to see you have had a nice weekend.
Glad to hear you have been blessed with blue skies my friend. Sounds like a good plan to use what you have. I too have so much to create with. After packing up my craft room and moving here in September I decided I have so much stuff that I need to use it before I consider buying anything else. I love that you use the 3 R's. I try to as much as possible. I like to use shredded paper, junk mail and the like for package stuffing. I like to make my own shipping envelopes from thick decorative paper I have on hand, so I do try.
Have a wonderful week.
Okay...those cookies look gooooood!
You're sure one busy girl! I also tend to save the paper, at least for a while. Usually just after I would get rid of it I find I had a use for it, isn't that the way. One thing I can never part with is ribbon. The cookies look wonderful! Blessings, pleasant dreams.
WHat a lovely post. SImple things in this world really are the best ones. Blue skies, cookies handed down from a loved one, and making good use of the things that are just laying around. How nice.
I love that your have the recipe from your aunt in her handwritting. When my grandmother passed away, I went through her recipes and took my favorites ones. It makes me smile every time I see them, as her handwriting makes me think of her.
Love your thoughts on crafting. I know you will do a wonderful job of using what you have and making the most of everything so that nothing is wasted!!
Thanks for such a nice post!!
Lovely post..have a great week...
Good morning. I wrote that recipe down and I"m going to try them this afternoon. Thanks! Have a great week. Susan
I love no-bake cookies! They are one of my favorite! I do believe that most of my recipes looks very similar to yours, should be call it well (loved)! Have a great day.
Dee Dee
Yes, blue skies are here....just wish the sun came along with it when going to work in the morning. It's just not right getting out of bed when the sun isn't shining. I love the no bake cookies recipe. As a matter of fact, you're the one who gave it to me to begin with...lol. An easy and quick recipe to go back to. I'm gonna start nicknaming you "squirrel" because of all the hoarding you do. Your mind is always on the go, go, go and always for a good purpose. Sending cherry wishes and lollipop hugs your way:) Don't ask!! It's called lack of sleep.
Hi Tammy!
Yes...I did actually have a wonderfully relaxing weekend...hubby had been pulling 12 hour night shifts...and we needed time to reconnect..and that we did! I even snuck some more crochet into my weekend! and that's always a good thing in my books!
there's always so much to do and be done around here...I'm sure all women can say that...but I must add...it was nicer to spend a few minutes here on your blog with you....and this charming Blackbird song! I am so relaxed now...and ready to tackle my day....
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
oh ya....I too would save the paper stuffing....it's perfect for sending out again with an Etsy sale! or fun mail!
I love that you 'have a thing' for recycling....I have it too!
ciao again!
Creative Carmelina
Yummy cookies as usual!
I have promised myself to use what I have this year, my life will be much less cluttered if I succeed.
No blue skies here today, it's rain, rain and more rain.
oh those cookies look so GOOD!
Hi, I'm with you on the recycling thing. Here in England we recycle a lot of stuff, paper, cardboard, cans, plastic bottles, foil, garden refuse etc. and the council collects it from our doorstep. I save tissue like you do too and I always have a bag on the go for the charity shop. I'm off to check out your peanut butter cookie recipe now!.
CPS never seems to disappoint, so happy for your find. Thank you for your sweet comments on my journaling. If you really want to create a journal as a gift for a friend, the journal type I show on my blog is such an easy and fun way to go. You simply rip off the covers of old linen books and cut papers to size, then fill with envelopes, recycled papers, and even old greeting cards. The best part is that as a gift your friend can add to it or remove from it as she likes, creating a really personal experience. The large ring binding makes it so easy to do this, and the rings, books, and papers are easily available to anyone. Best of luck!
~ Autumn Clark
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