Sunday, March 10, 2013

Stash Busting Sunday: Hoot, Hoot

 and AFTER!
 Are they not the cutest things ever?
I've seen these crocheted owls all over the place so this weekend finally gave the pattern a try.  So easy!  So cute!  The one on the right has already been gifted to the 9 year old daughter of a friend.
Pattern can be found at Bunny Mummy.
For more stash busting projects, you can visit Linda or Ana.
Hope you are having a great day!


linda said...

They are so cute Tammy, these are on my to do list too, thanks for linking :)

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness they are so adorable.

La Tea Dah said...

Hoot, hoot!


L o v e L o v e L o v e

Ali said...

Love your hooty owls Tammy!
Ali x

Blondie's Journal said...

These are darling. I've been seeing owls popping up everywhere!

Happy Sunday!


Studio 92 designs said...

The owls are cute. I'll have to keep them in mind for the daughter of a friend. She loves owls. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

How cute the owls are! I have seen them also and now seeing yours. want to make them even more :) I remember owls were popular way back in the late 70's but even more so now. I vaguely remember making an owl "string Art". My dear mom hung it on her wall for way too long.

Acorn to Oak said...

They're so cute! What a great stash busting project!

Lotusblommans vardag said...

They are sooo cute! Great idea.
Have a nice start on the new week!


Shane Pollard said...

They are just adorable Tammy and really put a smile on my face!
Clever use of stash.
Shane ♥

kathyinozarks said...

Tammy I love your owls! they are just too cute for words

Rostrose said...

Your owls let me smile, dearest Tammy! They are really cute! :o)))
Warm hugs from Austria,

Katka said...

Really nice owls :-)
Thank you for a visit on my blog. Have a nice day.

Sam I Am...... said...

They are so cute!!!!! Okay, now this is really funny too because I have a felted owl pattern I was going to work on this weekend too! Great minds really DO think alike! LOL! Great stash one so far! Me likey! Thanks for sharing the pattern.

Catherine said...

Those are super cute little owls Tammy! And so colorful. I hope you had a terrific weekend and that you have a super fantastic week too!
xo Catherine

Suzan said...

Hi Tammy!!
Great to meet you and have you make a comment on my blog!! You do lovely work with your crocheing!! My mother does both knitting and crocheing and she taught me wwhen I was young but do not remember and mUST start back up!! One more year and I retire and will be able to do this!! How lucky you are to live away and have the interenet!! Hubby was army and we lived in Heidelberg, W. Germany in the 80s when my two daughters were babies. We would talk into a cassette tape for a week - a little every night and then mail it to the mom and Dad in florida. they came over to visit twice which made it bearable - but three years was difficult. Having a computer and skype would make it so much easier!! Hope all is going welll and it looks like you are able to travel quite a bit!!

Teresa Kasner said...

Stash busting is such a good thing to do.. it would take me years to use up what I have.. but I still want to buy more new stuff.. bad! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


Hello Tammy, Your wee owls are so very very sweet. Love them. I will have to give them a go oneday too. Hugs Judy

Deborah said...

What adorable owls! Great way to stash bust!

Astri said...

Oh Tammy these are an adorable stash busting idea. I love the way you showed the stash before...and after.
A very sweet gift.

Mistea said...

Your owls are gorgeous. I love the bright fun colours you have used.
Enjoy playing in your stash.

Diane said...

Hoot! Cute! Diane

Betsy said...

What a great way to work on your stash busting. The owls are just darling and I know they'll be loved by the people who are blessed with them.

Gracey is not my name.... said...

They made me laugh and I needed a laugh cute!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Very cute!

Ana BC said...

They a super cute, Tammy! I´ll have to try them soon...

Lorrie said...

Very cute little owls.

Yarni Gras! said...

those I gotta make!

Dagmar said...

Tammy, yours are wonderful! I think they would make great pets for the kids backpack..your color combo's are wonderful and you are busting your stash!
By the way,,thanks for sending Sam over to my blog to look at Miss Maggie" working on another one tonight.

Createology said...

Now you are busting some stash with style and terminal cuteness! Sew darling dear...

Twyla and Lindsey said...

These are adorable, Tammy! Have a nice week! Twyla

Everydaythings said...

owl in owl (all in all) gorgeous!

nicole said...

oh they are adorable!! good work!

Hindustanka said...

I love owls! Your turned out so cute :) Have a wonderful day!

Angela Richardson said...

I love your little owls Tammy, they made me smile.
I'm stash busting too, some thing about the promise of spring puts your in the mood.
Have a great week,

Elisabeth said...

SO cute! I love this owl pattern and it is perfect for stash busting :) Elisabeth x

Preeti said...

Cute owls!:)

crafty cat corner said...

My 2 Grand daughters would love these owls, I am going straight over to get the pattern, thanks so much Tammy

Anonymous said...

O my god, they are so cute! I totally love them and will bookmark the pattern for sure. I am making a shawl for a dear friend at the moment.
Have a fantastic week!

Meeha Meeha said...

The most adorable little owls, you really know your way with crochet! Love your sunny blog home away from home and I'm your newest follower - I'd love it if you could follow me, too :)

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Adorable! :)

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Adorable! :)

Maya Kuzman said...

Ohhhh!! They are absolutely adorable!!

Anonymous said...

These little owls are so cute

Melanie said...

Yes, those owls are adorable! I love anything owl themed lately. What are you going to do with them?

Robyn said...

Oh my gosh they are adorable! I am an owl lover. I MUST get that pattern. Thank you SO much for sharing it! :)

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Awwww so cute! I am always impressed with what you can create!

Becca said...

So cute! I've been wanting to make an owl too! Thanks for sharing!

Quinn said...

They are adorable! I love the color combinations, too. And I haven't seen crocheted owls before, so this project was a total surprise :)

Grammy Braxton said...

Those owls are just too cute. You are so creative and do such lovely work.

Have a great day.


Unknown said...

Oh super cute Tammy! Once again I'm tempted to try learning crochet!

Mrs. Micawber said...

So darn cute! And we need more words that mean "cute" because that one is getting overworked. But they are! :)

~*~Patty S said...

whoooo could imagine :)

very exciting before and after dear Tammy!

you are the crochet queen!

Unknown said...

Tammy, how are you doing. Keeping busy I am sure. School almost over?
I am looking for 2 high school grad. gifts from gramma. My grandson is an owl lover. A wall hanging of these would do great. I can always count on your for great patterns and idea. Blessings dear sista.

Unknown said...

They are cute! There is something about Owls, I keep them making, no idea, why! May be I was one in my previous birth! :)

vintage grey said...

Oh, they are so cute Tammy!! xo Heather

Patty said...

I really like the owl, really like it a lot!

Ana Mª said...

Unos trabajos muy bonito s y originales . Enhorabuena por tu blog , hay mucho arte .Un saludo

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